• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Noob Comin 2 Town

Cool. I like the cute pokemon more than powerful... thanks for the "hi!" my favourite eeveelution has to be vaporeon and my fav legendary is entei
YEAH EEVEE FAN! Eevee is my favorite Pokemon as well, Skitty is second but EEVEE ROX!

Say it all together EEVEE ROCKS!

But anyway since you like Eevee the best you get a special cat plushie. This cat plushie looks like an Eevee.
Hi, Vintage1998! My favorite Eeveelution is either Jolteon or Leafeon. But my favorite Pokémon is Purugly.

Welcome to TCOD!
Favourite Pokemon? Feraligatr
Favourite Eeveelution (roughly 5th overall)? Umbreon

Welcome to TCoD! Also, beware the doormats. >.> <.< I know that they are there somewhere... Lurking... Ready to attack at a moments notice...
Hola, Señor o Señorita. Bienvenidos al Cave of Dragonflies. Mí Pokèmon favorito es Blaziken.

Please stop speaking Spanish. It's getting very annoying.

Welcome, Vintage. Could you possibly try and improve your grammar? Just makes your posts easier to read.
Hola, Señor o Señorita. Bienvenidos al Cave of Dragonflies. Mí Pokèmon favorito es Blaziken.

Translation -

Hello, Mr. or Miss. Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies. My favorite is Pokemon Blaziken.

Please stop speaking Spanish. It's getting very annoying.

Welcome, Vintage. Could you possibly try and improve your grammar? Just makes your posts easier to read.

Okay Sorry. Thanks for the Welcome !
Translation -

Hello, Mr. or Miss. Welcome to the Cave of Dragonflies. My favorite is Pokemon Blaziken.

I knew that, but it's still a little annoying, especially to those who don't know much Spanish (myself included).

You're welcome.
oh,no, not another 10 year old Welcome have a box! My favorite pokemon is Luxray! By the way I love boxes <3.
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