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Pokemon Memorial Thread

My very first Pokemon, Swampert, and all of my Pokemon that were in Pokemon Sapphire. I brought my blue Gameboy Advance SP to school in 2nd grade and someone stole Sapphire, Firered, and my SP. I was crying for weeks...and I still miss them to this day. Please come home Swampert!!! *cries*
RIP to the original Amy the Dewgong--the only Pokemon I ever came close to building to lv. 100. Sent to the Void of Deletion when I decided to start my Silver over
Venusaur, Vaporeon, Ninetales....I miss you all.
I honestly don't get why a janitor would throw my LeafGreen away. I looked for days.....
*cries harder*
R.I.P. HOLY.SHIT. the Latias

First seen some time in 2004
Caught in summer of 2007
Disappeared from Earth forever in late 2008

R.I.P. Sweet! the shiny Bidoog
Caught in late 2007
Disappeared from Earth forever in late 2008

R.I.P. The Game the shiny Tentacool
Caught July of 2008
Disappeared from Earth forever in late 2008

I hate myself for restarting Diamond.
I got a new Diamond game from someone on my bus for five bucks to avoid starting over because I was nostalgic ;D

Anyways, I still have no ideas on fixing my Emerald/Sapphire ganes...
Muddy and Alty, my Swampert and Altaria from my first game ever, Sapphire. I couldn't beat the Elite Four because my team wasn't leveled up enough, and restarted my game in frustration.

Skye and Flame, the Piplup and Charmander pair from PMD2, lost a few days ago when I misplaced my game cartridge (my guess is that my mom accidentally threw it out).

Rest in peace, you guys.
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Another random deletion.
This time my Gold game I first played today.

R.I.P. Ty the Lv. 8 Cyndaquil.

R.I.P. Louise the Rattatta(forget levels of rest of Pokemon)

R.I.P. my Pidgey that I forget the name to

I miss you all. The time is working fine; it just won't hold the save.
R.I.P., my first ever level 100, my Typhlosion from Silver - lost in a Home Depot, along with my Game Boy Color.

R.I.P., my shiny Starmie - scammed from me by someone who traded me a hacked shiny Lucario for it.
RIP Masher, my level 90something Marshtomp from Sapphire. :c
At the time I thought Swamperts were pretty ugly so I left him unevolved, and Masher was the closest thing I'd gotten to 100. I think he was 94. A couple years ago I lost the little case I had all my games in at the time, including Fire Red, Pinball RS, my original Crystal from when I was a kid...

RIP all my Pokemon from Gold and Silver. I was young and stupid and had to many Gameshark codes turned on at the same time. ;_; Even without the shark inserted, all my key items would turn into Master Balls upon entering the towns I'd saved next to, so I was pretty much screwed from ever progressing...
R.I.P. My Pokemon from Silver version, blown up by a gameshark.
R.I.P. my crystal, though I still have it, the save function no longer works.
R.I.P. My 1st Emerald, 1st game I ever got on the day it came out, it had my best team till Diamond, and mysteriously disappeared shortly after coming back from Disneyland.
RIP My Typhlosion from Silver. I loved you so much. Despite being on my friend's Silver game, I was the one who raised you your whole life, until the save got deleted.

You can never be replaced...

RIP Pika, the amazing Raichu i had, along with her teammates, Swampert, Altaria, Manectric, Donphan, and Kyogre. that was the first and ONLY team to ever beat the elite four in all of the games i own.

why why why why did my sister have to delete that file?!?!? WHY?!?!?

but i am remaking that team, and so far i have swablu, marshtomp, and electrike. and i kirlia, swellow, and linoone.
My poor, poor Blaziken from Pokémon Sapphire. One day my cousin spent the night and my mom mixed up our games, so he started a new game for fun the next morning. I remember watching him the next morning--he didn't save it--but when he restarted the Gameboy, the new file he'd made was somehow saved. We still don't know how it happened, as it was saved right outside the Dewford Gym (I think it had his badge), and I watched him like a hawk the entire time, and never saw him save there. He wouldn't save on purpose, because he's older and also loves his Pokémon. (Plus, he said "sorry" a thousand times.) Rest in peace, my dear Blaziken. You could have been my first Level 100 because you were Level 91 at the time. :sad:
R.I.P shiny Whismur from Sapphire. I started a new game and remembered that I hadn't traded you over to Leaf Green too late.
RIP Killer, Kyogre, Latias, Rayquaza, Skar and Kyutipi. My Sapphire game.

