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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Sometime, you and me have to fight, FMC. I know the perfect strategy to totally beat the shit out of your Bidoof.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

More from Bill's

[Chiropter] Crobat (M) Inner Focus

And also, is it really so hard to save money? Or at least not spend it for one day? No, it is not. For I once again spend $25 on another water-type starter; surely I don't need him, but...

[Ripdile] Totodile (M) Torrent

Re: Pokémon Registration Office

More from Bill's

[Chiropter] Crobat (M) Inner Focus

And also, is it really so hard to save money? Or at least not spend it for one day? No, it is not. For I once again spend $25 on another water-type starter; surely I don't need him, but...

[Ripdile] Totodile (M) Torrent


Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Ribbon] Gible (F)
Ability: Water Veil

Signature Modification: Marine Dragon

Description: Ribbon was born in an oceanic part of the world. The Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp there, due to the enviroment, had to develop ways to cope, as the only real prey they had access to was fish. So, over time (roughly 500 years. Hey, these ARE Pokemon we are talking about), they evolved webbing on their feet, bigger fins, sharper tipped... side... things on their heads, and smaller scythes in the case of Gabite and Garchomp. With Gible, they gained longer fingers with webbing instead. These mutations, for all stages, made them quite profecient in water, allowing for maximum speed and power. Another mutation gained was their very skin changing to help them deal with the water. Instead of being harmed by merely swimming, their bodies soon accepted the water, gaining effects similar to those exhibited by Water Veil. The Gible, Gabite, and Garchomp with this mutation did better than the ones with Sand Veil, as water is far more prevalent than sandstorms in the ocean. In her current stage, the basic stage, Ribbon has the ability to swim quite well, to the point where she gains an immense speed boost when swimming, and a minor speed boost when wet. She is also just as fast as a normal Gible on land, running on all fours to achieve the same effect. Also, her little... turbine... things, due to being sharper to allow her to go through the water faster, make a nasty little weapon, at the cost of making her eaiser to hit when she uses them, due to her losing her balance right after attempting to spear her enemy. However, due to evolving to live a life at sea, she has a slight disadvantage. As she goes faster in water, even when it is just raining, she, naturally, goes slower when it is very sunny, to the point of a minor speed loss in sunny weather, and a major speed loss in a place like a desert. This is due to the warmth and dryness reminding her that she is nowhere near sea. As such, she becomes more cautious and aware that she is not in her own element.

Effects: All ramming attacks gain 1% more power, due to her edges... head... things. All attacks made against her have 10% more accuracy right after she has used a ramming attack such and Dragon Rush or Iron Head, though. Also, Ribbon gains +1 speed in rain and +2 speed when she is in a body of water. These boosts do not allow her to exceed the usual +6 boost, however. In sunny weather, Ribbon will lose -1 speed, and -2 speed in a dry climate such as a desert. Her speed cannot go lower than -6. Ribbon's ability is Water Veil instead of Sand Veil.
I like this one better. It's approved.

Let's see if this is good~

[Doomsday] Bidoof (F)
Signature Modification: Resistance to Criticism
As a Bidoof, Doomsday is often made fun of and criticized for being what she is. As a result, Doomsday acquired a thick skin, if you will, towards being made fun of. It is nearly impossible to make her angry, and she has an eternally cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

Effects: Doomsday is always happy and cheerful, no matter what. Whenever she uses Return, it gets a 2% Damage bonus, while Frustration gets a 5% reduction. She cannot be Taunted, Tormented, Swaggered, or similar moves that rely on anger. Confusion caused by Flatter has a 75% chance of her hurting herself, however.
This is a little too powerful for my taste. It gives immunities to some very powerful and commonly-used moves; I'd prefer that it just reduced their effects a bit. For example, maybe it would reduce taunt/torment's duration, or negate the attack increase of swagger. As for totally blocking the attacks, that seems a bit much for a bit of "thick skin."
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I'd like to register my starting team, please.

[Bepop] Wooper (Male)
Ability: Water Absorb

[Rocksteady] Nincada (Male)
Ability: Compoundeyes

[Kiats] Magnemite (none)
Ability: Sturdy

[Julian] Ralts (Male)
Ability: Trace

[Christie] Nidoran F (Female)
Ability: Poison Point

[Holga] Ponyta (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire

That comes to about $44, I believe.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I'd like to register my starting team, please.

[Bepop] Wooper (Male)
Ability: Water Absorb

[Rocksteady] Nincada (Male)
Ability: Compoundeyes

[Kiats] Magnemite (none)
Ability: Sturdy

[Julian] Ralts (Male)
Ability: Trace

[Christie] Nidoran F (Female)
Ability: Poison Point

[Holga] Ponyta (Female)
Ability: Flash Fire

That comes to about $44, I believe.

Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ability: Sand Veil
Signature Attribute: Aura of Royalty
Even though Purr is a Gible in the League's jurisdiction he is descended from a long line of kings from a faraway region that eventually expanded to massive proportions, which went extinct when his great-great-grandfather, Terral IV the Garchomp, was captured by a human and went to live in captivity. Even then, the name Terral commands a certain amount of respect these days (given the fact that Terral I ruled with a my-word-is-law demeanor), and with the knowledge of this, enemy Pokemon may find it harder to be underhanded with this little captive-bred prince. Due to the aura of command Purr emanates, enemy Dragon-type Pokemon find it hard to hit him for massive damage. Similarly, any human-based move remind him of the captivity that everyone in his family from Terral IV down had to endure, and attacks that physically grab Purr bring back stories his parents told him...

Effects: Moves that involve beguiling, seducing, or otherwise tricking Purr (Attract, Trick, Captivate, Shadow Sneak, etc.) cost 5% more energy and have a 5% chance of failing altogether. Purr cannot be made to dodge or otherwise avoid an attack, and when he uses a sneaky attack, he feels ashamed off himself and the effects (damage, effect %s, whatever) are halved. Purr takes neutral damage from Dragon attacks, but anything directly involving humans (signature moves, any attacks from Porygon, anything from the 'Dex Registry, any attacks that involve the user physically grabbing Purr) do 5% more damage.

That's a lot of effects, I know, so if I need to remove anything I will.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Hm. alrighty. Here we go...

[Doomsday] Bidoof (F)
Ability: Simple
Signature Modification: Resistance to Criticism
As a Bidoof, Doomsday is often made fun of and criticized for being what she is. As a result, Doomsday acquired a thick skin, if you will, towards being made fun of. It is nearly impossible to make her angry, and she has an eternally cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

Effects: Doomsday is always happy and cheerful, no matter what. Whenever she uses Return, it gets a 2% Damage bonus, while Frustration gets a 5% reduction. Taunt and Torment have a 50% chance of not working at all on her, and Swagger doesn't cause an Attack increase. Confusion caused by Flatter has a 75% chance of her hurting herself, however.

is that any better? :3
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

The Registration Office sells licenses for basic- and baby-stage pokémon only, with prices depending on the relative rarity of the pokémon species. To purchase one or more pokémon, simply post the details of what you want along with a link to a bank transaction for the appropriate amount of money.

[flame] Cyndaquil (m) ability: blaze $10
signature move: flame flip

flame has slways had more control than normal over it's back flame once he got into a fierce battle with a torkoal and he took an overheat to the flames on his back just as they flared up for flame thrower and it flared up huge but didn't go down I had him use tackle he tripped and hit the torkoal with his flames for suprising damage.
after that battle he trained to control that flame and we developed an attack he runs at the opponent flares up his flames and smashes them into his opponent.

Type fire/ Stat physical / Base Damage 18% / Accuracy 90 / Target 1 opponent / Energy 18% / Duration 1 action to attack double water weakness till end of round
Effects 10% chance of burn, flame takes double damage from water type move fore the rest of the round (as he is a fire type he actualy takes 4 times the damage)
Usage Gap 2 rounds after side effects end

[aura] riolu (m) ability: steadfast $20
[psi] bronzor (n) ability: levitate $5
[jet] buizel (m) ability: swift swim $10

that will end up as $45 right
please let me know if i should have paid

Of course you should have paid. What's the point of assigning/checking prices if you don't pay? I'm not sure why you copied the first part of the first post, either... it isn't necessary.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ability: Sand Veil
Signature Attribute: Aura of Royalty
Even though Purr is a Gible in the League's jurisdiction he is descended from a long line of kings from a faraway region that eventually expanded to massive proportions, which went extinct when his great-great-grandfather, Terral IV the Garchomp, was captured by a human and went to live in captivity. Even then, the name Terral commands a certain amount of respect these days (given the fact that Terral I ruled with a my-word-is-law demeanor), and with the knowledge of this, enemy Pokemon may find it harder to be underhanded with this little captive-bred prince. Due to the aura of command Purr emanates, enemy Dragon-type Pokemon find it hard to hit him for massive damage. Similarly, any human-based move remind him of the captivity that everyone in his family from Terral IV down had to endure, and attacks that physically grab Purr bring back stories his parents told him...

Effects: Moves that involve beguiling, seducing, or otherwise tricking Purr (Attract, Trick, Captivate, Shadow Sneak, etc.) cost 5% more energy and have a 5% chance of failing altogether. Purr cannot be made to dodge or otherwise avoid an attack, and when he uses a sneaky attack, he feels ashamed off himself and the effects (damage, effect %s, whatever) are halved. Purr takes neutral damage from Dragon attacks, but anything directly involving humans (signature moves, any attacks from Porygon, anything from the 'Dex Registry, any attacks that involve the user physically grabbing Purr) do 5% more damage.

That's a lot of effects, I know, so if I need to remove anything I will.
First, 5% energy increase on beguiling attacks is two much; 2% on that. You could run into trouble because "sneaky" attacks are rather ill-defined. Also, I don't really see the logic on the "directly involving humans" bit. First, 'dex registry species are considered within the gameverse as having been recently discovered, not created by humans. Also, any attacks that involve the user physically grabbing Purr? How is something like counter or seismic toss an attack that directly involves humans?

