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One more chance

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No, MortyXxx, Charizard608, The Awesome Arceus, and some others.

lol don't advertise yourself being a ban evader and you may have a chance.
If it's Turbo, it's my first time seeing it '.' Ohaii there Turbo person. I doubt you're going to get another chance, judging by your reputation. But I don't know anything 'bout you, so...I can't really judge.
Maybe Turbo, there's a chance that it's Khaos (but he would have sent me a PM or something by now), or the people mentioned above.
none of you are right. i REALLY am Zippo. i dont know who this Turbo dude is. But, all i want was to get a chance back on here, i miss Mini Moonwalker. i want to talk to her again, thats the only reason i wanted to return, so, now you know.
The only thing that asking the mods for a second chance does is ban you quicker. Turbo tried it, it didn't work.
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Meh, alot of you were nice to me epcally Moonwalker.

I would think so.

Oh, so iz tell you guys meh story:
One day i was playing on TCod. I was looking for a pic for OS(Obessive Scribblers), and i found a Shadow Lugia pic that i didnt draw. So i copied it, but i had to go do my homework. it took me about 20 minutes, and i came back, the picture was posted on my old profile, and Kai asked if it was mine, whoever said that is was mine, and i didint know how to edit/delete VMs then, so i thought it would slip, but i got banned a few minutes later.
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