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(OOC/Signups) Shadowy Past (redux)

oh jesus this is what happens when i go summer-reading shopping (yes in august i know)


Name: Jordan Xanderia
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Shadow Trainer
Affiliation: Resistance

Occupation: Trainer, formerly

- Adella (Gardevoir, Female)
- Raven (Honchkrow, female)
- Dahlia (Lucario, female, shiny)

Badges/Ribbons: She was just on her way to acquiring the Storm Badge, and she has the Zephyr Badge, Hive Badge, Plain Badge and Fog Badge.

Appearance: She retains her jet-black hair from when she was human, although it has a greenish tinge now. However, already pale skin got turned sickly white from fusion with Gardevoir DNA, and something went wrong with that, too, resulting in vivid purple stripes on the sides of her face, down her arms, down her back… you get it. Her eyes, instead of turning red like the Pokemon whose DNA she had been injected with, changed her already blue eyes to violet. Her outfit is a dark indigo tank top with a white swipe across the chest, blue jeans and sandals.

Personality: Jordan is a shy girl, and is very afraid that Team Nightmare is going to try and find her. She rarely talks to people she doesn’t know and trust, and you really have to prove yourself to her to get her to trust you in the first place. She has a very strong sense of right and wrong though, as a side effect of the abilities of the Gardevoir DNA, and if she knows and senses you’re doing something for the side of good, it’s easier to get her to trust you. However, woe betide you if you try to get her to do something she doesn’t like, because she’s still got the instincts of a Shadow Trainer, and is more than capable of killing you. She’s done it before, after all.

Bio: She started her journey very late, at an age of 17 years. She was only four badges in when she woke up one morning to find the poke ball of the first Pokemon she’d ever had, Adella the Gardevoir, missing. A note was all that remained, telling her where to find her and what would be done to her should she not be rescued. Being hot-headed as Jordan used to be, she went straight for Goldenrod’s Underground, where she was jumped, knocked out and dragged off.

She woke up as she is now, with no memory of anything at all. Standing before her was a tall man, pale, with black straight hair like hers. This man called himself simply “X”, and claimed to be an executive of Team Nightmare. He explained to her what had happened, and told her since he had been the one to inject her, she had no choice but to listen to him, that it was unconscious. When he gave his first orders, she didn’t feel any compulsion to listen, however, and instead gave him a flat “No.”

Naturally, he was surprised, and held up the Pokeball belonging to Adella, asking her if she wanted this back. Poor Jordan had no idea what it was, but it… triggered, something inside her. It felt familiar, and she felt as if this man having it was a terrible thing. She didn’t realize what she was doing at first when the man started glowing a bluish purple color and screamed in pain, she felt only this strange sense of anger toward him.

His very last words were "You... why did you do this...? I'm... your father..." and then he fell limp and his eyes rolled into his head… But Jordan didn't understand what he meant. Instead.

…She ran. She knew she’d killed him and that killing was a bad thing. But she was jumped by Nightmare grunts at the door… and she felt rage that her escape was being hampered. They were left incapacitated the same way as “X“ had died, because she had no time to kill them.

After a few days hiding in an abandoned apartment building, fearing the world and not eating, she was found. Not by a Nightmare member this time though, but by a girl named Mia Smith. It took a lot of coaxing, but eventually Mia got her to follow her to a home a good ways out from the city with a huge garage attached, where the pair now hide with the mechanic that lives there.

Likes: Kindness, chocolate, people who do good and try to help others like her
Dislikes: Nightmare members, using her powers

Relationships: Is very clingy toward Mia, who was the first one who showed her kindness. Also kinda clingy toward Cherry, who is dedicated to helping her and others like her. I’ll take any other relationships people may want.

Other: None.

Name: Mia Smith (No surprise there)
Gender: Female (Not there either)
Age: 19 (wait for it…)
Race: Human (*crowd gasps*)
Affiliation: Resistance


- Sheila (Ninetales, female, has the unusual oddity of being black with yellow eyes)
- Frost (Glaceon, Male)

Badges/Ribbons: Has all the Johto badges, doesn’t plan on trying for the league.

