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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
if by make, you mean steal-Can it warp space to make cookies for you in mere seconds?
if by make, you mean steal-Can it warp space to make cookies for you in mere seconds?
now i can finally let my dumb gay heart pine for unova remakes for real - it's their turn next
unova, my beloved....
although I liked the 2d unova so so so much and it will probably stay my favorite overall
Nah it was worse than that... completing the game only let you unlock the new difficulty level wirelessly on a different cartridge! If you just restarted the game you'd lose the option altogether. Absolutely mental.I don't expect there'll be much variation in difficulty between the two.
The closest thing the different versions have had to that is in gen 5 they had different difficulty levels which you had to unlock by completing the game on Normal difficulty first and on one version you unlocked Easy (no idea why you'd want to replay on Easy if you've aleady beat it on Normal) and the other version unlocked Hard. You had to connect to a completed game of the opposite version in order to unlock both.
Yeah, I get this. I discovered Pokémon late enough that I didn't notice it at the time - my first game was HeartGold - but I was watching a video essay about Diamond/Pearl recently and one of the interesting things it pointed out was that they were kind of the last games to actually build on the previous generation. Contests, berry trees and the Battle Tower/Frontier were in Gen 3; even the Underground is an expansion of the secret bases in R/S/E. So instead of adding new stuff, D/P was mostly just improving what was already there.I appreciate that they're bringing back old features like the underground and contests, but I do feel like the fact that they get dropped from later games means they're just not interested in developing the mechanics? It's hard to explain - obviously they could be improving on them for the remake, but I feel we can be sure that come the next main series game they're going to be gone again so it's hard to get invested in them, you know?
Especially when they end up having to do more work to replace things they removed, like coming up with Festival Plaza instead of just keeping the PSS, which in my opinion was the best multiplayer system we've had in a Pokémon game to date.