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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Shouldn't this be in the "Other Creativity" forum? I mean, it was created before that forum existed, but...
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Nyoro~N :3 *Glompehs Mike to the ground and noms his ear* Mine~ ^w^

Miiiiiiiike I luuuurve this comic~ <3 Keep on with it huh? Don't mind me looking over your shoulder either, it's a good view from here~ *Nom* >w<
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Nyoro~N :3 *Glompehs Mike to the ground and noms his ear* Mine~ ^w^

Miiiiiiiike I luuuurve this comic~ <3 Keep on with it huh? Don't mind me looking over your shoulder either, it's a good view from here~ *Nom* >w<

Nah, I'm cool with it ^w^

...so did you put the "omnomnom!" tag, Dwagie?
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

This is really good, Mike. It's teenager-oriented, but most people online need to have parental permission anyway. The only thing I don't really get is comic 77, but oh well. Keep 'em coming, or else you'll have to deal with a sad Eeveelution.
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

This is really good, Mike. It's teenager-oriented, but most people online need to have parental permission anyway. The only thing I don't really get is comic 77, but oh well. Keep 'em coming, or else you'll have to deal with a sad Eeveelution.

Thanks ^^ Glad you enjoy them!

And in issue 77, the joke is that Kecleon gave Officer Magnezone some of his drugs rather than a breath mint so he wouldn't be able to arrest him. The "my magnets are huuuuge" thing is based off a quote I heard somewhere (or in several places) where some stoned guy thinks his hands are huge.
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Nah, I'm cool with it ^w^

...so did you put the "omnomnom!" tag, Dwagie?

No, I used my two tags now already. You can guess which they are~ ^w^
..But if it really wasn't Mill.. Then OI, Who's trying to nick our spots O:<

..Also where's my cameo OwO Sable da AuraWuff 'Lu sez: Kecleon has some good sh- Er.. I mean, WuffWuff ^w^
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

No, I used my two tags now already. You can guess which they are~ ^w^
No. Do tell.
..But if it really wasn't Mill.. Then OI, Who's trying to nick our spots O:<
I dunno, but you must both kill them.
..Also where's my cameo OwO
*points to the "NO CAMEOS" sign*
Sable da AuraWuff 'Lu sez: Kecleon has some good sh- Er.. I mean, WuffWuff ^w^
...have you been round at Kecleon Mart again, Dwagie? Or are you making no sense on purpose? XD
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

No. Do tell.
Nyoro~N, I said you could figure it out yourself~ *Nom* ^w^

I dunno, but you must both kill them.
On it *Gets out a 2x4 and some old nails*

*points to the "NO CAMEOS" sign*
Screw the rules, I have purple fur 3:<

I though we were fweeeeeeeeinds D: I guess I just need to get Mill to yell at you then~

...have you been round at Kecleon Mart again, Dwagie? Or are you making no sense on purpose? XD
C: All of the above

Also I has new convoluted reference avatar and title~ :3
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

I though we were fweeeeeeeeinds D:
We ish fweinds D= Not particularly close ones though. xD Eh, maybe a teeny cameo, if it'll stop you pointing that gun at my head.
I guess I just need to get Mill to yell at you then~
Don't make her angry. She'll rip my head right off.
Also I has new convoluted reference avatar and title~ :3
I sawed~
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

I love it! Even though I love Mewtwo and Giratina, and my mom likes Darkrai. I'm not mad, so don't worry. This and PMD: The Idiots is inspiring me to make my own comic about PMD2. It's going to be about me (a Squirtle) and Red the Charmander.
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

I love it! Even though I love Mewtwo and Giratina, and my mom likes Darkrai. I'm not mad, so don't worry. This and PMD: The Idiots is inspiring me to make my own comic about PMD2. It's going to be about me (a Squirtle) and Red the Charmander.
Your MOM... likes DARKRAI??? What the heck?
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

well i have a young (10) friend whos parents like pokemon, his Mum likes aipom, manaphy and larvitar and his Dad likes murkrow, honchkrow, sandslash and i heard he lieks mudkipz XD

i wish i had parents like that

aaaaaaannnnnyyyyway, comics pwn, keep it up, ect ect.

god, i'm really optimistic aren't i

also, if dwagie gets a cameo i demmand one too :D i don't care what it is i just demand it

also, something totally unrelated Mike, i got PMD2 a while ago on on a 128 games in one
whats the first pokemon i got? meowth XD
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Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

Next storyline's just about all worked out, so I expect I'll be working on some new issues tomorrow =D

And no, I'm not telling you what the next story's going to be about, wait and see. Or until I've discussed it with Dark Shocktail and then bribe her. Some shots of Lucario with his shorts off should sway her. But are they actually shorts, or his thighs? Hmm...
Re: Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Oddity

I think they look like shorts, but can't be pulled down because they're attached to his skin, much like Gardevoir's "dress".

...sorry for not being compliant. I like the good solutions most of the time.
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