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I remember Aquila. That was crazy. I recall quite a few episodes of that. But the newer series of Bernard's Watch wasn't very good :(

I don't think I ever watched the Animals of Farthing wood, but I did have a computer game of it that I liked!

Nobody ever seems to remember these two so I'll ask

"Mr. Whyme", about a robot who always got into trouble and in the end a bird pooped on his head and he says "why me?" and I think Blon the Slitheen from Doctor Who was in it.

Something like "hubbub" about a cyclist who lives in a tower? I think one episode was about a stick of garlic bread coming alive.

Something like "wysiwyg" about a brain-shaped alien called wysiwyg what granted wishes.

EDIT: SMTV live!
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Yes, I remember the shrew-vole-thing from Noah's Island! I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, but it said "oishky-poishky" a lot. And there was an orang-utan whose wife died in a storm and was always really sad about it ):

Robot Wars was the ABSOLUTE BEST. My dad and I used to always watch it together and I always loved Wheely Big Cheese, Razer and Panic Attack. Hypnodisc was cool, but never my fave, and Chaos 2 annoyed me. My favourites were Nemesis (later Diotoir), who was covered in red-and-black fabric that was always set on fire, and Matilda who was the best House Robot ever <3

God, I remember sneaking downstairs on Saturday mornings while my parents were sleeping to watch SMTV Live. And Live and Kicking. And basically anything that'd show Pokemon :D
Ooh! Ooh!

I remember this one show about a dolphin who was something like an underwater policeman or something. I'm pretty sure the bad guys were sharks, but I'm not sure. I remember finding it really ridiculous that a couple of times the dolphin actually came out of the water and walked on his tail fins and it looked really stupid.

Also there was this cartoon about this little "dream elf" (or that's what they called it in Icelandic, anyway) who could grant wishes. I think he was either blue or yellow and had a big head? I still remember the theme song to that.
Sasha! I think that was the Noah's Island shrew thing. Oisky poisky, I loved that show - my mum used to get me these little squeak toy figurine things of the cast from Somerfield. They're around here somewhere.

Animals of Farthing Wood I also adored but I can remember very little of it; Queen's Nose was the reason I was convinced HP Hermione's name was pronounced 'Harmony' for... quite a while; the Demon Headmaster was good but he freaked me out completely. As did Goosebumps.

I remember some cartoon about some anthropomorphic cats who travelled around to cool places; the theme tune was something like, 'The bottom of the seeeeeeaa - the centre of the Eaaaaaaarth' but I have no idea what it was called. I liked Inspector Gadget a lot too. Bom ba dom ba dom, Inspector Gadget.
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