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Out of Context TVTropes Mafia Quotes Mafia

i'm saying scumchat is prolly blowing up cuz y'all are prolly freaking the fuck out with vm getting voted by damn near everyone
you're really not getting that i'm saying what might be happening as opposed to what actually is huh.
i'm saying scumchat is prolly blowing up cuz y'all are prolly freaking the fuck out with vm getting voted by damn near everyone

all of a sudden you change your tune and say that you assume it is, hmm....
i didn't change my fuckin tune i clarified for the good of everyone so that nobody else grossly misunderstands my confidence like you did
okay, first of all, in the universe where I am mafia and we're already down one Seshas, why on earth would I stick my neck out like I'm doing right now to claim cop? Like, sure, it would have gotten the real cop to claim, but what would have happened once my redcheck or the other cop flipped town? Do you think I would have just talked my way out of that? Do you think I was just going to be like "Oh whoops looks like I was the insane cop"?

It makes a lot more sense for kyeugh to the be the wolf counterclaiming me, because she very much had an incentive to do so. With the scum numbers as low as they probably are right now, they couldn't afford to lose another, and it would be especially bad if I figured out the entire scum team. I'm sure it was their plan to get me yeeted today and it's kinda obvious now how they're all kinda ganging up on me? Hell, if the town wants to yeet me today that would at least prove kyeugh/tbh/DM/RNP are anti-town when I flip town, but we can arrive at that conclusion a lot faster if we just yeet kyeugh today.

idk what to make of the Mist/RNP interaction except RNP probably did have some kind of one-shot ability he used (to further the ends of the cult/mafia), and Mist, being able to recharge someone's one-shot ability, used it on RNP, thinking it would recharge the "force claim" ability to benefit the town. If I were v!Mist that's exactly what I'd do in that situation so it makes sense to me.
either you're realllllly tinfoiling or you're wolf and i haven't known you to tinfoil this hard
considering these two pieces of information in combination
* kyeugh claims her n0 check on raritini redirected to me
* VM claims his n0 check on me was not redirected
if both kyeugh + VM are telling the truth, Trebek's bus driver soft cannot explain what happened
i’m not convinced vm actually checked you, but strictly speaking, i’m not sure i follow this. if the redirector rerouted actions on mewtini into you, then this is the expected outcome.
oh, I agree if there's a redirector, everything works

but a little bit up-thread tbh pointed out what she thought was trebek softing bus driver

if a bus driver is why actions were screwed up, I would expect vm's check to be redirected onto raritini, as well as yours being redirected onto me

would be really helpful if trebek could tell us what he did n0, huh
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