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Old habits in pokemon games

I press A whenever any Pokemon attacks in an attempt to get the enemy to miss and to score a critical hit. Even in Pokemon Stadium. XD It works! << I always nickname my Pokemon on what their final evolution is, even though most of the time I am incapable of training them to that evolution. And I reuse nicknames. Every time I have a file on Silver, my Feraligatr is named Torrent, the male Pidgey I catch is Talon and a female, Sora.

I also plan out my team way before the task they're intended for (catching a Kakuna in preparation for Karen, and pampering it until it evolved).
I did that too! And after a dream where I was in a giant tournament with two level 9 Magneton, some similarily leveled Pokemon and a level 80 Feraligatr, I started to train feverishly. ...My female Pidgey has a higher level than my starter now. XD I obsess over catching my favourite Pokemon, and have even caught a level 4 Ekans and stuck it in a box until I have more time to train it, because I like Arbok. >> Though it's unlikely it'll ever be one. XD
I always nickname my starter and starter partner (for example, Toree the Swellow to go with Swampter the Swampert). No matter what. The only time I didn't nickname my starter was in FireRed, where I'm beating the game using only a Butterfree.
I push A+B+down when I catch pokemon, too. XD

I also nickname everything, including HM slaves (I once named my bibarel 'Utility', because it was used for HMs :B)
Also I usually don't pick up items you find on the ground because I'm too lazy. xD
I usually pick the fire starter, except in D/P because I didn't like Chimchar. I was dissapointed. :[
  • I usually catch whatever I see, and if I'm out of Pokeballs, I go to a Mart, buy some, then go to catch the Pokemon I couldn't catch before.
  • I don't care about stats or IVs or anything, and I sell all X ___s.
  • I don't buy anything, then when I go to a Mart to buy one thing I notice that I have tons of money.
  • I nickname every Pokemon, even if I know I'm going to release it. If I have to in order to give it a nickname, I name it something very weird that makes no sense (I have an Elekid named Emo Bucket, don't even remember catching it) or I name it whatever it is, then go to the Name Rater to change it when it evolves.
  • I almost always hold Down+A until the Ball hits the ground the second time, then I switch to Down+B until after the second shake, then let go. It worked on Giratina =|
  • I mash A whenever there's text on the screen.
  • I always run or bike.
  • I always have a Flying type on my team.
  • I never plan my team at all.
  • Whenever I save, if I look away from the screen when it actually saves, I save again to be sure.
o_o I'm not the only one to do that?

Oh, and I always walk diagonally in PMD if I can.
o_o I'm not the only one to do that?

Yeah. xD I'll be playing a game while at the computer or something, start saving the game and realize that somebody posted on the chatroom or refresh the page or something, look back at the game and see that the text box is off the screen. Despite the fact that I know I did save seconds before, I can't bring myself to flip the "off" switch in the weird belief that I just imagined myself saving the game or something like that, so I'll save again and flip off the game.

(There was actually once where I was in a Pokémon Center and was mashing the A button to get out of the Joy conversation, and then I flipped off the game before realizing seconds later that I hadn't saved in a long while. I flipped the game back on to check, and I was in front of the counter, fully healed... and I didn't even remember saving the game. o-o; )
I always nickname my Pokemon, first letter upper-case, rest lower-case.
I cannot stand all-caps names. I try to trade away Pokemon that are all-caps.

I always catch an Absol or a Meowth as soon as they be available.

I'm obsessed with keeping my team equal level; if one faints, I'll run away from battles until it isn't. Which is stupid, but whatever...

In each game, I collect a lot of one species. In my first LG, it was Vulpix, then Cubone.
And in Pearl I have a box filled up with Absols. o_o

Oh, and I -always- scream and pull my hair every time I restart emerald and the freakin' Charmander isn't shiny. XP
Name most of my Pokemon, always get whatever items I can (And never buy any, besides Pokeballs.) and never use them, and mash A while catching Pokemon. And I save a lot.
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