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[NIGHT 3] Confused PokeMafia

Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Hold on a sec. Jack targetted Brock, as did Flora. It could be entirely possible that Flora is Haunter, and that either Grass King or rock-ground were Pikachu/Pichu after all.

If Flora is Haunter, then suspicion naturally falls on dragonair and Nemec, both of whom haven't said who they targetted. Technically Nemec gave a reason why she didn't target anyone, but I don't know, I have a that it's made-up. She said:

I didn't target anyone because it felt awkward killing someone when I didn't even know what I was. :x

Wouldn't "targetting someone" have worked better there?

Of course this is me relying on my gut feeling but I think it was worth putting out there.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Your points are all valid, Blazhy, but whether rock-ground and Grass King died by Scyther or Haunter likely depends on whether [O]'s descriptions of deaths are modelled after the roles involved or just some random description. Assuming the descriptions are based on the roles, I would expect that a Scyther kill would involve cuts, gashes, blood, etc, while a Haunter kill would be more along the lines of frightened to death (which fits so well with rock-ground and Grass King's deaths that I find it hard to believe would have happened if [O] didn't intend it that way).
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia


Technically Nemec gave a reason why she didn't target anyone, but I don't know, I have a that it's made-up. She said:

I didn't target anyone because it felt awkward killing someone when I didn't even know what I was. :x

Wouldn't "targetting someone" have worked better there?

Of course this is me relying on my gut feeling but I think it was worth putting out there.

Invalid, since nobody really knows their role unless a PM gave it away (as it did for me). Yes, it's possible that [O] sent a PM saying something like "Your scythes have killed rock-ground", but that would be an incredibly obvious hint and would ruin the point of having us not know our roles at the start of the game. I'm honestly surprised I got one about my Forretress shell, but who knows? Maybe if I got one so did Nemec. But I doubt it.

I don't even know where I'm going with this post anymore, since I went back-and-forth with devil's advocate so many times. Whatever.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Oh, yeah, I noticed her wording there too, but I was thinking along the same lines before I chose someone. It wouldn't be "awkward" to heal or inspect a person, but I can see feeling a little weird about killing them off. Now that you mention it though, it's still odd that she wouldn't have picked anyone; doesn't a need for information in this strange game override any awkwardness?

Dragonair as a healer in my last game forgot to send in any night actions at all, so maybe she didn't target someone and didn't want to draw attention to it for fear of just such a scenario as this, but she could be actively avoiding revealing her target, too.

Besides that, unless Nemec and Dragonair hit one of the dead people, there's no reason for them to hide their target but preemptive caution, and if Jack's Pikachu Cult theory is correct (and it's looking more than likely), then only one of them could be the killer anyway.
Re: [DAY 1] Confused PokeMafia

Day 1

The confused congregation slowly quiets down, one by one. It seems apparent the victim of the day's discussions. Each person turns their head to Emerald Espeon, who starts shaking her head.

"No..." she whispers. She gets up. "No, no, no..."

Emerald Espeon takes a few steps back, raising her hands in front of her as if to defend against something. One by one the others stand up and walk toward her in a creepy cult-esque manner, surrounding her before she can flee. All that can be heard is a muffled scream as the citizens close in on Emerald Espeon.

Emerald Espeon is dead.

Night has begun. 27 hours for night actions.

EDIT: Sorry for the inconsistency; I had to add three extra hours because I have a social event to attend today.
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Re: [NIGHT 2] Confused PokeMafia

Day 2

The congregation met once more on the second day, to discover the body of Hiikaru, with a bullet wound that seemed to stretch across its entire bare chest, dried blood scattered over its torso.

Hiikaru is dead.

Night has begun. 48 hours for discussion.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Hmm...don't know where to go with this. Could someone have found out they were Mafia, feared Hiikaru, and killed him on purpose? Or could it just have been a random target?
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

since when do pokemon carry guns

Given that yesterday we narrowed it down to EmeraldEspeon and Blazhy, and we lynched EmeraldEspeon and someone still got killed anyway (and bloodily at that), I'd say it's clear that unless Blazhy can be really persuasive, it's her turn to get lynched.

Nominating immediately after the day begins is usually suspicious, but given yesterday's deduction, I think it's reasonable to nominate blazheirio889.

The following is all purely conjecture, but I'm thinking of it now so I have to say it or I'll forget: tomorrow if we have no leads (which is possible, maybe unlikely but possible) we could go through with the nominating-ourselves thing to root out the Magikarp and Sneasel(s), since those roles are not much more than complications in the logic of the game, and with Scyther presumably dead we won't have to worry about a nightly Mafia kill. (Big hint as to whether Scyther ends up actually dead or not: whether we have a kill the next day, and if so, whether it talks about dying of fright/shock i.e. Haunter, or more physical ways of killing i.e. Scyther.)
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Hmm...don't know where to go with this. Could someone have found out they were Mafia, feared Hiikaru, and killed him on purpose? Or could it just have been a random target?

