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[Open] (OOC/Signups)The Soul Guard- "Genocide"

Black Yoshi


Thousands of years in the past, a warrior tribe existed. This tribe was said to have mastered a great power found within oneself. They managed to harness the power in their Souls' Guardians.

The Guardians both protect the soul from outside influence, and keep the soul within the body. Every Guardian has its own appearence, personality, style of combat. Most come simply in the form of adrenaline, however, this ancient tribe was fortunate in that their Guardians were very powerful, to the point of temporarily manifesting in the real world.

Over time, the tribe forgot how to access their Guardians. They spread out through modern society, and were mixed with the billions of other people in the world. However, that same powerful blood flows through you. Or does it?

15 subjects were taken for the study of adrenaline. Fortune had it that 12 of them were descended from the tribe. After the experiments proved how dangerous these tribesmen could be, a genocide was ordered on all who shared the tribal blood. Fear has driven the genocide to the point where all exceptionally talented fighters are being targeted, whether or not they have the blood.

You were deeply affected by this genocide. It may have been an attempt on your life, on your parent's life, or on a friend's. No matter the case, you have made the resolve to join the Soul Guard, a small guerilla force dedicated to fighting the genocide. Now is the time to strike back, before things get even more out of hand.


Explanation of the Guardians:

The first time someone meets their guardian is through deep meditation, traveling into the recesses of their own mind.

They are immensly powerful, even in the form of adrenaline. When one tames or has a mutual relationship with their Guardian, they may call on that power whenever they like. All Guardians, no matter their abilities, can dramatically enhance the strength, speed, and agility of their host. The amount of increase depends on the Guardian's own strength, and any added abilities. However, the Guardians have consequences. After superhuman movement, an inexperienced host often becomes exceptionally worn out, sometimes even passing out, or in rare cases, dying. The powers a Guardian provides could be nearly anything, from an incredible strength increase to invisibility or rock-hard skin.

A few Guardians may manifest themselves in the real world. Often, they take a rough shape of an animal, appearing to be made entirely of Aura, which varies greatly in color. Many times, though, the Guardian simply lends power to the host, in which case the host can have a change in hair, skin, or eye color/shape. Many times, there is a change in eye and hair color, while archaic symbols pattern the body. Eyes always change to the color of the Aura of the Guardian.

The Guardians possess their own world within the human body. Places like the Hall of Regrets or Pool of Memories(etc.) within the subconsious often lead to Guardian's domain, which could be a small, dank cave or a great marble throne room, a library, or even a stadium. Within these domains, they often take the form of humans, though they can be anything they wish. Most Guardians have no interest in taking over their host, but a few have become twisted by their host's own wrongdoing.

This affects their comprehension and appearence both. A pure person will have a wise, and kind Guardian, but very powerful. A wicked person's guardian will be just as powerful, but will instead be a vicious, mindless beast that only knows how to do as it's told. If not tamed, it simply attacks everything on sight.

Most Guardians must be tamed, meaning they face their hosts in single combat. This is not always the case, as some Guardians prefer mind games. The Guardian may kill the host, however this does not truly end the host's life. The host can simply never try a second time. If the Host wins by the Guardian's standards, the Guardian agrees to obey the host's will, and the two can then communicate regularly. Some Guardians do not even bother to be tamed, considering their host's arrival enough of a test, and agree on the spot.


-PG-13. You can't handle it? Leave. Too bad.
-Grammar. Capitalize. Punctuate. Give an effort to spell correctly.
-Try not to be the guy with super short posts every other post. One or two long posts are much better.
-Use the enter key. Seperate paragraphs.
-Mary-sues will be spontaneously implaed by random flying staples. The end.
-Try to have a good time. Pretend like you like us.
-Sub-plots are wonderful things, but don't get in the way of the plot. If you want to drag a bunch of other people in, you need their permission, and mine.
-For now, just one character. Maybe two later on. Guardians do not count as characters.


Name: (Herp-de-derpderpderp)

Gender: (You better know the difference.)

Age: (We start at 1. Go to 2. Then 3....)

Appearance: (Write something down. Pictures are much appreciated, but please write regardless.)

Story: (What happened to you with the genocide, mainly. Other stuff is nice, but the genocide is what we really focus on.)

Guardian: Optional (Describe your guardian. Their preferred appearance, their test they gave you, their personality, what abilities they grant you. All guardians can at least give a small boost to strength, speed, and/or agility. By "Optional," I mean that you don't have to have a relevant Guardian at all. If your Guardian does have anything special above adrenaline, you need to do this.)

Other: Anything you want to add? Relationships? Foreshadowing? No? Okay.


