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Pie-Errific Sprites

Here's Darkrai, Kai:


Okay, so... Here's probably when I'll get each request done, for future reference and the sake of organizing...

Spark in the Night's Groudon and Rayquaza: A day each; I'll post whichever I make first before the other.

Fluffy's SS Eevee and Ice-Type Dragonite: I can probably finish both tomorrow.

To prevent resquests from piling up, I'm going to close requests... Sorry if you wanted to request soon; I'll open them again sometime tomorrow.
Fluffy, here's your sprites:



Hope ya' like 'em!

EDITAGAIN: Spark in the Night, here's your Groudon:


And Mewtwo, I guess I'll make the Fire-Type Chikorita now... Requests are open again!
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*gasp* you made an awesome groudon!
what if you tried making super-shades of splices or scratches given to you? or would it be beyond way too hard?
I could edit its color, Fluffy; it's no problem.

And yes, wolftamer, I probably could do that depending on the sprite. Any requests?
Alrighty, then! I just noticed... I keep getting requests regarding a lot of my favorite Pokemon... Lucky me?

EDIT: Oh yes, and here's Fire-Type Chikorita, Mewtwo:

it looks kewl and better than I could have done!I liek Mudkips :P Grass type Mudkip,Fire type Mudkip,and an Electric type Mudkip please!
Woah! Now I have a lot of requests...


Okay... Fire, Grass, Electric Mudkip...

Dragon Togekiss...

Super Shaded Normal/Shiny Umbreons...

Super Shaded Rayquaza... (this one may take an extra day)

I'll try to remember all that and get spriting!
Here's all the re-types; I'm starting on the Super-Shades next.

Full Metal Cookies, Dragon Togekiss:


Kind of odd, but... I couldn't think of much to make it look like a Dragon Type; all the Dragons are so varied and unique now...

And here's your Mudkips, Mewtwo:


I imagine the Fire-Type to shoot fire from its cheeks or something... I'd add that to the sprite, but there weren't really any fitting flames.
Ehm... The header says "Requests Closed". As does my second-to-last post.

Kai, here's Umbreon:


I'm probably going to keep requests closed until I finish Super-Shading Rayquaza; I'm way behind on that...

EDIT: Alright. Here it is, A Spark in the Night. Super-Shaded Rayquaza:


... Yay?
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