I didn't ACCIDENTALLY save over my Sapphire file. I did it on purpose. But I regret it. I guess I just wanted to do a Torchic game, since I always used Mudkip/Marshtomp/Swampert before. But I had a lvl. 100 Swampert dammit!!!!

Also, all the Pokemon on my Silver game. I left it too close to a pack of magnets X.x
*Sniffle* If anyone has *sniff* Seen someone with a pile of *sniffle sniff* toys *sniffle* and then drop a *sniff sniff* Diamond game...Return it. That save file on there was my only success out of almost 3 tries because it was a used game...*sniff* I got lucky and had a female Chimchar unlike my first game...And i don't like my first try as much. Why? Pokemon on it did not ever appear everywhere in my thinking mind. *sniff sniffle* And i have a Jolteon in the daycare! It took me so long...So long...To truly master Pokemon...I have Pearl and Platinum, but... Diamond game, i'm sorry i took you out of my DS for that accursed Platinum game. I'm sorry i swapped that for DQMJ. I really am now. *tears* And i'm not gonna stop looking for you! Tomorrow...I'm taking that so-called-by-me "awesome" game right outta my DS and leave it behind my pillows...Putting it in a random game box...And meditating right after to forget where the hell it is. I'm not just asking my mom, not just begging, but Pleading by the very meaning of life on Earth for her to take me to Grandma's apartment and look. I will scour every cupboard, every junkyard, every inch of space for you, my Diamond game. I will search every inch of every person on Earth for you! And if that isn't enough...I will, i will, i WILL gain the ability to get you back from the Gods. Even if it requires me to leave the reaches of Earth. And if i really do never find you, even after all that...Then i'm living in a dream. I've been asleep for a long time then. I need to find something that will wake me up. And then i will truly have you back. Truly...Even if this all was just a dream, and i never really owned you Diamond game. *sad*
*Sniffle* If anyone has *sniff* Seen someone with a pile of *sniffle sniff* toys *sniffle* and then drop a *sniff sniff* Diamond game...Return it. That save file on there was my only success out of almost 3 tries because it was a used game...*sniff* I got lucky and had a female Chimchar unlike my first game...And i don't like my first try as much. Why? Pokemon on it did not ever appear everywhere in my thinking mind. *sniff sniffle* And i have a Jolteon in the daycare! It took me so long...So long...To truly master Pokemon...I have Pearl and Platinum, but... Diamond game, i'm sorry i took you out of my DS for that accursed Platinum game. I'm sorry i swapped that for DQMJ. I really am now. *tears* And i'm not gonna stop looking for you! Tomorrow...I'm taking that so-called-by-me "awesome" game right outta my DS and leave it behind my pillows...Putting it in a random game box...And meditating right after to forget where the hell it is. I'm not just asking my mom, not just begging, but Pleading by the very meaning of life on Earth for her to take me to Grandma's apartment and look. I will scour every cupboard, every junkyard, every inch of space for you, my Diamond game. I will search every inch of every person on Earth for you! And if that isn't enough...I will, i will, i WILL gain the ability to get you back from the Gods. Even if it requires me to leave the reaches of Earth. And if i really do never find you, even after all that...Then i'm living in a dream. I've been asleep for a long time then. I need to find something that will wake me up. And then i will truly have you back. Truly...Even if this all was just a dream, and i never really owned you Diamond game. *sad*

i know losing a game is annoying but remember it is just a game... :I
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