My Form:

Name: Cedrick McBride

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: His jaw is sqaure, eyes dull gray, and his hair very dark brown. He's a bit short, though not enough to notice or taunt him for. His muscles aren't huge, just well defined. He generally wears a simple white sleeveless under a dark green vest with frayed edges and jeans. He carries a steel hand-and-a-half longsword on a belt strapped to his torso, a gift from his former master. Picture without his face visible, and Guardian above him. Sword not included.

Story: A man stopped by, inquiring about the fighting habits of the McBride Family. After, he took a DNA sample from Cedrick's father, as his mother had died in a car accident several years before, and never returned. Several weeks later, Cedrick awoke to the sound of his 8-year-old sister screaming. By the time he got to her room, beat down the man who cut her throat, and checked her, she had died.

He found his father already dead. Cedrick was never a family man, but he didn't leave until he had buried his sister and father next to his mother. Though their graves were shallow, he felt they were at peace, or would be once he got the men responsible. He set out to find the Soul Guard, and has been with it for three months.

Guardian: Cedrick's Guardian prefers the form of a great sea snake, and is made of green aura. In his Human form, the Guardian has blown-back blonde hair, a scar on the left side of his mouth, and across his nose. His eyes are piercing blue, and have a bold black line bordering the iris. He wears nothing but an open trench coat, some simple dark-green pants, and leather boots. He carries three katanas on his back, and two more at his left side.

He believes in tough love, and constantly maintains a straight face through all his taunts and jests. His test for Cedrick, which Cedrick still hasn't completed, is a maze in which hundreds of Guardian copies wait for battle with Cedrick. They each have an equal portion of power from the original. Each time one is defeated, his power is divided evenly among all the remaining Guardians.

The Abilities this Guardian gives are similar to his test. He gives enough power so that, if Cedrick wishes, he may create up to three copies of himself, and divide his power evenly. The increase in power given by the guardian allows for four Cedricks to all be as strong as the original, however that is ill advised, as two more powerful Cedricks tend to be less confused than four weaker ones.

Other: My form was fairly long. Yours doesn't need to be so thorough, but don't half-ass your way through.


Her Majesty, The Queen, is played by Moon-Panther



Black Yoshi-Cedrick
Thorne Rainfall-Graham
Zora of Termina-Cassandra
Big Red Cherry Bomb-
Blastoise Fortooate-Kay

Have a nice day.​
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Name: Graham Faust

Gender: Male

Age: 21

Graham looks younger than he is, due to his smooth skin and slim build. He's not particularly tall either, standing at about 178 centimetres, or 5.8 feet. He has swept-back black hair that reaches his shoulders, and hazel eyes. He also has a (somewhat crudely) sewn-together tear at the left corner of his mouth that reaches a few centimetres into his cheek.

What Graham lacks in physical intimidation, he compensates with sheer attitude and a lot of accessories. The first thing one would be likely to notice is the fact he uses a decorative lens (a black X with white background) in his right eye, while having a normal one in his left. Graham is myopic, but never uses actual glasses. he has a tattoo on his left arm which depicts machinery beneath his skin.

Graham generally wears a plain, black shirt with the picture of a man running through a room made out of puzzle pieces that are falling apart (This). And a pair of light blue, baggy jeans.

Graham grew up with a father who had a drinking problem and a mother who travelled around the world for a living. Needless to say he quickly took part in gang activities, something that eventually resulted in him getting the cut on his cheek. However, this gang became his true family, as they truly cared for one another.

Yet as fate would have it, the gang was wiped out in the genocide. Everyone except Graham fell, and as the only one left he swore to honour the only family he ever had. For this reason, he joined the Soul Guard.

Graham's guardian, when not in a human form, appears as a large, humanoid figure. It's body consists of black metal sheets shaped in spiral shapes so that they create a body with large gaps between the sheets. The head of the figure is lizard-like and has a crack in the middle as if it would split in halves any second. In a human form, however, he looks a lot like Graham, with some key differences. He has purple and pink backcombed hair, as opposed to swept-back black, with identical length. The guardian wears glasses, while Graham does not. The guardian also has a far more colourful choice of wardrobe, wearing a rainbow decorated shirt with long sleeves and wide neck and a fitting pair of pants with that.

When interacting with Graham, the guardian insists on being called "Doctor Pony" and generally acts rather jolly, if sometimes a bit flirtatious.
Dr. Pony resides in a massive tower-like room filled with staircases, loft beds, bookshelves and computers, as well as walls covered by posters, some featuring themes very few self-respecting "manly men" would admit liking. In there, Dr. Pony assigned Graham with a long list of various items he has to find somewhere in the room.

