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Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

there is a conspiracy

M&F's flip makes me feel rather suspicious of lolfoxes, so I'm going to put my vote on them for now.

My vote against you was purely for self-preservation. I wanted it to at least rand if ithe situation didn't move past 1 vote me for that day.

however Also, I roleblocked haneko last night. So after roleblockage and seeing that there's no deaths I feel comfy voting haneko for now

my role is cogita & abra, all i can do is protect myself from kills (with a decreasing chance each time i use it - Detect)
i am not sure what the day repeat means, especially as killed people remain dead...

i wonder what the cult is doing rn
i guessssss butterfree is the better option to see if rnp is truthing or not :/
i think that bfee kill is good
they were prob my first kill personally yesterday because i think a lot of ppl were worse

my role is cogita & abra, all i can do is protect myself from kills (with a decreasing chance each time i use it - Detect)
Do you get any notification that you were successful in the attempt?

Butterfree too, though I want to hear her defense before she bites it.
so funny story i totally made up the jailkill thing and i'm actually a cop and butterfree flipped red
?? what on earth

Can't tell if this is some kind of super bizarre scum gambit, or if innocent cop RNP really did just for some reason make a very elaborate fake roleclaim on the basis of elaborate flimsy reasoning that the mafia wouldn't shoot him and then get redirected or confused somehow...? Or, hrmm. Actually if this game does have multiple third parties I wouldn't be surprised if there's an alien in here? Which would explain making a baity fakeclaim and then, after no death, a bold attention-grabby accusation that'll lead people to kill him after my flip? Have aliens been a thing in recent TCoDf meta? Hrmmmmm.

All in all, proobably not risking a vote for RNP right now. (Guess I will officially go haneko for now, I agree the claim sounds suspect in addition to the more circumstantial weirdness of how yesterday's vote played out. Not super happy with today's explanation of it either.)

For what it's worth I'm Rye and Lucario, town vigilante, and did not target anyone last night. Still need to do that reread but it's 1AM and I need to draw and go to sleep.
or if innocent cop RNP really did just for some reason make a very elaborate fake roleclaim on the basis of elaborate flimsy reasoning that the mafia wouldn't shoot him and then get redirected or confused somehow...?
to be FAIR thats like, well within the range of things that i would Expect RNP To Do:tm:
Specifically, not only is Abra a duplicate Pokémon, but the whole Detect thing just sounds kind of fishy to me as a power in mafia? Chance-based self-healing? If there's a villager who can do that, doesn't it leave the mafia majorly relying on RNG for their ability to win at all?
You win when all living players are Pearl Clan, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.
is apparently the mafia win condition. If there's a villager who always has a chance of healing themselves that merely decreases, doesn't that mean the situation where "nothing can prevent this from happening" simply cannot happen until they eliminate that specific player, which could take several shots if they're unlucky?
You win when all living players are Pearl Clan, or when nothing can prevent this from happening.
is apparently the mafia win condition. If there's a villager who always has a chance of healing themselves that merely decreases, doesn't that mean the situation where "nothing can prevent this from happening" simply cannot happen until they eliminate that specific player, which could take several shots if they're unlucky?
well not really because at that point that player just gets yeeted during the day

i'm wagering, since haneko got blocked and bfree is scum, there's some kind of delayed kill going on around here like a poisoner or an arsonist. probably an arsonist, poisoners are boring
also yeah haneko is sus but, like. redcheck goes first.
About 12 and a half hours to EoD.

Elimination votes:

Butterfree - RedneckPhoenix (#173), JackPK (#177), Herbe (#184), Zero Moment (#186)
lolfoxes - haneko (#182)
haneko - Butterfree (#191)

Conspiracy votes:
Conspiracy - JackPK (#166), Butterfree (#167), Herbe (#172), RedneckPhoenix (#181), haneko (#182)
No conspiracy - lolfoxes (#168)
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