I liek Squirtles
sobble squad
- Pronoun
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
No, and light a match near it. Science experiment.I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1215
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female)
Points for Encounter: 90
Total Points: 5460
Partner Pokémon: None
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Clamperl (Female), Staryu
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 285
Partner Pokémon: Marill
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2715
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +90 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5505
Partner Pokémon: None
Hey, there's no guarntee that it will We have no idea if Koffing's gas is flammable, and according to the anime (which you've claimed as a viable source), it is not flammable at all. I was merely checking the facts by retesting.Zekrom_Bolt
Capture: +90 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5505
Partner Pokémon: None
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Clamperl (Female), Staryu
Points for Encounter: 90
Total Points: 375
Partner Pokémon: Marill
I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1260
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
Will everyone please stop trying to set the wildlife on fire.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2760
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +90 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5505
Partner Pokémon: None
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Clamperl (Female), Staryu
Points for Encounter: 90
Total Points: 375
Partner Pokémon: Marill
I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1260
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
Will everyone please stop trying to set the wildlife on fire.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2760
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch Magnemite / Catch Sandshrew / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male)
Points for Encounter: 90
Total Points: 5595
Partner Pokémon: None
They never mention flammability, but LeafGreen mentions that it explodes from mixing gases.Zekrom_Bolt
[Catch Magnemite / Catch Sandshrew / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male)
Points for Encounter: 90
Total Points: 5595
Partner Pokémon: None
I liek Squirtles
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1305
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
The Pokédex takes precedence, however, when the two conflict, and in this case the Pokédex notes that Koffing's gases are dangerously explosive.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2805
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +90 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Clamperl (Female), Staryu, Kabutops (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 420
Partner Pokémon: Marill
Picking the right gases.I liek Squirtles
Ugh. The idea was neat but what was the point of turning it into a cult?
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male), Espurr (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1350
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male), Sandshrew (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5640
Partner Pokémon: None
And several of the other 'dex entries mention it being explosive without that qualification. In fact, Yellow mentions it exploding in hot places. Besides which, is your first reaction to unknown gases really "let's set them on fire", and if so, how have you survived this long?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2850
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male), Sandshrew (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5640
Partner Pokémon: None
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 195
Partner Pokémon: Marill
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2580
Partner Pokémon: Golem
You aren't helping your case.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Dunsparce (Male), Banette (Male), Phanpy (Female)
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 1665
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
I liek Squirtles
I fixed the generator (having neglected to have it add items when I made it add Pokémon) but forgot to add your Black Belt. Now I have added it. Hopefully there's nothing else I got wrong in said generator.
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1080
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
No it doesn't, it could be all luck. Or maybe it's skill. Who knows? Doesn't matter, worth a shot either way. Worst case secnario I get a Darwin award :pWargle
Wouldn't that require you to know what they were before doing it? That's at odds with your indiscriminate attempt to set that Koffing on fire.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x2, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 2895
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male), Sandshrew (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5685
Partner Pokémon: None
I liek Squirtles
I'm not altogether sure how it's fun, but sure, okay.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male), Espurr (Male)
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 1410
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Blaziken (Male), Scyther (Male), Yanma (Female), Seviper (Male), Volbeat (Male), Natu (Female), Pikachu (Male), Venipede (Female), Beautifly (Female), Dunsparce (Female), Pikachu (Male), Cherrim (Sunny) Female, Staraptor (Male), Marill (Male), Ludicolo (Female), Golduck (Female), Shellos (East) Female, Marill (Female), Croconaw (Male), Slowking (Female), Buizel (Female), Octillery (Female), Mystic Water, Cranidos (Male), Tyrogue (Male), Aerodactyl (Male), Houndoom (Male), Shinx (Female), Fraxure (Male), Sandshrew (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5685
Partner Pokémon: None