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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
speaking of mouths, Snover can eat in the anime without a mouth. explain.Majora
It seems fairly straightforward to me. It just has a large upper lip. Did you know Drifloon's mouth is in the middle of its yellow x?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1515
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5655
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 405
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male), Espurr (Male), Happiny (Female), Swablu (Female), Teddiursa (Male), Spewpa (Female), Tropius (Female), Kricketot (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 4005
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x6, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 825
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
The RNG Gods demand it be discussed again.Majora
Not a visible one. My leading theory is that, like a fir tree, it's covered in little needles which just aren't represented in the official art, and the mouth is hidden beneath.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1560
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
Haven't we had this conversation already?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5700
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 450
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
It seems fairly straightforward to me. It just has a large upper lip. Did you know Drifloon's mouth is in the middle of its yellow x?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1515
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5655
Partner Pokémon: Golem
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 405
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male), Espurr (Male), Happiny (Female), Swablu (Female), Teddiursa (Male), Spewpa (Female), Tropius (Female), Kricketot (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 4005
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
It is not for us mortals to decide, for They have willed it.Zekrom_Bolt
Capture: +45 Points
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x5, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female)
Points for Encounter: 60
Total Points: 885
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
Exactly like Tangela but with needles instead of vines.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1605
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 495
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
To what end? We both already know how it will go.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5745
Partner Pokémon: Golem
I liek Squirtles
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Litleo (Female), Fletchinder (Male), Ariados (Female), Pansear (Male), Lickitung (Male), Growlithe (Male), Black Belt, Togepi (Male), Litleo (Male), Espurr (Male), Happiny (Female), Swablu (Female), Teddiursa (Male), Spewpa (Female), Tropius (Female), Kricketot (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 4050
Partner Pokémon: Blastoise
Indded, the Almighty Lord of Random Chance, to othersMajora
No reason why it couldn't be, especially considering the legend on which it is based. And at least both mouths are under the control of the same brain; consider for a moment Dodrio.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1650
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
Whom, pray tell?
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5790
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 540
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
I did not decide the Gods have decided for usMajora
Actually, it's been known to happen. Snakes, for instance, are occasionally born with two heads. Despite being connected to the same stomach they'll fight over food... which causes problems if they bite each other. As for carnivores, several birds like Pidgeot and Taillow have been mentioned in the Pokédex to eat small bugs, Heatmor eats Durant, Scatterbug is a snack for various Pokémon, and even more have been seen in the animé. Aerodactyl, incidentally, was at least omnivorous if the animé is to be believed.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x4, Zweilous (Male), Metang
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 1695
Partner Pokémon: Zangoose
It's not really random chance when you're the one who decided to ask.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Krokorok (Female), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 5835
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x8, Houndour (Female), Blitzle (Female)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 585
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena