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Closed Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

((Actually, I have, but the Pokedex says that Beldum just evolve by sticking to one another. The only difference is that Beldum me is shiny, Beldum other is not, so half-shiny Metang. Why we couldn't break apart, y'know. They can fight with one another because they have separate brains. Metagross has four, Beldum has one, so doesn't it make sense that Metang has two?))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

Serena arrived in Sandshrew's den. "Sandshrew!" She called.
A yellow Pokemon turned to face her. "Hello, Serena. Can I help you?"
"Our teammate was captured and brought into a tunnel. We need your help to dig into it."
Sandshrew nodded and said, "I'm on my way." He began to dig a tunnel like a Diglett, moving quickly under the ground. Serena dashed along where she thought his tunnel was. She knew she had to hurry.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

I guess Shadow team is the only one I can join...
Pokèmon:Shadow Mewtwo
Gender:Preferrs to be called male

Rank:Wherever I can be
Personality:Serious,but has an uneasy-to-get-to,raerly-comes-out soft side,Masquerade will do whatever it takes to prove he's not worthless
Bio:Abandonned as a baby,Masquerade has learned to fend for himself,and,because he grew up alone,doesn't make friends easily.
Other: Can include moves (Max. 5). Shadow Ball,Psychic,Aura Sphere,Psybeam,Bone Rush

((forgive me,I've never played Collosseum or XD,whichever is a game of Shadow Pokemon))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

Read them, or else...!

1. No spamming, flaming and only a minimum of swearing, remember that there are kids that is around the age of 11 here!
2. No God-modding/Power-playing. Only control over your own character and sometimes NPC’s.
3. You can’t be a legendary, only some may with my permission. Like Shadow's commander Darkrai.
4. Pleasepleasepleaseplease, use proper grammar, Your posts don’t have to be perfect, but absolutely NO Chatspeak/1337speak!
5. Post more than one sentence, please! If you only write one sentence, most likely, the next poster doesn’t have much to write about, and also post a one sentence post T^T
6. At least post two times a week.
7. Put “Pokèmon” As the last word in your post to prove that you read the rules…
8. Please don’t overdo your appearance like this “It has two tails and some kinda mutation makes it look more like a Hitmonchan than a Hitmontop. Oh, and instead of brown, it’s red and blue!” And if your going to make it a little special (Light blue instead of dark blue) please explain why it is like that (He dyed his black fur red).
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

Finally, Serena reached the place where Lachlan was waiting. She turned to Sandshrew and asked, "Is it possible for you to dig into there?"

"Maybe," Sandshrew said, and started clawing away at the dirt, planning to dig in from the top.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

"Well, congratz, Thorn, for evolving." X-Ray said, then heard some voices outside of the cave. "Someone is going to dig their way in here! Get deeper into the cave, people!" X-Ray growled.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

Thorn tried floating over, but was unable as the other Beldum was pulling the opposite direction.
I want to stay here.
Well, too bad, we go deeper in.
No, we stay here.
Deeper in.
I refuse to be moved.

Thorn took her now-manuverable claws and poked the other Beldum in the eye with them, even though she felt the same pain, as a Metang has two brains but one nervous system.
Ow! Alright, alright, we go deeper in. Satisfied?

He telepathically muttered a line of inaudible swearwords aimed at the group that had disturbed him.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

oops,didn't see that part,just Masquerade is my Pokesona :(
I'll think of another one!
Pokèmon:Shadow Mudkip
Appearance:a Shadow Mudkip,what-the-not.
Rank:Wherever I can be
Personality:Serious,but has an uneasy-to-get-to,rarely-comes-out soft side,Skipper will do whatever it takes to prove she's not worthless
Bio:Abandonned as a baby,Skipper has learned to fend for himself,and,because he grew up alone,doesn't make friends easily.
Other: Can include moves (Max. 5).Water Gun,Muddy Water,Surf,Tackle(yes,I know),and Bubblebeam(what do you excpect,it's a Mudkip ^.^)

((forgive me,I've never played Collosseum or XD,whichever is a game of Shadow Pokemon))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

Ordalla ran deeper into the cave, chuckling at the two Beldum fighting.
"Congrats, also, Thorn." She said.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

((In the profile, you say Skipper is a female, but you keep saying "he" instead of "she"? Just pointing it out; I can't accept you or anything.))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

((sorry,I use wrong pronouns sometimes,lol))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

oops,didn't see that part,just Masquerade is my Pokesona :(
I'll think of another one!
Pokèmon:Shadow Mudkip
Appearance:a Shadow Mudkip,what-the-not.
Rank:Wherever I can be
Personality:Serious,but has an uneasy-to-get-to,rarely-comes-out soft side,Skipper will do whatever it takes to prove she's not worthless
Bio:Abandonned as a baby,Skipper has learned to fend for himself,and,because he grew up alone,doesn't make friends easily.
Other: Can include moves (Max. 5).Water Gun,Muddy Water,Surf,Tackle(yes,I know),and Bubblebeam(what do you excpect,it's a Mudkip ^.^)

((forgive me,I've never played Collosseum or XD,whichever is a game of Shadow Pokemon))
Did you read the story? Well, okay Accepted.
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

((No,actually I didn't read it.Catch me up,please?))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow *1 position open!*

((Team Light is in a tunnel with Farran the Flygon and Kruger the Honchkrow, both from Team Misery. Meanwhile Team Misery are trying to dig into the tunnel.))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

((well,then,I'm not needed,as I am on Team Shadow.))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

((Team Shadow is supposed to be going to kill Midnight the Darkrai. And I seem to be the only one doing that. I've been doing that for a while! Almost nobody on team Shadow has posted in a while!D: I'm one of the more recent... And my last post was a while back.)
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

((I'm thinking maybe Zora needs to ya know..play Darkrai. Shadow has nothing to do but sit back and watch. And that's being stupid right now.))
Re: Pokèmon Mystery Dungeon: The world in Shadow

((I agree. Zora, if you are reading this, please post! For the sake of being occupied!))
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