Appearance: She has dark blue hair that runs past her shoulder blades, and bright green eyes. Her attire consists of a black t-shirt and a gray jacket over that, and comfortable blue jeans. She prefers to go barefoot when she can, but will wear shoes in a city or in mountainous areas. Next to her two Pokeballs, there’s a small knife clipped to her belt. Just in case someone tries to attack her personally.

Personality: A kind soul who wants to see the Shadow Trainers that have broken free of control and joined the resistance be cured. Seems to enjoy getting into fights, and has an odd penchant for the shedding of blood.

Bio: She was an average trainer with an average story before the faithful day she met Jordan. She had returned home from Blackthorn City to Goldenrod to visit her mother, and was almost there when she spotted something moving in an old apartment building. So that night, after she’d visited her mother again, she snuck out and up to the top floor of the building to find out what it was. She was surprised, after exploring the building a bit, to find the weird looking girl with purple stripes cowering in a corner staring at her. It took hours of coaxing to get the girl to even tell her her name, but eventually she managed to convince the girl to go with, undercover of course.

She had to leave a note for her mother telling her just where she planned on staying until further notice, but soon after the pair made their way toward Cherry’s workshop. After a few days of research and spying, she learned of the situation and has vowed since to stop it.

Likes: Food, presents, meeting people who are on her side.
Dislikes: Liars and other such dishonest people, preachy people, anyone who so lacked a heart as to create a Shadow Trainer and ruin their lives.

Relationships: Considers herself Jordan’s protector, and is best friends with Cherry. Again, if anyone has a relation they want with her, I’m open.

Other: N/A

Name: Cherry Jackson (“Chrome”, “That Mechanic Girl”)
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Race: Hyooman
Affiliation: Resistance

Occupation: Technically a mechanic; you know, she works on peoples’ cars and stuff. However, when she doesn’t have a job to work on, she works on new technology like metal prosthetics for Pokemon and people that function like actual limbs, and security systems for Pokeballs to prevent them being stolen by Nightmare. And her biggest project after meeting Jordan, a way to purify Shadow Trainers. So would that make her a researcher…?

- Adam (Infernape, male, has a metal left arm)
- Jamie (Sealeo, male)
- Grant (Lairon, male)

Badges/Ribbons: N/A

Appearance: Silver hair, short and swept to the side. She’s got blue eyes, although one is covered by what seems to be an eye patch. She tells people she lost an eye in an incident involving a stray Delcatty and a motor block, but the eye patch is really the cover of an incredibly sensitive lens she uses while doing detail work. She wears a brown leather vest, a tool belt, black tank top, faded jeans spattered with motor oil, and work boots. She usually carries around a very big wrench which she calls “Big Mama”, and will not hesitate to beat the shit out of you with it if you try to mess with her or her friends.

Personality: Loves to fiddle with anything mechanical. Doesn't really care about anything romantic as long as she can still be a mechanic. Very laid back and easy-going... as long as you don't screw up something she's worked on for you too bad. Very dedicated to creating something that will purify Shadow Trainers.

Bio: Cherry’s always had a love for machinery, ever since she was little. She learned everything she knows from her father, and works to expand on his research into Pokemon prosthetics, especially after he died of cancer a year ago. She inherited his house and garage, and his studies. Eventually she succeeded in making a perfect working arm after her Infernape lost one in an accident.

She’s known Mia as long as she can remember. So naturally, when Mia showed up at her doorstep with Jordan in tow, she let them hide there. She knew there had been Pokeball burglaries recently and was working on a way to prevent that happening, but now she knows about Shadow Pokemon and Trainers, and thinks that she’s up to the task of developing a way to reverse the process. Like a Purification Chamber, but faster. So far it hasn’t worked.

Likes: Tinkering with stuff, blowing things up, when things she’s invented actually work
Dislikes: When things she’s invented don’t work, when people mess up things she’s worked on

Relationships: Best friends with Mia, and again if anyone wants a relation with her let me know.

