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Pet Peeves

- People who think homosexuality is wrong because of the bible. Honestly, I think people discriminating because of a book is wrong, not two people who are in love but the same gender. :/

Also, suicide. Not really a pet peeve, more of some trauma that haunts me and makes me sick when you mention it
and then some people call me a pussy when i do. its like ftw >> toopidpeople. :|
Oh, right, here's another:
-People who cannot make a decent argument and think "it just is" or a similar sentence will suffice.

Or when your parents tell you to do something totally illogical/unreasonable and when asked why the HELL they want you to do so they reply "because I say so".

-_- GREAT excuse, guys. I hate that.
- Cockroaches. They scare me to no extent. O.o

EDIT: Oh, and on the subject of pedo teachers, not my gym teacher, but my Agriculture Buisness teacher is one.
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- People who tell me how to look or what to wear. (not directing this at PK Blue nope no way)
- Any Disney Channel show ever made.
- People who can't accept that people don't have the same interests as them.
- Crazy religious nuts who say I'll BURN IN HELL forever unless I accept the magical sparkly beardy man in the sky.
- Me doing something stupid

- Realising people know about it

- Kids

- People in general

- Or at least having to interact with them if it's not online

- Public speaking

- Ignorance

- Stupidity

- Hypocrisy (hi.)

- People who insult others for fun or something and then act shocked when you say something more minor back at them

- My numerous terrible habits

- How pathetic I am physically

- Pathetically bad grammar and spelling

- Especially in stories and RPs

- Bad writing in general

- Music

- Bright colours

- Early mornings

- Romance/smut, especially in an otherwise good story

- People not understanding me

- Me not understanding people

- Outspoken people with stupid ideas
Quick note on pedotechers: My freshman year English teacher was one. D: He stared at me a lot. Creepy. D: D: D: And this one girl had a freaking huge crush on him.

BUT ANYWAY. There needs to be a pedothread.

Alexi's peeves are:

-Horrid grammar
-The thought that the only religions in the world are Judaism, Christanity and Islam
-When "Muslim" and "Islam" are confused.
-Those who make it a point not to conform to something just so that they are not conforming. Hope that one made sense.
-Those who take silly things WAY too seriously
-My laptop's strange inability to not play sound right now
-A large amount of the things my parents do
-The fact that my dad is voting McCain for the most stupid reason in the Universe
-Throwing up
-Having to explain simple things

I think that's enough :D
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