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Pet Peeves

Some people are better at swearing than others. Those "others" should probably stick to less vulgar language.
Too many for me to think of right now, but here are some:

- typun lyk dis cuz its sooo funy lolz omg
- typin lyk dis cuz ur lazy
- When people chew with their mouth open
- When people discriminate based on age
- When people discriminate based on sexual orientation
- When people discriminate at all
- When a parent/teacher/other authority figure says something that makes no sense or is unfair, then when you ask why or say why it makes no sense, they say "Well I'm ____ so don't argue with me and just do it because I said so"
- Pedophile gym teachers
- When people are in the Debating Hall and use the same argument(s) over and over with a few changes to the wording
- When people are in the Debating Hall and try to argue by attempting to guilt the other side
- When people are in the Debating Hall and say something is wrong because their religion says it is
- People being dumbasses in the Debating Hall in any other way
- People who randomly have their characters "talking" in their post since they think it's funny or something.
- People that insist they're right when they have absolutely nothing to suggest they are
- People who state their opinion, then somebody disagrees with them or gives a good argument, and they either give an excuse for their opinion or apologize
- People who insist that their spelling of a word is better than another country's or insist that they're better than someone else because of it

More whenever I can think of them.
No actually, calling them paedophiles was completely unnecessary.
Every gym teacher is one, so basically 'gym teachers in general'.
It's like saying 'a big giant'.

No offense to any gym teachers that may be here. It's just that my gym teacher it pretty obviously one.
Why is that
male P.E. teachers = paedophile
female P.E. teachers = short

My PE teacher wasn't just short, she was tiny; I remember one time we were doing trampolining in the hall when the new headteacher came in and demanded to know where our teacher was, so poor Miss Evans was like "Here o.o".

The male teachers who've taught me PE were more slave drivers than paedophiles. And there was one guy in year 9, who'd just split us into two teams, chuck us a netball and wander off for the rest of the lesson.
Mine's probably not as short, but it's still pretty easy to miss her.

People find it annoying when they don't think she's there and so speak English. Only to find out she is there and get told off. (She's a meanie)
Oh God.

I've got a teacher with some pedophillic tendencies. He stares. A lot. At girls. Doesn't look at me though, because I'm boring and covered except for my face and hands. :3 Freaks the hell out of me though, he just STARES with those eyes. If you saw him, you'd know what I mean.

Also, in the fifth grade, I had a weird gym teacher who'd whisper in my ear. He'd whisper in other girls' ears too. Quite pedo-like, if you ask me, because he for some reason told me that he really liked me (even though I never talked! And how can you know me if I don't talk?) and that he would miss me. (I finally left that school) Urrgh. ;;Shivers;;
arylett that whispering guy sounds creepy as hell

We don't have any really paedo-like teachers that I know of since they get enough action amongst themselves so they don't have to resort to children
kind of like if priests were allowed to get laid i guess.
He was, Putin, he was. This big tall guy... who KNOWS what horrors he could've done. I was little. And short. Eeep. So oblivious was young Arylett. SO oblivious.

I'm just glad I got out of there in time. O_o
My choir teacher in ninth grade--weird, choir-nazi guy that had only been teaching there for a few months, and it's not like we were friendly or anything like that--randomly called my house in the middle of the afternoon to invite me to the opera.

Seriously what the hell.


-Children. Yes, I know it's bad to generalize things and not all people under the age of fourteen are complete morons, but... ugh. Certain members of this forum, in particular, are doing very little to improve my opinion of the age group (though, to be fair, there are several older members that ought to be lumped in with them as well). And small children are v. annoying.

Also the concept of having them/having to watch them/having to teach them/etc. bothers me in general. Usually even if they're actually great kids.

-Politics. I'm a bad citizen, I know, I know, but... they make me angry and I don't pay attention to them if I can help it. I can't really explain why I can't make myself care more, but... eww.

-People, especially when I am not in the mood to deal with people. This is quite often.

-Anything romantically/sexually-oriented in fiction/fandom/whatever. Shipping, romance fiction... anything. Look, I'm glad you think that Ash and Misty should get married and have hot sex and cute kids, but... keep it the fuck away from me, please. I've said it before and I'll say it again: everyone's smut sucks except for mine. And romance is boring and icky.

-Dresses and skirts. Just... no.

-My effing hands. WHY YOU NOT WORK RIGHT NO MORE AGH I feel old.

Many, many more things get on my nerves, but I cba to remember them right now.
-Children. Yes, I know it's bad to generalize things and not all people under the age of fourteen are complete morons, but... ugh. Certain members of this forum, in particular, are doing very little to improve my opinion of the age group (though, to be fair, there are several older members that ought to be lumped in with them as well). And small children are v. annoying.


I tend to get all self-conscious about myself when people mention that "certain members" are causing problems, and even if you're not talking about me, I fear that you are.
(This message isn't intended for Kratos alone, though, pretty much any generalization that includes me tends to make me feel this way. [Dang it, I sound like I'm being self-centered or something here. >.<] But seriously, it isn't exactly my fault I'm only thirteen.)
No, it isn't your fault and I don't find you annoying, Leafpool. As I said, it isn't good to generalize, but... *shrug*
I want to add the 'Hannah Montana / Jonas Brothers / HSM haters' to my list. I don't mean the people who dislike them; I mean the ones who claim to passionately hate them. They're just pop singers / actors doing what they do. They're really no worse than My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy or Panic At the Disco...

Also adding hypocrites. The Bible can't be right except for all the things that you say are wrong with it.
People who refer to Nintendo game consoles as "Nintendo"

How could I forget this? This annoys me sooooooooooo much. Especially the Wii, seeing as how it doesn't even have the word 'Nintendo' anywhere in it's name.
Oh, right, here's another:
-People who cannot make a decent argument and think "it just is" or a similar sentence will suffice.

And no, I'm not just talking about people who claim homosexuality, for instance, is bad because "the Bible says it is". I had an argument with someone on another forum over homosexuality, and the conversation basically went like this:

"But why exactly is it bad?" "it just is" "But why?" "because it is" "Any reason why?" "it just is wrong" and so on. That frustrated me to no end. xDx
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