Other: Yes, I did name her Pokemon after the Mythbusters.
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Name: Chris Corby (CC)
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Race: Shadow Trainer (Pikachu) (I couldn't find a decent Pokémorph Pichu online :( )
Affiliation: Viva La Resistance
Badges: All Hoenn badges
Occupation: Previously: Trainer - Currently: Ranger

"Torchie" Male

"Scruff" Male

"Draco" Male

Appearance: Here

Personality: Chris is fun-loving and cheeky, he likes to pull pranks on people. However, when someone he loves is in trouble, he'll risk everything to save them. It was this that resulted in him being turned into a Pokémorph.

Bio: He was at one point a trainer, traveling in Hoenn. It was here he met most of his team. After traveling through Hoenn, he traveled to other regions, catching Pokémon but never battling Gyms. One night, as he was training two of his weaker Pokémon, Pichu and Dragonite, his Pichu was kidnapped (Pichunapped?) Following instinct, he followed, however he fell for the trick and was turned into a Pokémorph. However, something went wrong after Pichu semi-evolved, causing Chris to absorb the evolution energy. Thus, Chris as Pikachu, Pichu as Pichu. He managed to fight of the evil of becoming a Shadow Pokémon, and using his new powers he freed his Pichu and excaped.

Likes: His Pokémon, friends, food
Dislikes: Getting wet, being hungry, being knocked out (You'd be suprised how often it happens)
Relationships: Nopeamundo
Other: Nopeamundo
I'm pretty dang sure that Flora said that most Shadow Trainers would be affiliated with the Nightmare, but seeing as it's about four against one, and ten versus two overall, I'll reserve a shadow trainer in Nightmare to try and balance this out.
I'm going to make one more profile, because I also want to play a heroic character

Name: Ciel Alioth

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Race: fleshling Human

Affiliation: Resistance

Occupation: Researcher


Ara [f]

Corvus [m]

Fornax [f]

Appearance: She stands at roughly 5 and a half feet, and wears a light blue shirt and gray pants. Her eyes are a dark blue, and she has light brown hair that goes to her shoulders.

Personality: Ciel has a very get-to-the-point attitude, and thus comes off as impatient and rude. This is simply because she doesn't want to see any more people get hurt by Nightmare, which she believes will happen unless something is done, and quickly, and deep down, she is still traumatized by what happened to her family, which she is able to keep hidden very well. While normally her battles are done with a very short and to the point style, this will change if she has reason to believe that her opponent knows something about Placido Wisel that she can use. At the same time, she is an intellectual, and is trying to find a way to undo the Shadow Trainer transformation

Bio: Ciel's parents were former Nightmare researchers that defected shortly after they learned of the atrocities being committed on humans that made them Shadow Trainers. When this happened, she was only ten, and had just started her pokemon journey, but had to return to her home in order to help her parents, who had begun to use their home as a refuge to those who were fleeing from Nightmare, as well as a staging point to try and find a way to undo the transformation into Shadow Trainers. Though kept busy with helping her family with their research, she was able to slowly catch and train the three pokemon she has even today. Over the years, her home became a well-known place of refuge, which unfortunately made it the target of one of Nightmare's attacks. This attack took the form of a Shadow Trainer breaking into the house and killing everyone there, except Ciel, who did catch a fleeting glimpse of the attacker before falling unconscious. It took nearly three months for her to recover from the shock, and this made her resolve to avenge the death of her family and the refugees. It took nearly half a year to learn the identity of her attacker, but when she did learn the name, her objective was resolved: find Placido Wisel, and kill him.

