• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Ohaii xD...x3


Violet the Ninjah Kitteh~
Hii. xD Im Ally,or Kitteh. :3 Whichever you want.
I'm 14. And,I don't really know much about Pokemon yet,so..I am going to start playing it,and,I've played before a little,I just never really knew much about it or anything. But yeah. xP Im just not that..skilled in it,or anything like that,yet. [: Soo..yep..

But I do really like photography,and drawing,and music,and video games,and things.
I dont really know what else to say. I probably went on talking to much about myself. Sorry. xD I do have this habit of rambling. It doesnt matter what the topic,I do it all the time. >.>
Um..But yeah :D
I may be sorta shy at first,especially since Im kinda nervous about this,I feel like a helpless noob cuz I dunno if Im saying the wrong things,or...o.o What. So. Sorry about that. xD but yeh. uh. Hi. :3

Welcome to TCoD. I'm Blade, as I've been called.

Pokemon is very fun once you get into it. It's probably one of the best games for Nintendo's portable consoles, IMO.

Out of curiosity, what other video games do you like?

and above all, enjoy your stay!
Thank you :D
And hey. x]

Oh,yes. So I've heard. xD

I'm honestly not that majorly into any games..I do like to play for fun sometimes, though. Mario,a bit of Zelda (though not really),Super Smash Bros Brawl,things such as that,I suppose. xD...I USED to play Sonic,a ton,but yeah. xD
Theres so much I want to play and get into and have been suggested but never got the chance. xD..

But yes. Thank you :)
Haha, please pardon Lili's reaction. He posted somewhere else saying he invited you. Needless to say, we welcome you with open arms.

...And with that said, it's time to introduce myself. I am Superbird, the resident flying-type enthusiast in this dump wonderful place. And I am here to welcome you to The Cave. Can I get you some Tea and Cod?

Now one last thing. If you'll please look to your right, you'll see the Animé-Style Battling forum. You'll definitely want to check that out. And now, I take my leave!

*smoke bomb*
@Superbird Thank You. :) Oh and,Hullo ^_^ xD

@Legendaryseeker99 :O GLOMPS :D YAAAAY XD Ohaii. :3
See, chu did a good introduction, love! x] Welcome -finally :D- to TCoD. Watch out for the carnivorous welcome mats, they bite. And watch out for the vegetarian welcome mats, when sugar is poured on them they tend to become violent :3 Other than that, don't worry too much about sounding noobish, you aren't one at all xD <3

If chu has any questions at all, don't feel hesitant about asking me :3
It kinda happened after being together for so long, I s'pose~ XD

I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing, though :3
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