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Pokefarm Fanclub

I would like to take one moment to say the following

1) The admins are horrendous, especially Rokon or whatever she's calling herself now. They are horrendous as both admins and humans.

2) They are aware it's a blatant rip off of GPX they just say "WE ARE MAKING IT BETTER"

3) It takes way too long to do anything.

4) One guy got bitched at for donating $100.

5) quality spriting
there was an incident i saw where rokon was basically flaming the site's highest donator for getting legendaries... seriously? there were rewards for donating anyway. it's really unprofessional for an admin to do that for one of their best members, basically saying to their face that they hate him even though he has donated a lot of money to the site.
(also gpx+ has a few anti hoarding measures in places as of a few days ago, and i'm pretty sure they don't involve the admins bashing their members)

eh w/e, leaving now because i was told to leave the thread :B
there was an incident i saw where rokon was basically flaming the site's highest donator for getting legendaries... seriously? there were rewards for donating anyway. it's really unprofessional for an admin to do that for one of their best members, basically saying to their face that they hate him even though he has donated a lot of money to the site.
(also gpx+ has a few anti hoarding measures in places as of a few days ago, and i'm pretty sure they don't involve the admins bashing their members)

eh w/e, leaving now because i was told to leave the thread :B

Hm, I remember that. =/ The more I think about it, the more corrupt it becomes. *sighs* I hate it when I make an ass of myself defending something.
I would like to take one moment to say the following

1) The admins are horrendous, especially Rokon or whatever she's calling herself now. They are horrendous as both admins and humans.

2) They are aware it's a blatant rip off of GPX they just say "WE ARE MAKING IT BETTER"

3) It takes way too long to do anything.

4) One guy got bitched at for donating $100.

5) quality spriting

1) Yeah, Rokon can be a bit high strung. Not many can talk to her bluntly and not get a verbal assault. I personally think that she is a good admin, but should be more behind the scenes due to her quick temper

2) It has only been around for a month. I would suggest waiting until it has been up for 6 months, at least, before criticizing them for that

3) True. I don't like how Kolink will not code certain features until he gets donations. That is less donations and more ransom. But meh, I'm sure people will complain once it becomes more of a nuisance

4) To be fair, Rokon never wanted legendaries to be given for donations in the first place. More or less a case of Kolink acting before discussing it with Rokon

5) ??? I have no clue whether you mean low quality, high quality, or what?

there was an incident i saw where rokon was basically flaming the site's highest donator for getting legendaries... seriously? there were rewards for donating anyway. it's really unprofessional for an admin to do that for one of their best members, basically saying to their face that they hate him even though he has donated a lot of money to the site.
(also gpx+ has a few anti hoarding measures in places as of a few days ago, and i'm pretty sure they don't involve the admins bashing their members)

eh w/e, leaving now because i was told to leave the thread :B

Now see, why couldn't you have said that instead of being immature and going straight for calling them assholes?

You became staff after you established this club, correct? Surely that should tell you what the admins think of you, yourself? Did they even talk to you before the club was made?

I don't go on Pokéfarm but I did go on Pokébattlers way back when GPX+ hadn't been made. Good times. Akai (or Rokon) wasn't a very nice person. I read the Pokéfarm forums sometimes and every post she is either complaining or insulting members ("[name here] isn't very smart. :P"). You don't do that if you're an admin.

And I remember one time when a previous staff member (he had a Snape avatar, I think?) tried to get a topic back onto the topic after Rokon was complaining about something, and Kaboom cheered her up. He was doing nothing wrong, but Rokon banned him for doing so. If another member was the one complaining, they'd probably get banned, let alone get the topic back on topic.

I don't know Rokon personally at all, and her life may put lots of strain on her, but it doesn't give her a right to pick on the other members if it does. That's downright bullying.

I was in the process of talking to them about becoming staff at that time. When I made the club, it was still not certain if I would become staff, since, even though Rokon liked my work, she wasn't sure if Kolink would go through the bother of making a staff rank. So I don't think the club swayed it any (especially since I was made spriting staff. Rokon made all the custom sprites prior)

Yeah, as I said, Rokon is a good admin, but for the behind the scene stuff (spriting, testing, things like that), since dealing with members isn't exactly her specialty...

Can't really comment on that, as I never saw that thread

Rokon is more or less a high strung person who is easy to tick off. Hell, I've seen her get pissed at Kolink to the point where people would want to hit the bomb shelters. She is a good admin, but yet shouldn't be put in charge of talking with members... How to put it...

Let's say that there is a company that has three people in charge. They split duties between them. One take control of R&D, one takes control of advertising, logos, and other related things, and one takes control of PR. Rokon is great for the advertising, logos, etc., and is also good with some of the R&D, able to help Kolink, the 'head' of that department, with some of it. However, putting her in charge of Public Relations is like giving a child a flaming stick while they are near a huge pile of gunpowder

Gah, probably not the best analogy, but it is 1:47 AM here, so nyeh I say, nyeh!
Legendaries are gotten from the lab.

Can someone clarify this for me?

Do the eggs randomly appear or is there some button that you can click so you get a legendary? (The latter is waaaaay more unlikely but that was my second guess)
Can someone clarify this for me?

Do the eggs randomly appear or is there some button that you can click so you get a legendary? (The latter is waaaaay more unlikely but that was my second guess)

Eggs appear randomly. Very low chance, though =/
I thought the account security thread was rather interesting. Sooo many people with the same passwords... and now they have something that tells what type your fields are, too. I won't be eligible for any events any time soon, but I'll still probably click back on here because it's getting more... interesting, again.
I should have joined this back when I joined, but... I think there was too much commotion. I missed the whole Rokon thing, whatever it was.

Anyway, my username is RoseTorterra, and my sister helped me get the Summer Grotle that I have right now (Rather, she bred it and traded it to me) :D Goal 1 accomplished.
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