Likes: Friends, anything that can her help find and kill Placido Wisel, fellow members of the resistance

Dislikes: Placido Wisel, anyone that helped turn humans into Shadow Trainers, people that don't care about their family

Relationships: None for now

Other: Nothing for now
accepted :)

i'm working on another Shadow Trainer profile at the moment. should be interesting :)
Name: Shihab de Solis
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Human
Affiliation: Nightmare (admin, please? or something like that)
Occupation: trainer
pichu, Sunyer, male
umbreon, Nadira, female
aggron, Sharif, male
gligar, Firuz, male
surskit, Ambrosia, female
Badges: Mineral, Fog, Dynamo
Appearance: Something around 6' 1", Shihab possesses a tan complexion and dark, almost black, brown hair which extends down to the top of his neck, which is usually hidden under a turban. Usual dress is a simple pair of white pants, a long, white tunic, and simple leather shoes or sandals. For travel, he has a dark brown cloak, and an indigo veil to cover his nose and mouth when going through sandy deserts.
Personality: A free spirit, Shihab usually prefers to do things as he pleases, at his own pace. Shihab usually leaves things to others if he deems the task unfit for himself, a decision he can make a bit too often. Usually he is of jovial demeanor, polite, making jabs when appropriate, usually coming off as good-natured. He is also stubborn, deceitful, and actually doesn't care so much about the Shadow Trainers or anything. Shihab is quite the realist, ethics don't really figure in his calculations.
Bio: Shihab de Solis is an Orre transplant, having set sail for Hoenn after the second Shadow Pokemon incident. While he insists he is but a simple bandit, many suspect he had more to do with the Cipher mess than he lets on. Instead, after some venturing across the Hoenn desert and robbing hapless citizens blind, Shihab once again shifted regions to Johto, where he moved around a little, doing a bit of everything until he heard about a big break. This big break being the new Team Nightmare, supposedly a re-hash of the greatest criminal organization ever, Team Rocket.

He jumped right in, and was surprised to see the Shadowy technologies in use here.
Likes: the desert, a fast buck, a good scheme done right, a good oasis
Dislikes: nutty idealists, snow, cops, bureaucracy
Relationships: Anyone?
Other: Sunyer and/or Nadira will usually be out of Pokeball. Has dabbled in contests before.
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Sorry about procrastinating with the CS, here's my Possessed trainer.

Name: Chuck Finley.
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Race: Shadow Trainer
Affiliation: Le Nightmare
Occupation: Researcher
Team: Mightyena No nickname (Shadow Pokemon)
Appearance: He looks like some horrific Snorlax-mightyena half breed, although before becoming a shadow trainer he was just plain Snorlax. He's almost perfectly round from bad eating habits and laziness, and used to have brown hair and brown eyes. Now, however, he has black hair over almost all his body and red eyes, and an almost fully developed muzzle instead of a mouth.
Personality: Again, he can be compared to a Snorlax. He's very lazy and incredibly selfish, but also highly intelligent. He'll do almost anything, however questionable the morals, in order to get something for himself, which is why Nightmare chose to make him a shadow trainer; they didn't have any worries of him turning against them.
Bio: He's from Celadon City in Kanto, and had won more than one eating contest at the city's restaurant. His Mightyena, which he got as a gift from his grandmother in Hoenn, was stolen a few months ago and a ransom note was sent by mail. He wouldn't have even gone to get it except his parents made him, and he was captured and made a Shadow Trainer. Since then, he became a high-level researcher for Nightmare and has developed many things including an increased control level in the DNA to be injected, his most recent invention he finished a few days ago.
Likes: Stuff, food, himself
Dislikes: Work
Relationships: Eeeeewwwwwww...
Other: None
He seems to be a very interesting individual XD Accepted~ (now I need to work on mine XD)
Name: Jared Hell-of-a-lover Saske
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Race: Shadow Trainer
Affiliation: Resistance
Occupation: Trainer
Absol M (Neon) ((Shiny))

Ivysaur F (Ivy)

Charmeleon F (Ruby)

Staravia M (Axel)

Dragonair F (Angie)

Badges: All Kanto badges (Previous Kanto Champion)

Appearance: Jared has dark brown hair, in no particular style. He has green eyes, and wears a plain black T-shirt, along with jeans and sandels, making him seem like a normal boy. But with the fact that he is part Gastly, he has two small fangs, and a poisonous gas always surrounding him. However, this gas is only poisonous at will, making it safe to be near him unless he's angry. Otherwise, no other changes are visable.

Personality: Jared has a dark personality, and isn't exactly a 'people' person. It is a challenge to gain his trust, and has a temper that can be set of easily, making him dangerous due to the gas that surrounds him.

