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Obama announces Global War on Terrorism is over!!...

...by renaming it "overseas contingency operations"...:sweatdrop: Ok, really? Thats what they said on the News about it and i was like "really?!?! How!!!" Then they said it was just renamed...
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Re: White House Announces war on Terrorism is over!!...

OPERATION OVERSEAS CONTINGENCY OPERATIONS has absolutely no ring to it at all. Geez, US, way to not try.
Re: White House Announces Global War on Terrorism is over!!...

lol i'm just joking, i was speaking from a red neck american prospective, and that make up 2/3 of the population, and if ur an american seriously on this forum reading it, ur not one of them.
Re: White House Announces Global War on Terrorism is over!!...

I don't get it.
Re: White House Announces Global War on Terrorism is over!!...

There, better first post, i realized how stupid that was, but 2/3 of america is still red necks!
Article link.

This particular article compares the War to Prince, the Artist. Interesting and funny. :)

2/3 of America red neck? What, in your own terms, defines a "red neck", and where specifically can they NOT be found, according to you?
You have to admit, though, that "Overseas Contingency Operation" does sound more sophisticated. Bush probably would have never come up with that one because he wouldn't have been able to pronounce it.
I don't think two-thirds of Americans are poor, drunk, gun-wielding, incestuous, homophobic, NASCAR-obsessed, racist bible-thumpers under the bizarre notion that "the south will rise again". I mean, there are people like that, but it's not two thirds of the population, I don't think. :P

Anyway, I kind of like how completely vague this new name is. Haha.
Re: White House Announces Global War on Terrorism is over!!...

lol i'm just joking, i was speaking from a red neck american prospective, and that make up 2/3 of the population, and if ur an american seriously on this forum reading it, ur not one of them.
Congratulations. You're the decline of modern society.
2/3 of America red neck? What, in your own terms, defines a "red neck", and where specifically can they NOT be found, according to you?


It's not often I see a comment I can agree with so completely.
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why don't they just admit it's all politics and they want $$$

why can't people be damn honest
Congratulations. You're the decline of modern society.
Modern society ever had a place to decline from?

why don't they just admit it's all politics and they want $$$

why can't people be damn honest
because that would defeat the entire bloody point.

On a more serious note, I wish Obama would stop giving his detractors so much ammunition. Between this and the Special Olympics fiasco, he's not doing so great at PR. ):
'Special Olympics fiasco'?? It was just a joke, nothing huge, and he apologized profusely for it. We all make retard jokes at some point and he's only human :v
i hate these self-important stuckup people that are like "you can't make fun of the special olympics because it's offensive!"

yes I fucking can

it's humour

and everything can be sacrificed on the altar of humour

just make it's damn clear that it's humour
blah blah words

So the name changed, whoop! Also I am not a redneck and am generally agreeing with Tailsy.
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