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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

got ninja'd by the man himself clarifying
like herbemf could like. claim town, right. then like 2 minutes before EoD claim mafia like they need to
thanks tbh! so does this like ... mean that they have to be clear about which claim is the real one?
honestly my hot take is that like

every role has some like "immune to cultification" type thing like RNP's has

but then none of those actually exist in the game and we're all just like umm wheres the cult
it was just a message they had to c/p by eod or die. so theoretically they could say town, falsely, and also say mafia later on in the day. as far as i'm aware they don't get modkilled for Lying as long as they tell the truth before eod
like if it were me i could say "yo i'm town"

and then like 2 minutes before eod say "sike i'm mafia thanks for the mislynch
RNP doesn't seem to be lying about the force-claim part of his role
why "seem to be"/the ambiguity? weren't you just forced to claim?
taken a bit out of context - I wanted to show that i'm not sure that his force-claim role is town aligned. i didn't mean to doubt that he has that role
to be fair i have claimed that Blatantly Mafia Roles are town roles and i'm "not sure why i got them" in the past

but i have also really just had Mafia Roles as a townie in the past, so.
like, i probably won't use my role the rest of the game because it's directly detrimental to the town's efforts to destroy information
like, i probably won't use my role the rest of the game because it's directly detrimental to the town's efforts to destroy information
yeah, if it’s specifically untraceable and not like, a full jailing, idk how useful it is unless a mafia watcher exists

it would probably imply the existence of a mafia watcher but a) lolmechspec and b) who knows if the role is legit and/or town aligned
untraceability is unideal if the power gets used on like. The Wolf Executing the Kill. but i can maaaaybe see it being useful (if weird) in other scenarios i guess
mm, i don't think it's lolmechspec?
if rnp is telling the truth and is town it probably does legit imply a wolf-watcher/tracker
er, i think i didnt document my thoughts right

i thought it was potentially lolmechspec because it would end up relying on rnp telling the truth

but nah i think youre right
fwiw i am strongly of the belief that mechspec (and most spec, sans PR) is good and very rarely an 'lol' provided it isn't happening like. in a distracting way or during EoD tbh. obviously there are circumstances that make it more or less 🤔 but the raw fact is that spec is how town navigates the game,
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