Bio: He lives in Johto, in Goldenrod, making him a perfect target. He lives alone, and was abducted by Nightmare. He was one of the few not influenced by Nightmare, but hung around to see what was going on. Through the tight security, he eventually managed to escape- only because the guard by the door was snoozing. He doesn't remember his past life, but he knows he wasn't alays like this. He has thirst for revenge, and knows there are more like him, so he'strying to find them before taking Nightmare on

Likes: Top percentile of Gastly
Dislikes: Joey, Top percentile of Rattata (Serious)

EDIT: Forgot to mention, I ommited Relationship.
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Hey, Explosion, what happened to the bio section? Fill it out and you're good
Name: Jessica Perkins (Jessie or Jess if preferred)
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Race: Shadow Trainer
Affiliation: Loyal Shadow Trainers (le gasp!)
Occupation: Former researcher, is now posing as a coordinator.
Ribbons: Turquoise and Peridot.
weavile-f(F) Anka
staryu(-) Gloss
growlithe(M) Apollo
abra(F) Minerva
golbat(M) Anreo

Appearance: Jessica's straight hair was always jet-black, but now the tips are bright red, as if it's been dyed. She holds it back with a white hair-band. She wears jeans and a bright yellow T-shirt, and also wears a green jacket to help cover up the many scars and burns on her torso. She has retractable claws which are stored under her fingernails, and her skin is usually cold in comparison to that of others.

In Contests she wears a long, floral green skirt and a white blouse.

Personality: Jessica is extremely submissive and loyal to her masters, and never questions their orders - not to their face, at the very least. She is very serious and blunt, but when the Weavile DNA was implanted into her she gained a love for deception and trickery. Becuase of the knowledge of Pokemon psychology she carried through her transformation, she likes spending more time with Pokemon than people, although she is still working on the psychology of shadow Pokemon.

When she is undercover, however, she takes on a completely different personality. Undercover Jessica is happy, kind, and an easily frustrated perfectionist. She likes to talk to others and make friends, and is an all-round people person (unless she gets mad) who wants nothing more than to stop Team Nightmare.

Bio: When Jessica was fourteen, she decided to travel Johto and capture some Pokemon so she could apply what she knew of Pokemon psychology and better her understanding of Pokemon. Unfortunately, some of her Pokemon were quite rare, and she ended up having them stolen by Nightmare and used to lure her in. She immediately trusted the first woman she met, who told her that she'd been hurt and that making her a Shadow Trainer had been the only way to save her life. Jessica lived peacefully in service of Nightmare for a few weeks, learning to use her powers...until everything changed.

A new Shadow Trainer wth a strong will staged an escape, and in the process grabbed the nearest trainer so she could "rescue" them, too. That trainer happened to be Jessica, and the trainer used her Psychic powers to keep her from running until they were safely in Ecruteak. When the girl released her, Jessica was scared and confused, and believed that the girl was lying when she said that Nightmare had to be bad. The girl tried to make Jessica come with her, and Jessica resisted in the only way she knew how, slitting the girl's throat before she knew what she was doing. She fled and returned to Nightmare, but now wondering if the girl had been right. She was tortured to ensure that she hadn't been corrupted, but was eventually welcomed to the team once more.

When they tried to get her to kill a prisoner, she balked, so instead they trained her as a master of deception and used her as a spy, and now, as one who will lure those of the resistance to be captured. Unfortunately, becuase they trained her so well, they always submit her to some form of torture after each successful mission to make sure that she tells the truth, resulting in multiple lacerations and burn marks scarrered across her torso.

Likes: Pokemon (both shadow and normal), the satisfaction of completing an elaborate deception.
Dislikes: Physical contact, the resistance, failure.
Relationships: None, unless somebody asks.
Other: She'll probably try to find a resistance member or group of them and befriend them...eventually she might get found out, but she'll be tough to crack since this has been her job for as long as she can remember. If she does crack, though...there's a possibility that she could be converted, I guess.

Long post is long. x.x
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