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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

dude did i ever tell you guys about the time i got told by an admin on a gmod server that i had to change my name bc i was redneckphoenix and some other guy was redphoenix and it confused him
RNP/HMF is w/w theater if and only if RNP is falsifying his role, which seems unlikely unless he put a large amount of foresight into it or something
v/w would resolve at EoD
w/v just
doesn't make sense, can't you wait until later then yoink someone's full role

so RNP and HMF are probably aligned for now

hi, everyone! as you can see, this is how I'm signing my posts
honestly my hot take is that like

every role has some like "immune to cultification" type thing like RNP's has

but then none of those actually exist in the game and we're all just like umm wheres the cult
This just
feels like the exact thing a cultist would say
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