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Paying to evolve Valerie.
[Valerie] Magikarp (F)
Ability: swift Swim
[Valkyrie] Gyarados (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Approved.Bank post.
Pick up post.
[Ruaig] Stunky (Male) <Stench>
Body mod: Stunky has taken a Levitation Course.
For pokemon that weigh up to 100 lbs (~45 kg), levitation will cost 2% energy per action to maintain. For pokemon between 101 lbs and 250 lbs (~113 kg) it will cost 3% per action to maintain, and for pokemon 251 lbs to 440 lbs (~200 kg), it will cost 4% energy to maintain levitation. Levitation enables pokemon to reach a height no greater than 2 m, and has the visual effect of being in a state with no gravitational pull towards the earth. Pokemon who undergo this training will be classified as Consensually Levitating Pokemon. This is a two-day course, and pokemon will need to be picked up before battle.
Fighting- or Bug-type pokemon will expend an extra 2% energy to levitate, as they have less affinity with psychic energy. Psychic-type pokemon will expend 1% less energy.
Approved[Sylph] Buneary (F)
Ability: Run Away
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
[Brownie] Turtwig (M)
Ability: Overgrow
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
[Siusan] Horsea (F)
Ability: Swift Swim
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
[Flow] Ralts (M)
Ability: Synchronize
Move Mod:
Body Mod:
Should be 34 right?
...Well you threw me off at Poochyena for ~15 (note to self sleep some time) but I get what you meant, Approved~ P:Alrighty, I just got approved, so I'd like a dog Pokemon team, please!
[Donna] Growlithe (F)
Ability: Intimidate
Cost: $10
[Angel] Houndour (M)
Ability: Flash Fire
Cost: $15
[Sabriel] Poochyena (F)
Ability: Run Away
Cost: $15
[Tomas] Electrike (M)
Ability: Static
Cost: $15
Bank post is here
[Night Angel]Sneasel(f)
ability:Inner Focus
ability: Magnet Pull
ability: Technician
[Cranius] Skelitten (♂)
Ability: Pressure
Cost: $25
[Arane] Spinarak (♀)
Ability: Swarm
Cost: $5
Dusk Stone
Bank Post
[Chase] Feebas (Male)
Ability: Swift Swim
[Rush] Ralts (Male)
Ability: Trace
[Crystal] Ralts (Female)
Ability: Trace
[Fondue] Squirtle (Female)
Ability: Torrent
[Static] Mareep (Male)
Ability: Static
Total - $36
Bank post
I would like to start my team with these Pokemon:
[Sky] Dratini (Female)
Move Mod: Flamethrower
[Aurora] Riolu (Female)
Body Mod: Steel
Move Mod: Aura Sphere
*knocks as she enters* Hey...looking for some pokemon =)
Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether. One of the Pichu's is modded and yes, I am aware that it will delay the process. It's fine by me, I can be patient.
[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute:
Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.
Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.
Move Mod:
Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special
Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability. This also prevents the electricity stored from being used for other attacks, such as thundershock). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.
The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. But this move breaks Anarchy’s Soundproof ability, as the sound is blasting from her headphones directly into her ear. As a result, she will always be deafened by using the attack, rendering her unable to hear commands. There’s a chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four turns).
Contest Type: UltraJam
Contest Score: +40, -20
[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static
[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead
Two Pichus and a Cubone - $30 altogether.
[Anarchy] Pichu (Female)
Ability: Soundproof
Signature Attribute: DJ-Chu
Anarchy has been surrounded by sound all her life, being born, raised and eventually caught in an area known for it's festivals and raves. She discovered a pair of headphones with a built in mp3, lost by their owner during one of the festivals (I say lost, she found it in one of the tents and presumed it lost) and took it for her own. It didn’t take long for her to find out how it worked, after playing with her new toy and watching other humans wear a set of headphones.
Since obtaining them, she refuses to take them off. Seeing this, they’ve been modified to suit her. This creates a block between outside sounds and Anarchy’s ears, which softens noise and means that sound based attacks, which depend on clarity and volume, can’t break through to her ears. At least, not with enough power to cause damage. In battle her trainer gets around this by wearing a headset herself when using her, speaking directly into the headphones to tell her what to do. Her static ability is lost as the headphones absorb the excess electricity, which is used in her attack.
Effects: Replaces Static with Soundproof
Move Mod:
Name: Tempo Push
Type: Normal / Base Power (if any): 80 / Accuracy: 100%
Target: All
Class: Special
Stat: Special
Learning to use electricity as a Pichu usually results in multiple shocks and accidents as they learn to control their abilities. Not so much for Anarchy. The headphones absorbed the excess electricity, almost acting as a second store besides her cheeks (and robbing her of her Static ability. This also prevents the electricity stored from being used for other attacks, such as thundershock). Using this extra power, she amplifies the music from her headphones to release it in a blast.
The attack is strong as it uses stored power, rather than what Anarchy can generate on the spot. There’s a 20% chance of also deafening her foe too. As the headphones rely on built up static collected by her headphones over they have a long build up time (four rounds). During this time, they malfunction and no longer provide Soundproof protection, leaving her open to sound based attack until they recharge.
Effects: Doesn't affect Pokemon with the Soundproof ability. Removes Anarchy's Soundproof ability for four rounds as the headphones recharge. 20% chance of deafening foe for two to three actions. When a foe is deafened, they are effectively given the Soundproof ability and cannot understand verbal commands. If there is no other means of commanding the pokemon, they must act of their own accord until their hearing returns.
Contest Type: UltraJam
Contest Score: +40, -20
[Shocktail] Pichu (Male)
Ability: Static
[Shkan] Cubone (Male)
Ability: Rockhead
Changes made. I put in the contest info since it was on the temple for these...ignore it if you so wish, I was just being careful.