Dirty minds think alike~
Annabel and Sabrina could do it with pokemon that weren't even Psychic.Wargle
Not confirmed. Bronzor - indeed, most psychic-types - have not been seen to use telepathy to speak in the anime.
[Catch / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x1, Zweilous (Male), Alakazam (Male), Hariyama (Male), Dawn Stone, Klinklang, Black Belt, Black Belt, Lucario (Male), Vanilluxe (Female), Sliggoo (Male), Charcoal, Steel Gem, Picture of a Weavile, Krookodile (Male), Rock Gem, Golurk
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 15270
Partner Pokémon: Golem
[Catch / Take King's Rock / Ignore]?
Inventory: Park Balls x3, Ludicolo (Male), Azurill (Male), Poliwag (Female), Buizel (Female), Poliwag (Female), Goldeen (Female), Azurill (Female), Politoed (Male), Azurill (Female), Squirtle (Male), Gyarados (Male), Marill (Female), Quagsire (Male), Accelgor (Female), Seaking (Female), Azurill (Female), Slowbro (Male), Poliwhirl (Female), King's Rock, Shellos (East) (Female), Marill (Male)
Points for Encounter: 45
Total Points: 4110
Partner Pokémon: Mightyena
N can do it, and Wally iirc