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Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

i... hm. so theoretically, the reason there was no n1 kill was herbe blocked haneko, right, and haneko winds up dead, and flipping pearl clan. i feel pretty inclined to trust herbe about that, though i may be biased

regarding jack and foxes, since neither of them feel keen on admitting to having the conspiracy role, i figure we vote out one and herbe roleblocks the other, since it's possible we still have 2 scum, whether antialigned or teamed up.

if herbe roleblocks jack/foxes and me or herbe dies anyways, the best case scenario is herbe dies and i use my double vote to vote out the other one. worst case, i die and herbe lives, with herbe roleblocking the remaining evildoer and forcing either a stalemate or putting the whole game up to a coin flip, depending on how qenya feels. either a coinflip from a randed vote or from whom the conspiracy thing targets if the remaining evildoer is the conspirator

obviously it would be better if i were to live since conspiracy (just making double sure my vote goes through) and double votes and such but i figure if the remaining person/persons is a poisoner then i might be dead already rip
that said i think it's kind of too fortuitous that one would be able to communicate with a spectator, since, spectator chat? so i'm gonna go for foxes
also one of the diamond clan wardens has a munchlax and no villager has a snorlax so that's probably important
snorlax only appears in the wild and there's no mention of it in any dialogue text boxes iirc so i have to guess that's a Lie
not even, like, tangentially related like emmet. anabel is just completely unrelated to PLA as a whole. the closest connection you could make is that anabel is a Faller, but, that's not even in relation to PLA that's just part of the ultra beast storyline in sumo, iirc
and jack... i know i'm not the conspirator, and if foxes is evil it'd be easy to confirm come morning, so i have to figure it's either jack or herbe, and if it's herbe honestly fair play for keeping it under wraps like that genuinely impressed.

i... i'm looking for other possibilities, but herbe couldn't have poisoned someone AND roleblocked haneko in one night, i reckon, and if the game doesn't end after this... hang on, i could be mistaken, but didn't you say you blocked foxes last night herbe? if foxes is the poisoner then we probably don't have to worry about one of us keeling over tonight, right. and if herbe blocks jack, nobody should die, and i'll investigate one of you two, or if herbe roleblocks me and someone dies, we'll know it's jack...?

i need to go to bed tbh but like herbe does this seem like a solid plan to you. i'm taking notes
the other one I tossed was Palina from Pearl Clan, whose flavor description talked a lot about a bond with Growlithe that I don't have the brains to try to correlate with a role to imagine what role that might've been, if it was anything more specific than just generic scum
we're looking at a pearl clan left right
jack claimed to toss a pearl clan

additionally, jack basically spends the entire game vaguing haneko
he pushes rnp really shallowly for reasons "maybe rnp is openwolfing for pushing herbe"
he pushes us for like, meh reasons but nothing spectacular
when we tried to reaction test haneko's abra claim he came to her defence

overall i think that if we are dealing with a pearl clan here then we are insanely unaligned with haneko, and jackpk is plausibly aligned with haneko
additionally we were roleblocked last night on a night where there were 2 kills, and the conspiracy role went off. so if we were the conspiracy role then that would force us to be roleblock immune

so if its us then we're a roleblock immune diamond clan member when we have flavor suggestion of another pearl clan member
i think occam's razor points to jack here
@RedneckPhoenix @Herbe

idrk how trustworthy the "theres another pearl clan out there" is
jack could easily be diamond for all i know
i just think that his social game is meh and he's probably the least socially towny out of the 3 remaining
his pushes feel like they dont have that much substance and they have a weird amount of staying power that is like, he's not convinced of the read but he's also not gonna let it go
he feels overall kinda just... muted across the entire game
no villagery flashes or moments

i... i'm looking for other possibilities, but herbe couldn't have poisoned someone AND roleblocked haneko in one night, i reckon, and if the game doesn't end after this... hang on, i could be mistaken, but didn't you say you blocked foxes last night herbe? if foxes is the poisoner then we probably don't have to worry about one of us keeling over tonight, right. and if herbe blocks jack, nobody should die, and i'll investigate one of you two, or if herbe roleblocks me and someone dies, we'll know it's jack...?
yeah i did. I think your reasoning there is solid, very fair chance that foxes is poisoner. also anabel not being in pla - i mean, yeah sure they admitted it and set it up, but i just. yknow. i trust you on the whole not even being tangentially related thing because emmett for sure was at least related somehow.
additionally we were roleblocked last night on a night where there were 2 kills, and the conspiracy role went off. so if we were the conspiracy role then that would force us to be roleblock immune
yeah but poisoner would have acted night before last and that was definitely a poison kill. also i don't think the conspiracy thing would be roleblockable, since it shows up as long as the conspirator is alive.

i don't really know what to think of the munchlax/snorlax diamond clan connection or the alignment stuff but i think that either way we solve this and i'm way more concerned about a scum aligned foxes with eif on their side tbh. foxes vote for now and i think rnp's solve plan will go fine
fair enough

anyway i think i can prove jack is lying about something anyway but i want him to answer my question

also like, why are you assuming ZM wasn't the poisoner? @Herbe

i don't think haneko would have been targeted by a non-town in that situation

also i was kind of skimming then. brain didn't mentally flag that anabel wasn't a pla character until you claimed snorlax and i realized "hey i didn't see a colossal blue bear thing when i was running around jubilife"
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