• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Omg... I'm back

Invader Palkia

Yes, after not having internet for almost a year (It was horrible), She's back to, um do stuff! So hi! Again!


No one remembers me, do they? :(
Ohai person I don't know. Welcome back. Um, so... Cookie? *offers cookie*

I remember you!
You made that awesome comic~

You don't know me because I literally joined a month ago. But I lurked for about 6 months.
Hello again. You may or may not remember me depending on when you left. I joined late May this year.

*puts on mask and cape*

Velcome back. Zere eez no eezcape, ve have blocked all zee exits. enjoy your extended stay. Mwa-ha-ha-ha.

*takes off mask and cape*

...what? I didn't say anything.
I didn't know you, and I think I joined after you left, but I'm Superbird. Pleased to make your acquaintance, and welcome back to the cave!
Um, hi! You don't know me because I'm relatively new (and I'm not very memorable anyway, haha).

Welcome back! :)
I remember you... Probably don't remember me though. I know what you mean though, I was away from the cave for like, 8 months or something. Stupid broken internets.
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