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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

I think I'll just hold tbhtbh at the end of a long pole w/r/t reads
since I sadly do not have the ability to cop-check them this game
fuck yeah no deaths n0! make it rain!

tfw you have a passive that would would be great if your role wasn't total crap
hmm, from this I can I infer you also have a bizarre non-action trait in addition to your "normal" role?
ok I had my fun so we should probably stop softing all our roles now lol
in fairness this game was explicitly advertised as "entirely power roles" and "shenanigans" so I don't think "I have a power role featuring shenanigans" really qualifies as softing
maybe so but at least imo ... i don't really see the benefit in talking too much about PRs, shenanigans or not, tbqh
here's my claim: i can make someone untraceable at night. however i also have a oneshot ability which forces them to claim truthfully the following day. i used it on herbe
AND my role pm states i am immune to cultification since i'm basically my own cult. can we copy paste our ooctvtq?
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