The powers given to him by his guardian are an increased control of his body and temper, allowing him to keep balance and cool in the midst of battle; and as a result of this, extremely precise aim. What this means is that he can, with his fists alone, hit weaker spots on the human body with great accuracy, allowing him to incapacitate weaker enemies and severely injure more powerful ones. This power is even more deadly when used in combination with weapons such as knifes, guns and even needles if there's nothing better to use.

As he uses the powers of Dr. Pony, Graham's eyes glow bright orange, and his eyes, mouth and nose leaks orange smoke.

Other: is it okay to have my character use guns? I'm asking this because I want to know if I can
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Name: Agent Smith

Gender: male

Age: 21

Appearance: About 5' 6" and built. He had slicked back black hair and no facial hair. He has light blue eyes but wears sunglasses all the time. He wears a buisness suit that is black with a white long sleeve under it. He also has a black tie and black slacks. He has black penny loafers and a silver tie bar.

Story: Smith was part of the FBI's secret training group called 'the agents'. They were an elite group of men that were trained even tougher then marines, as supersoldier, per say. The genocide wiped out every other team member, but due to smith's speed and agility he escaped. He will now fight against anyone wanting to wipe ou theses guardians hosts, as he calls them.

Guardian: A big Basalisk, giving Smith extreme speed and reaction time. Also it allows for the illusion of invisibility, and he can temporarily make no sound, no matter what he does. He also has transparticalization, he can use land-lines to teleport, he has a PDA that scans all nearby phones to get the numbers

Other: Carries a Desert Eagle under his suit, for those close encounters.
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Well, if you carry a gun, then yes. Maybe not, you know, AK47s or M16s, but but most small and easily portable guns could be used.

You and Dr. Pony are hereby accepted.

(Also SMITH. Matrix, yay.)

And I made a purty picture. Haha.
Name: Monica Giovedi

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Appearance: Quick sketch of Monica and her Guardian.
Monica is a petite girl with a very lean figure due to lack of nutrition. She barely hits 5’2” and, due to wearing clothes far too big for her, appears much smaller than she actually is. She has medium-length hair, hair that hovers above her shoulders, and although she naturally has auburn hair she dyes it various shades of the rainbow. Currently, it is a saturated green. Monica has hazel eyes and her skin is pale but she has a sickly shadow to her complexion. Her usual garb is baggy hooded sweatshirts, black pants, and running shoes.

Story: Monica grew up surrounded by stories of family members disappearing and was generally raised with in a paranoid atmosphere. She however, instead of brooding, was adventurous and active and loved to go outside, despite stern warnings from her parents. Her favorite pastimes were playing the piano and running.
However, the genocide caught up to her and she realized she and her family were targeted. While her family hid away, Monica realized she was too used to her free lifestyle to hide from the world like her family. She instead drew attention on herself to let her family have a chance to escape, and Monica has been running away from the government since then. That was four years ago, and Monica has stopped running for awhile to join the Soul Guard.

Guardian: Monica’s Guardian is at first elusive and aloof, but once you get to know it, it’s a teasing bundle of childishness. It is primarily calm and sensible but, due to a mix of boredom and callousness, enjoys pranks and jokes. It appears as a ball of flames with a blue aura, but as a human it appears as an androgynous figure with a paper white hair, skin and clothes. The only color on the figure is its blue eyes.
Monica’s Guardian gives Monica superhuman speed, up to the point where it feels to Monica as if everyone is “frozen” in time, and microscopic accuracy. However, Monica can only use her abilities in moderation or else she gets worn out. She limits herself to use only one ability each day, and even then spread out thinly throughout.
When Monica’s Guardian lends Monica speed, Monica’s eyes turn blue and her hair white. (However as she has dyed her hair, it does not appear this way.) When the Guardian lends Monica accuracy, Monica’s eyes turn blue and markings appear around her eyes and cheeks.
The Guardian’s tests are all mental and Monica has yet to finish her test. Her tests often incorporate some element of proving her “cleverness”. The Guardian is especially fond of assigning her tests at the most inappropriate and dire situations.
Her Guardian resides in an expansive white platform that sits on top a plateau in the middle of a sea that always has cloudy weather. Everything has a pale color to it.

Other: Monica suffers from psychosomatic headaches, possibly induced by the stress her Guardians gives her. She is faring well currently, however.
Her family’s status is unknown due to the fact that Monica was unable to keep contact with them.
“Giovedi” is also an alias, as she wants to protect her family from harm, if she ever gets captured.
Since Monica's abilities are not offensive, she usually acts as bait or decoy as the real players do the action, but she has no qualms fighting. Monica is queasy at the thought of killing however.

And is that your character Black Yoshi? Sweet. :D I should get working on my character's art as well.
Edit: Quick sketch added.
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Against my better judgment, reserve me a spot here.

(dangit i said no more RPs why cant I listen to myself)
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