Hm. alrighty. Here we go...

[Doomsday] Bidoof (F)
Ability: Simple
Signature Modification: Resistance to Criticism
As a Bidoof, Doomsday is often made fun of and criticized for being what she is. As a result, Doomsday acquired a thick skin, if you will, towards being made fun of. It is nearly impossible to make her angry, and she has an eternally cheerful and optimistic outlook on life.

Effects: Doomsday is always happy and cheerful, no matter what. Whenever she uses Return, it gets a 2% Damage bonus, while Frustration gets a 5% reduction. Taunt and Torment have a 50% chance of not working at all on her, and Swagger doesn't cause an Attack increase. Confusion caused by Flatter has a 75% chance of her hurting herself, however.

is that any better? :3

I'd like to register my starting team.

[Sirius] Riolu (m) ability: steadfast $20

[Pika] Pichu (m) ability: Static $10

paid at the bank

~Charles Legend
Team approved.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

How is something like counter or seismic toss an attack that directly involves humans?

Counter - TM in RBY, then Move Tutor. In a sense, made by humans
Seismic Toss - Move Tutor

Also, they are, arguably (Counter is the main problem, due to Pokemon like Wobbuffet and Wynaut), something along the lines of Martial Arts, which can be considered man made. In fact, many physical fighting-type moves could be considered as man made (Low Kick, High Kick, Triple Kick, Dynamic Punch (TM in GSC, I think), etc.). Also, some normal-type moves (Mega Punch (TM, then Move Tutor) and Mega Kick (Same Thing), for example) could also be considered as man-made. The reason is because People can actually perform actions similar to those moves, and as such, they could have been picked up by Pokemon, who thought of them as useful

I just wanted to point that all out
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

The direct grip attacks were supposed to be separated from the human-based attacks, I probably shouldn't have put it like that. Although the point Icalasari makes about martial arts is kinda true. The thing is, he surrenders himself to grip attacks more easily because of the way Terral IV was wrested into captivity.

Point taken about the 5% cost being too much, reducing to 2%. And point also taken about 'Dex Registry. I define sneaky/beguiling moves as anything that would involve deliberately getting out of Purr's sight before attacking or inflicting a status condition that's not generic (Attract, Seeding, Cursing, etc.), but I think that could vary between refs.
New sig attribute looks something like this:

Ability: Sand Veil
Signature Attribute: Aura of Royalty
Even though Purr is a Gible in the League's jurisdiction he is descended from a long line of kings from a faraway region that eventually expanded to massive proportions, which went extinct when his great-great-grandfather, Terral IV the Garchomp, was captured by a human and went to live in captivity. Even then, the name Terral commands a certain amount of respect these days (given the fact that Terral I ruled with a my-word-is-law demeanor), and with the knowledge of this, enemy Pokemon may find it harder to be underhanded with this little captive-bred prince. Due to the aura of command Purr emanates, enemy Dragon-type Pokemon find it hard to hit him for massive damage. Similarly, any human-based move remind him of the captivity that everyone in his family from Terral IV down had to endure, and attacks that physically grab Purr bring back stories his parents told him...stories about terrible human hands that snatched them as babies to be bred, and that brought an end to a great empire...

Effects: Moves that involve beguiling, seducing, or otherwise tricking Purr (Attract, Trick, Shadow Sneak, etc.) cost 2% more energy and have a 5% chance of failing altogether. Purr cannot be made to dodge or otherwise avoid an attack, and when he uses a sneaky attack, he feels ashamed off himself and the effects (damage, effect %s, whatever) are halved. Purr takes neutral damage from Dragon attacks, but anything directly involving humans (signature moves, any attacks from Porygon), and moves that involve physically grabbing Purr do 5% more damage. Note that the sneaky attack energy cost and the damage bonus can play at the same time (I'm not thinking of anything particular, but yeah)

There. Hopefully that's not as cheap.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Currently, you only have "sneak attacks" referred to in what Purr cannot do well, not what he takes offense to when used against him. If you want to penalize all of those, remove the 5% fail chance and reduce the energy increase to 1%, because that's like 50% of all attacks ever.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office


OK, I'm withdrawing this sig attribute for now. Let me rethink the effects, see if I can come up with anything better.:unsure:
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I asked what you meant by "sneaky attacks," referring to this sentence:

Purr cannot be made to dodge or otherwise avoid an attack, and when he uses a sneaky attack, he feels ashamed off himself and the effects (damage, effect %s, whatever) are halved.

However, when you responded, it sounded as though you were talking about what Purr's opponents would be doing:

I define sneaky/beguiling moves as anything that would involve deliberately getting out of Purr's sight before attacking or inflicting a status condition that's not generic (Attract, Seeding, Cursing, etc.)

Which I thought meant you wanted the energy increase and fail chance applied to all sorts of things, like faint attack, obviously attract, and so forth, which I considered too powerful.
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