Probably intentional, since Hiikaru and I have been the ones talking so much. I was honestly expecting to get killed since I revealed that my first life was gone, but maybe Blazhy (our most likely Scyther candidate) figured the Forretress shell was the most insightful I was going to get.

Note that in this and my previous post I've been referring to Blazhy as the most likely Scyther candidate but not the only one, because it's entirely possible that any of us could have lied about whom we targeted. I kind of hinted at my Pikachu Cult theory at the beginning (since I'd already pieced together from my Forretress shell breaking that both deaths could only come from one of the two kills, which obviously meant Pikachu), so if someone was observant enough to pick up on that, they could have suspected something and claimed a different target than they actually did (because how would we know?).
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Dragonair as a healer in my last game forgot to send in any night actions at all, so maybe she didn't target someone and didn't want to draw attention to it for fear of just such a scenario as this, but she could be actively avoiding revealing her target, too.

>:[ YOU WEREN'T EVEN A VILLAGER. You were an alien. But no, no night actions. I HAVE A REASON. There are a lot of usable once or usable twice night actions. MMKAY?

Yes, I know he's already dead.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Hmm not good.

I targeted Psymon again, because I want to know what my action does.

I might target someone else tonight because Nothing's happenming to Psymon.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

You'll all probably think I'm lying, but I did indeed target Jack last night. Therefore I'm quite certain that I'm not Scyther.

Going back to the points I made yesterday (I was unable to post again due to night falling), it could be possible that Nemec had targetted Grass King or rock-ground, and tentatively concluded that she was indeed Scyther, then slipped up while posting. Not the most solid point, but yeah.

There is something else I'd like to point out, though. I have a feeling that the kill descriptions don't accurately reflect who did the killings. Of course, night 1's killings seem like a Haunter's doing, what with their fear and all, but this night seems to reflect neither a Haunter's nor a Scyther's tendencies. Haunter probably can't hold guns (even if they could, it'd be much more practical to use their supernatural powers), and Scyther definitely can't hold guns. Therefore, I don't think that we should rely on the kill descriptions.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Well, Jack, who did you target?

I'm Forretress, so I have no night action, but just for kicks I sent in Blazhy as my target just in case things are wildly screwy and the PM "your forretress shell has been broken" doesn't mean what logically it should mean.

Of course, now that we've demonstrated to the less logically-inclined that telling who you targeted can actually get you killed, everybody and their mother will be trying to lie about (or avoid saying altogether) who they targeted today, so we can't necessarily rely on that as a method any more.

From now on, other than our inspectors and Dodrio, whom we desperately need to remain secret as long as possible so they can compile as much role data as possible (3 nights max in Dodrio/Duskull's case, as long as possible for Kadabra), can anybody who got a PM of any sort from [O] (whether it implies a role or not) please stand up? I think that may be only Skuntank and the other Forretress, so nobody may have even gotten a PM.

Also, since secret behind-the-scenes PMs are allowed in the game (check the sign-up thread, rule 3), is there some sort of PM system we can set up for our inspectors? We still have very little knowledge of who's who and even who isn't who, so their data may end up crucial toward the end and if they die before they can tell us, whoops, we aren't getting any of it. Of course, if we end up arranging the PMs to be sent to a Mafia member who has figured out they're Mafia, that ruins the whole thing, so the problem is setting it up with someone we trust.

blazheirio889 said:
Going back to the points I made yesterday (I was unable to post again due to night falling), it could be possible that Nemec had targetted Grass King or rock-ground, and tentatively concluded that she was indeed Scyther, then slipped up while posting. Not the most solid point, but yeah.

Tentatively possible, not a very solid point, but depending on how the game goes today and tomorrow, it could be our best guess soon. May I ask why you pointed out both dragonair and Nemec at first, but have only focused on Nemec since then? Yes, she made a post slip-up (whether it was Freudian based on her role or just innocently accidental, we can't tell), but that doesn't discount dragonair's possibility too. Of course I'm iffy about whether they even could be guilty, but they both posted long enough after we started targetclaiming to have figured out (or just assumed, truthfully or not) that they were Scyther.

Sorry for the complete wall of text.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

I only focused on Nemec since she gave a reason why she didn't choose anyone to target. On the other hand, dragonair only posted to nominate itself...


Huh, must've been a trick of memory, I guess. :I I could've sword that its post just said "dragonair" in bold and nothing else. Maybe I'm thinking of anotehr Mafia game.

Anyway, the only PMs I've gotten from [O] are reminders that the night phase had started and to send in my night action.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Really, Brock? I thought you'd at least get PMs for each night phase. Or is that what you meant?
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

Really, Brock? I thought you'd at least get PMs for each night phase. Or is that what you meant?

Maybe only roles with night actions get additional pms? Or maybe Brock has, and is lying, or made a mistake. I know I've gotten two so far, both telling me to get in my night actions. I didn't send one in last night, because I didn't think it did anything.
Re: [DAY 2] Confused PokeMafia

I only got one. It said:

Game has started. 24 hours for night actions.

Not lying.
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