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Open Pokemon: Attack of the Perfects


Stare into da eye and get lost in its psychic gaze
The night was all so quiet, that Arceus, the "God" pokemon, had time to think up a new kind of pokemon. Arceus called them 'the Perfectional Pokemon', Permon for short. The first thing they did was kill all the adult pokemon. Now, a Ralts and a mis-matched band of pokemon are now called uppon by Dialga and Palkia themselves to save the world from chaos

(this is before i get my partner and the rest of the people to join me)

*A lone Ralts is in the outermost part of an alley, begging pokemon to join him for his causes*
(( Oh. That kind of RP. ))

Silver barely listened to the ralts, to the point where he didn't even hear the exact words the ralts was using. Udia would decide whether they went with this guy or not. Silver instead pointed his short paws to each other, trying to force energy through his paws in the way Udia had told him. A tiny point glowed between his paws, and the sphere grew until he could almost touch it.

Ensuring that it stuck miraculously to one paw as usual, so he wouldn't drop it, Silver carefully extended it to the ralts in an offer. The ralts looked sickly, far more off-colour than he'd ever seen, and there was the usual array of scratches and minor injuries pokemon were seen with when they had no trainer. If Silver had the words, he'd probably say the ralts looked pathetic, but since he didn't, he only had what he could give.
The ralts accepted the sphere and said "Thank you, my name is Rallen,and i'm a Ralts, as your can plainly see. The only reason I am on the streets is because i saw... oh, why would i need to tell, nobody ever cares, they just think that I've gone crazy and leave..."
A sign-up form to make everything easier

NAME: Shadowpath
AGE: 12 in Umbreon years
SPECIES: Umbreon
APPEARANCE: Sapphire blue Umbreon with ice blue rings and amber eyes
((it's a tad late, but i will accept, just edit in a personality.))

Rallen looked in supprise as he saw a rare sight, a saphire blue umbrion!!! he thought that a pokemon almost as rare as a legendary pokemon would follow him.

((and would he who is going to be my first partner hurry up and post?!?!?))
((Eh, personalitiez? It's played out XDDD))

Shadowpath was taking a nice stroll when he saw a Ralts conversing with another Pokemon. She padded slowly over to the Ralts. "Who are you," she demanded, "And what is your purpose here?" she watched the Ralts whom she could kill in aheartbeat, waiting for an answer.
Silver squeaked when he saw the umbreon, startled by its abnormal appearance. He glanced at the glowing thing in the ralts's arms, then decided he didn't want to stick around. He ran as fast as he could, decided it wasn't fast enough, and started rolling away.

The present the ralts had accepted, as most Silver gave out tended to do, exploded without warning.
"AAAHH!!!" as the sphere exploded in Rallen's hand and was thrown back a few inches. After he gathered himself, he told the umbrion, "My name is Rallen, and I am trying to get someone to believe my story. Everyone has just called me a freak and moved on..." And his voice treaied off as he looked past the umbrion into the distance...
Seraphim was lurking quietly through an alley, looking for a nice small place to sleep for the day. It was the same as always: Hide and sleep in the daytime, scare random people in the night by accident. But today was different, he felt. The planets are unbalanced...I'll cross paths with an unfortunate creature...

He felt a presence about 100 feet ahead of him, in the center of the alley opening. Alas, this must be it. It was a Ralts, surrounded by two other Pokemon: an Umbreon and a Togepi. I'll keep my presence unknown. Maybe I can catch word of what they're saying....
Shadowpath listened to what the Ralts who was called Rallen had to say.
"I've been told many times that I am gullible. What is your story?" She had just said this so that Rallen would tell her.
For the umptinth time, Rallen told, and yet it doesn't get any less enthusiastic: "Okay, my name is Rallen. The only reason I am on the streets is because i saw what i can only describe as a 'perfect pokemon' from Arceus himself..."
Seraphim gasped. It sounded like the dead air on a cold Autumn day. A PERFECT Pokemon? Is that even possible? He thought back, the hypothetical gears in his head turning. Nothing can be 'perfect'...everything is SUPPOSED to have been created equally. No more, no less. This was of course cited from a book he has pulled off of the shelf one day in the library. I must learn more.
At the same exact moment, Melia was breathtaken. "perfect pokemon?" Was this the group she had been searching for all these years? She had to find out. She swooped down from the building on which she was perched and asked the Ralts how she could help.
After gathering his thoughts, he added "Well, there is one flaw. Psychic attacks. I used a simple Confusion and, with a direct hit, KO'd one, in one hit..." And his thoughts went blank after that.
Rallen was taken aback, for he never noticed the Flying pokemon land near him, so he scrambled back to the Pokemon Air Delivery box he lived in.
Melia wasn't about to let this chance slip away, so she asked the Umbreon next to her for help getting Rallen out of the box.
Rallen was affraid of the gathering pokemon, as he could sense, but they felt as though they actually wished to join his cause, so, he gathered all his courage and was about to go out when he heard thumping on his box, which kinda scattered all his courage he had not three seconds ago...
killed? Rallen thought..."killed?" Rallen said, as he opened up two flaps of the cardboard box... "KILLED!?" he repeated.
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