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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

I cleverly forgot when day phase was starting and spent half the day ensconced in excited theorizing about destiny lore and now my brain really does not want to convert to Thing That Isn't Destiny Lore so

gonna curl up into a ball instead! taking bets for how many pages we make it to while I slumber?
I wouldn't go too deep into the wolf tracker/watcher mechspec
sometimes hosts (read: me) put roles like that in just to be pure negative utility
[RedneckPhoenix/Despicable Meme]

[tbh²] (note: aaaaaaaaaaa)

[Everyone else probably}
my ultra-preliminary soulread on trebek said not scum and i think that the last line of the quote bfree just posted sounds like ... something he would just joke about, but i was also assuming it was a softclaim (that his rolecard included the cult-immune thing or something). and then i was like, maybe he's trying to draw out other people who are immune,

and then he said this thing
it was just meant to be a meme tbh

i have no relation to or immunity from cult
and now i'm like 🤔

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