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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

making someone untraceable seems a bit odd even if there is a mafia tracker, since its usefulness pretty much completely hinges on, like... the person with the role picking up on softs and hoping they're right, i guess? not much use on someone whose role is known. if there is indeed a cult, it might be a useful role for a member of said cult to have since that could provide him with role information unavailable to the mafia to inform his night action decision, but given that he's un-inductable, uh, hm. idk really what any of this means, if anything, but it does seem to be a somewhat weak role if he's telling the truth (which i'm currently inclined to believe he is, though i'm not sure it says much about his alignment)
yeah, i was going to say that as well - that the untraceability pr would rely upon its user being really exact/spot on about their target. so i simply vibe tbh.
i just think it's hilarious that rnp apparently has my quote. :|
yeah, i was going to say that as well - that the untraceability pr would rely upon its user being really exact/spot on about their target. so i simply vibe tbh.
i just think it's hilarious that rnp apparently has my quote. :|
yeah i think thats what makes me a little bit weirded out about it bc like the role seems like it would work much better alongside some other way of gathering information, be it an extra component to the role or external chat

im down to just vibe for now tho
mafia exploit. just lynch anyone who doesn't immediately claim
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