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Pokemon Rainbow

(Ah, I knew I wasn't totally nuts)

"Alright. Come at me!" The broad tail moved before the Treecko, acting as a shield, as she prepared to block whatever the Riolu could throw at her.
((I already asked, PsychicMewtwo, please do not control my characters for me! Just because I am offline does not make them your characters.))

Min and Max shook their heads simultaneously. They began to head back to their burrow, turning around to see a new Treecko that began to teach Flash how to fight. Max smiled, and beckoned to his friend. The two began to follow each other back to their burrow, but they stopped when they discovered a dark shape. It was very tall, just like...

"What's a human doing here!" Min cried.

Max shook his head, just as afraid as she was. "I don't know either! What are we supposed to do now."
I closed my eyes and began to circle the Treecko. I could see that a hit in the right place might shift her, but I couldn't see any way to get past her tail. Unless... I ran as fast as I could, right past Treecko, began to curve, then twisted and fired a Force Palm. If I was correct, then she wouldn't have anticipated an attack from here.
The attack hit the tail, dead center, as the fast reflexes of the Treecko sprang into action. "Good! Again." Gaea readied herself once more, putting a very small opening in her front while keeping her back and sides perfectly guarded. Let's see him get this.
And met Gaea's tail yet again. "Very good! Few pokemon have good defenses against areal attacks, which makes Flying pokemon so dangerous. Now, again, and try to find where my defense is weakest." Gaea shifted her tail, and made a single narrow opening in her defense.
I prepared to use Quick Attack, then thought. Hadn't sight failed me twice? I closed my eyes, and used Aura again. I could see that if I aimed for Gaea's apparent weak spot, I would be blocked. Instead, I ran towards a tree, kicked off the trunk, and aimed a Force Palm at the apparent hole in Gaea's defence, then charged at her from a different angle.
Gaea jumped suddenly, landing on one of the branches of a tree. "Excellent. You have your offense down. Now let's work on defense! Try blocking this!" Gaea swung down suddenly, swinging her tail around as she used Pound.
"Not bad, but if you let just any old attack hit you, you'll get killed. Try dodging them!" A second pound attack came just as she finished the sentence.
"Good, but never let down your guard," she said, as she tapped the Riolu's head with her tail. "Not everyone will be pulling their punches. Now, let's combine Offense and Defense." Gaea jumped back several feet, and got into a ready stance. "Come at me!" What will he use first...
I began with Quick Attack, running in a wide curve and launching a Force Palm. I stopped next to a tree, dropping into a guard stance that I could run from.
((Whoops. I'm so sorry. I thought Tsunami's post was yours.

I guess I should apologize...))

"Let's run!" Max shouted, grabbing Min's hand. The two began to flee from the human. He didn't give chase, but they found a Pokémon in pursuit of them.

Of course, Min was bold enough to turn around and see what it was. It was large, and canine, with a whiplike tail. "Houndoom!" she cried in a squeaky voice, racing ahead of Max. The Plusle dashed after her, a questioning look in his eyes.

"What's a Houndoom?" he asked, seemingly unafraid.

"A very vicious fire dog. A lot of the humans in the city I was living in had them. And they were mean!"
(Um... what post? Sorry, but I haven't even talked to either of you yet...)

Gaea realized that the Quick attack was just a feint, and blocked the Force Palm. Dashing toward the riolu, she used a Pound attack to feint, aiming to hit him with a Bullet Seed.
Can I assume that the trainer Max and Min saw is a Black Mask?

I noticed there was a bullet seed attack heading towards me. I dodged, then sensed a pulse of Aura from Max and Min, who I recalled had disappeared. "Wait!" I shouted at Gaea. "Max and Min are in trouble!"
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I pointed vaguely towards where the pulse had come from. "That way! I'll scout ahead."

I charged forwards with Quick Attack. What I saw scared me. Min and Max were being chased by a huge, horned Pokemon. I heard Min call it a Houndoom. Racing back, I shouted to Gaea.

"They're being chased by something called a Houndoom!"
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