Squornshellous Beta
Active member
- Pronoun
- she/they/any
Congratulations on completing the Catching Show! You have: Axew (Female), Beartic (Male), Beheeyem (Male), Delibird (Female), Exploud (Male), Crustle (Female) and a Kelpsy Berry.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 45
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5235
Partner Pokémon: None
Congratulations on completing the Catching Show! You have: Axew (Female), Beartic (Male), Beheeyem (Male), Delibird (Female), Exploud (Male), Crustle (Female) and a Kelpsy Berry.

[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 45
Partner Pokémon: Golem

[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5235
Partner Pokémon: None