Despicable Meme
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seems there must be a tracer in the mafia maybe? to trace doctors? idkanyways my not one-shot is like, why would i ever use this as town?
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seems there must be a tracer in the mafia maybe? to trace doctors? idkanyways my not one-shot is like, why would i ever use this as town?
why "seem to be"/the ambiguity? weren't you just forced to claim?RNP doesn't seem to be lying about the force-claim part of his role
I fully expect at least one crazy day action by then. don't disappoint me tcod
well that was quickThe Flaming Scarlet Pupil of the Nonlinear Eternal Night-Bringer has cast a spell on me, and I am required to proclaim that my true alignment is that of the Town.
oh god okAND my role pm states i am immune to cultification since i'm basically my own cult. can we copy paste our ooctvtq?
sorry can you elaborate on this?like i said nothing abt my role says they can't claim both alignments
fucking stopI am Going Crumplo Mode.
i can’t stop laughing at this oh godI am Monky.
official modpost: i love this and thank youI am Babey.
enough about power roles! let's talk about power rollsmaybe so but at least imo ... i don't really see the benefit in talking too much about PRs, shenanigans or not, tbqh
omfgI am Babey.
uh, well, it's entirely dependent on what rnp's role is, innitbut the point about having to wait until EoD to check for a modkill is also valid