• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Newbie? Where?! Oh... me?


The one and only
Hey, I'm SentientHat :3
I'm currently playing thorugh pokemon white, and in the past I have finished pokemon Sapphire and Diamond, and I'm also currently nuzlocking through pokemon Emerald.

My only level 100 so far is my darling Swampert, Puddle, who I can't wait to transfer him over to White when I finish QUQ

My two favorite pokemon are swampert and minccino/cinccino.

Ummm, beyond pokemon, I like anime, mainly hetalia though I'm about to begin Pandora Hearts. Also, I love to read, my favorite books (that I can think of right now) are the Hunger Games, the Book Theif, Ender's Game and To Kill a Mockingbird

Er... Oh, I love to read creepypastas, from Slenderman to Ben Drowned to Pokemon Creepyblack xD
Welcome to the forums! I'm sure you'll fit right in :3

Also you're amazing from your nickname to your pronoun to your taste in anime :D
Hello newbie! I hope you enjoy your stay - and check out the ASB section, which is fun! If you need anything, feel free to shoot a VM my way - I'm here to help.
Like Squorn said, ASB is awesome!

There are others like Roleplays, Safarii zones, forum games, and social groups. (Still, ASB is so awesome!)
Hi there. I love your name. Also hats.

Well, it's pretty much been said, but welcome to TCoD, where pretty much everyone is nice to each other and Barubu's Charizard goes up the butt.

Hope you enjoy your stay :)
Thanks, all of you : )
Glad my name is well liked xD

I'll check out ASB and so on as soon as finals end, which will be this wednesday xD

Well, just ask Negrek or pretty much anyone who's posted in this thread so far if you need any help with you venture into the AS of B

Well, if you need any help, like barubu said, ask Negrek or anyone here.
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