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FR/LG Ok, so, FireRed?


I am not yet dead!!! :D
Does nobody sell it anymore? Both Gamestop.com and Bestbuy.com say that they don't even sell it. Wtf!? Is there any popular store that does? Ugh....I'm going to Walmart.com.

Does anybody know of anywhere obvious it might be sold?

EDIT: Ok, so Walmart sells the game guide. Not the game... *cough*
WEll, seeing as it's for the GBA, you're going to have a hard time finding it now. However... if you look in the used section of a Gamestop or EBGames (same company, different name), they MIGHT have it. I sould warn you, it's still gonna be almost as expensive as when it came out. Gawds i wish I could have afforded that danged Leaf Green I saw the other day. 'Bout 30 bucks still.
Ok, um, what's a ROM?

And both places sell Leaf Green. I'm looking for fire red just because you can catch Electabuzz in it, so yeah =P
But are ya'll sure it'd only be in the used section?
.........................What does ROM mean?

And oh my God there's like, a Target right by the Highschool. Thanks, that's so totally what I meant by someplace obvious! XP

EDIT: Once again, they sell the guide...........but not the game -.-
Peegeray- My rom said something about a card...

Fer-Snazzle- ROM means Read-Only Memory, but in this case, it's a game file that can be played on "Emulators" It's basically a free simulation of a full-version console game. It's only legal if you have the actual cartilage, but no one really cares about that.
Oh... *not understanding a word you just said*

Um, if they don't have the game on the Website, would they have it at the store?
Peegeray- My rom said something about a card...

Fer-Snazzle- ROM means Read-Only Memory, but in this case, it's a game file that can be played on "Emulators" It's basically a free simulation of a full-version console game. It's only legal if you have the actual cartridge, not cartilage, but no one really cares about that.

I would usually check my Target, but seeing as it's not at yours....

*ding* Around my house there's a Hollywood with a Game Crazy shop in it. You can check to see if you have one too.

Unless you live outside the U.S....
Fer-Snazzle- ROM means Read-Only Memory, but in this case, it's a game file that can be played on "Emulators" It's basically a free simulation of a full-version console game. It's only legal if you have the actual cartilage, but no one really cares about that.
this is false

ROMs of commercial games are always illegal
Is that some sort of mall? I live in random little town that's lucky to have a walmart and a target, just because it's on a highway. But yes, I shall check Target
Fire Red isn't the only game with an Electabuzz. At least, I'm pretty sure it's not. XD has one, I know that.
Chances are, they'll only have used copies of most GBA games. Seeing as Nintendo doesn't seem to make games for the Advance anymore, your primary hope would probably to look in the used section. But seriously? GAME. STOP. And yes, if you want Electabuzz, you'll have to go with FireRed. (although, if you can afford it and are planning on getting a DS game in the future, get both. It'll be worth it for the Magmar line.) If you get a used copy, all you have to do is save over an old file that will probably still be on there.

That's really the best (and possibly only) way to get it now, I don't trust the online stores one bit. Oh, and since the primary way for them to have a FR game in stock is for someone to have sold it back to them, they won't have it on the website, because it's not available at EVERY store. Just check the ones in your area, see if that Target has a used section too, just in case.
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