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PMD2 Story

Dark Shocktail

Okay, so I'm figuring out the bugs in a PMD2 style fanfiction I'm writing. It does follow the plot of the story, but there are some twists. Here's some of the important ones -

1) There's more of a focus on team interaction. So the exploration team formed consists of ??? the Human/Pikachu (female), Blitz the Torchic (female) and Wave the Piplup (male). This encourages more opinions and since the heroine won't be the silent protaganist (sp), it'll hopefully allow the trio to discuss events, key plot devices and develop their characters more.

2) Probably the most important one this. The heroine slowly recovers her memory throughout the story. This is achieved by an item of clothing (a fabric choker?) that survived her transformation. With the Dimensional Scream ability and the choker from the future, she can slowly remember. This of course, causes huge problems as she recalls her task and Grovyle and must turn against Blitz and Wave. A bit of added drama.

So yeah, those are the two main differences. But I'd like some feedback on the idea itself, since there's quite a few PMD2 fanfics out there and I want to see if it'd be popular or stand out from the crowd.

I also need help with the Heroine - so far she is based on me, right down to being a Pikachu. But I'm not sure if I should use my own name for her too and use my physical appearance for her human form (if it's mentioned). I can take her in a different direction but she'll still have some of my traits =/

Opinions? Advice?

By reading this you agree to not steal this idea XP
2) Probably the most important one this. The heroine slowly recovers her memory throughout the story. This is achieved by an item of clothing (a fabric choker?) that survived her transformation. With the Dimensional Scream ability and the choker from the future, she can slowly remember. This of course, causes huge problems as she recalls her task and Grovyle and must turn against Blitz and Wave. A bit of added drama.

Yes >3 I agree with this statement fully. I think this is a really good idea. (I love the idea of amnesia and recovering memories and am already writing a fanfic on it... :P)
=o You were going to have a female Pikachu character and not call it Mil?! Blasphemy!

Everything sounds great to me =3
I also need help with the Heroine - so far she is based on me, right down to being a Pikachu. But I'm not sure if I should use my own name for her too and use my physical appearance for her human form (if it's mentioned). I can take her in a different direction but she'll still have some of my traits =/
This depends on how much you want your character to be you; if you want her to be a different character but have a few of your traits, I would give her a different name and appearance. I find that when I give a character the same name (and even appearance) as myself, that character is meant to be me and I end up writing my daydreams, really, which make awesome daydreams but pretty self-centered stories.But it's up to you; if you can pull off making yourself the main character and that's what you want to do, then go for it. =3 Otherwise I would come up with a different name and appearance.
i'd suggest not making the charcter totally you, it normally works in RPG's or Fanfics about you only, but never in a FanFic about a group

besides that this Fic actually sounds pretty good compared to most of the FanFic's I've read
I like the idea of her recovering her memory. I've been thinking a lot about that lately.
But I don't think she should make up a name on the spot, simply because if she starts remembering stuff, then she'll probably (at some point) remember a conversation where Grovyle says her name, right?

Well, unless you're going with her not being able to understand him. Then it'd be fine.
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