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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

yeah i don’t want to write it all off just yet bc the possibility of a cult existing is still spooky but like

there’s a lot ™ happening
anyway, yeah, as i said. i don't want to go down the GM Is Lying path as a working theory anytime soon really but this is all, intriguing,
in recent memory i have had my house burned down and not died
which could imply arsonist? i suppose the distinction between having a house set on fire or a person set on fire could vary between games
sorry to do a 180 but quite frankly i think this points towards the rolecards being red herrings
most cards seem to mention specific roles/powers (at least mine does)
anyway, yeah, as i said. i don't want to go down the GM Is Lying path as a working theory anytime soon really but this is all, intriguing,
i'm not sure i'm willing to go all in on the idea either, but i do think it's something we should consider. i'd rather start thinking about it early and end up wrong than suppress my skepticism and get side-tracked by something that turns out to be smoke and mirrors. if all this is indeed real we'll almost certainly find out before long.

for what it's worth, i have an immunity to roleswapping.
Not quite caught up yet, but FWIW, I also have an "immunity" that nobody's mentioned yet, and it is a clearly-defined mechanical thing rather than Trebek's "house burning down" thing.
i think it's like, distinctly possible that bastard-gm-mawile gave everyone immunities but gave trebek/some people a non-mech one for shits and giggles
currently it seems we're looking at:
  1. a cult leader
  2. a masonizer
  3. a neighborizer
  4. a role swapper
  5. an arsonist
  6. whatever koko is immune to
  7. [insert your role here]
if all of this is true, that's close to half the roles in the game. if cult/masons are a thing then they probably have some idea about a few more, too.
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