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Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom. REQUESTS CLEARED, READ 1ST PAGE

Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Okay. How about... the same thing, but with Tyranitar and Feraligatr? Use the same style, main-ish color for background, fade to other color, but green behind Feraligatr, and blue behind Tyranitar.
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Okay. How about... the same thing, but with Tyranitar and Feraligatr? Use the same style, main-ish color for background, fade to other color, but green behind Feraligatr, and blue behind Tyranitar.

Okay. ^^
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Can you make a banner like Lucas's, only reddish-orange on one side, spring green on the other, and Quilava in the reddish-orange and Bellossom in the spring green?And it says, "Quilossoms! ^.^"(yes, with the smiley-faces), please! And, again, no border. Thanks!
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Can you make a banner like Lucas's, only reddish-orange on one side, spring green on the other, and Quilava in the reddish-orange and Bellossom in the spring green?And it says, "Quilossoms! ^.^"(yes, with the smiley-faces), please! And, again, no border. Thanks!
Okay ^^

Ooo it's very ominous.
Thanks, it's great!

Your welcome ^^


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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I'm requesting again. Can I please have a banner EXACTLY the same size as the first, same colours and background but can you have a new picture of both Eevee on the left and the skitty on the right this time. Here is my other request if you need to know what is was...

Oh, and if the colours are a little off it doesn't matter much. Thanks you so much for your wonderful work.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I'm requesting again. Can I please have a banner EXACTLY the same size as the first, same colours and background but can you have a new picture of both Eevee on the left and the skitty on the right this time. Here is my other request if you need to know what is was...

Oh, and if the colours are a little off it doesn't matter much. Thanks you so much for your wonderful work.

From EeveeSkitty

Do you mean you want different pictures too, or do you just want me to change the placement of the pictures..?
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I prefer different pictures as the pictures already there may look strange when moves to the other side so Please get NEW pictures. Thanks.

From EeveeSkitty
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

You have some skills with photoshop/GIMP/whatever you are using, I like your shading style and the outlines of your graphics, they are very nice ^^

Now, you see I'm getting bored of my currents avatar, so when you're finished with the other requests and you're not busy, could you maybe make me an avatar with a Typhlosion (I'd prefer one you drew, you draw so awesome ^^) on the left side, maybe crossing its arms and leaning on the outlines (The lines, kinda, you get what I mean). The background would be dark blue and starry, like the sky at night. Oh, and the Typhlosion can say "Bakun!"

Thank you in advance :D
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I prefer different pictures as the pictures already there may look strange when moves to the other side so Please get NEW pictures. Thanks.

From EeveeSkitty
Well, I could just flip the images.

You have some skills with photoshop/GIMP/whatever you are using, I like your shading style and the outlines of your graphics, they are very nice ^^

Now, you see I'm getting bored of my currents avatar, so when you're finished with the other requests and you're not busy, could you maybe make me an avatar with a Typhlosion (I'd prefer one you drew, you draw so awesome ^^) on the left side, maybe crossing its arms and leaning on the outlines (The lines, kinda, you get what I mean). The background would be dark blue and starry, like the sky at night. Oh, and the Typhlosion can say "Bakun!"

Thank you in advance :D
Yup, this is photoshop. And Thank you ^^

Yes, I can do that. ^^

ZOMG thank you! As soon as I clear some of my sig, your banners earn a spot in my sig! Maybe I'll just put most of my stuff on PE2K...
Okay. Hm, I used to go to pe2k, but I find it boring now...

Thank you!
I shall be back sometime soon...
You're welcome ^^

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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Yeah, I didn't think of that. *coughstupidmecough* Just do that then and if I'm allowed to request more [it's for a friend] I would like one with a red fireish background with pictures of Zigzagoon on the left and Treeko on the right. Font would be a dark red hat stands out. No border please, take your time if you'd like because I THINK my friend is coming himself but dosen't have time at the moment. Thanks for your wonderful work.

From ES
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Yeah, I didn't think of that. *coughstupidmecough* Just do that then and if I'm allowed to request more [it's for a friend] I would like one with a red fireish background with pictures of Zigzagoon on the left and Treeko on the right. Font would be a dark red hat stands out. No border please, take your time if you'd like because I THINK my friend is coming himself but dosen't have time at the moment. Thanks for your wonderful work.

From ES

Sure, I'll get to work on that. ^^

New example on the front page: Wallpaper

...And thats that, I'll get to work on your friends banner now, EeveeSkitty
Wait... what do you want it to say? O_o
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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

I love mine. Oh, god I suck at remembering things, maybe I should use a form...so ayways...
Have it say Acorn-Zak. Thanks he will love it.

From ES
Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Thank you so much, my friend's going to love it. :D

Edit: I've just sent it to my friend using PM and I'm waiting for an answer. He is a real life friend and he really likes Zigzagoon, that's why I told you to put on a Zigzagoon. Thanks so much, I could not have done it.

From ES
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Re: Palkias Banner and stuff shop. Of doom.

Thank you so much, my friend's going to love it. :D

Edit: I've just sent it to my friend using PM and I'm waiting for an answer. He is a real life friend and he really likes Zigzagoon, that's why I told you to put on a Zigzagoon. Thanks so much, I could not have done it.

From ES

Well I hope he likes it ^^
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