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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

It's possible that it could be approved. It all depends on how powerful it turns out to be and whether you manage to get all the information you need into it.

Of particular interest in terms of emotion are sadness, anger, attraction, confusion, "pain" (this isn't an emotion, though, so perhaps it shouldn't be included at all), excitement/happiness, and calm.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Good point about the pain thing, and I edited it to include all the emotions you specified.

As stated before, if it isn't approved due to being too powerful for a riolu, I'll save it for when she evolves.
Last edited:
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Experiance hurts my brain, but I'll get it eventualy x_x

Now, so I don't forget it any MORE, Evolving:

[Jin] Bronzor (X)
Received: Starting Team
EXP: 2 + [URL='http://www.dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=145100&postcount=27'"]1[/URL]


[Jin] Bronzong (X)
Ability: Heatproof
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Evolving my Chikorita into Bayleef.

[Rose] Chikorita (F)
Ability: Overgrow
Signature Move: None
Experience: 2

[Rose] Bayleef (F)
Ability: Overgrow
Signature Move: None
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Powerful Infatuation

Bartimaeus and Kitty have been soulmates since they were born. They love each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This infatuation is strong enough so that Bartimaeus is empowered by the presence of his loved one.
Effects: Bartimaeus feels confident and gains +1 attack and speed as long as he is battling alongside Kitty.

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Strong Love

Kitty and Bartimaeus have been in love since they were born. They are infatuated with each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This love is strong enough so that Kitty is empowered by the presence of her loved one.
Efects: Kitty feel confident and gains +1 attack and defence as long as she is battling alongside Bartimaeus.

I submit these very similar Signature Attributes for approval by the Pokemon Registration Office.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Powerful Infatuation

Bartimaeus and Kitty have been soulmates since they were born. They love each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This infatuation is strong enough so that Bartimaeus is empowered by the presence of his loved one.
Effects: Bartimaeus feels confident and gains +1 attack and speed as long as he is battling alongside Kitty.

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Strong Love

Kitty and Bartimaeus have been in love since they were born. They are infatuated with each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This love is strong enough so that Kitty is empowered by the presence of her loved one.
Efects: Kitty feel confident and gains +1 attack and defence as long as she is battling alongside Bartimaeus.

I submit these very similar Signature Attributes for approval by the Pokemon Registration Office.
Mmm... pick one stat to up for each pokémon.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Umm... Did people forget about my sig move request, or is this a way of saying 'not approved'?
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Powerful Infatuation

Bartimaeus and Kitty have been soulmates since they were born. They love each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This infatuation is strong enough so that Bartimaeus is empowered by the presence of his loved one.
Effects: Bartimaeus feels confident and gains +1 attack as long as he is battling alongside Kitty.

Move Mod: None
Body Mod: Strong Love

Kitty and Bartimaeus have been in love since they were born. They are infatuated with each other, and hardly ever leave one anothers side. This love is strong enough so that Kitty is empowered by the presence of her loved one.
Efects: Kitty feel confident and gains +1 speed as long as she is battling alongside Bartimaeus.

I submit these very similar Signature Attributes for approval by the Pokemon Registration Office.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office


Don't edit, repost.


Both approved.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Added some description, etc. as per your post. I think I covered most of the major emotions, if another one comes up in battle I can describe then what happens? It's all very circumstantial, so I'd elaborate as needed in battle.



Terra (Female)

Ability: Steadfast
Experience: -none yet-
Approval: Starting Team

Signature Move: Aura Manipulation (Unless I think of a better name later)

Terra taught herself how to do intensify Pokemon's emotions, as a defense against dangerous Pokemon. It is already within most Riolu's power to sense the auras of others, she realized that it is possible to affect a Pokemon through their aura through necessity; as a young Riolu in the wild she was always in danger of attack from some Pokemon or another, so she developed the ability to distract them for long enough that she could run away.

Aura Manipulation lets Terra sense the emotions of a Pokemon and intensify them to be used against the Pokemon. Rage becomes 'blind fury', they are so mad that they simply lose their grip on reality for a time. Sadness becomes depression, effectively rendering a Pokemon immobile due to instilling a 'why bother' feeling. Confidence intensified can cause Pokemon to put themselves in more danger than is necessary. Nervousness, obviously, makes the Pokemon very afraid and not wanting to have anything to do with the battle. Attraction intensified causes a Pokemon to be totally enamored, unable to hurt the Pokemon to which it's attracted AT ALL. Confusion intensified causes severe dizziness, inability to move in a straight line or see straight, etc. (kinda like being veeeery drunk)
However, there are some emotions that simple can't be turned against someone. Determination, for example. This will only cause the Pokemon to become more determined Or happiness, most of the time. This will simply mean that a Pokemon is even more content. However, happiness in a 'everything is so wonderful etc. etc.' way can make the Pokemon not want to hurt anyone. Calm, if intensified at low strength, simply makes the Pokemon more calm and level headed, though at high strength can make them uncaring about what happens, so they don't bother to defend themselves.
If Terra uses it first thing in a round, it will be more powerful, but will leave her exhausted and unable to attack for the rest of the round. The strength at which she uses it determines how long the effect lasts and how taxing it is. It is very taxing in general to use it though.
Terra concentrates deeply for a time, meditating and developing a slight blue glow as she looks through her 'other sight', the aura sensing sight. The blue glow intensifies as the effects come into play.

Type: Psychic / Stat: Special / Accuracy: 100% / Target: 1+ Pokemon / Energy: 8%+ / Duration: Depends on strength, at least 2 actions and as much as 2 rounds

Intensifies the strongest emotions of a Pokemon, causing confusion/depression/whatever is the extreme of the emotion.
The energy usage begins at 8, this being an effect that lasts only a couple actions, only intensifies an emotion a little (ex. sadness just becomes a 'sigh, this is bad' feeling, not full blown depression), and only targets one pokemon. in general the energy usage increases by 1 point per extra action it lasts, 2 points per extra enemy, and as for intensification level, at it's strongest the energy use increases by 6 points from the weakest.

Usage Gap: Can only be used once per battle.​
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

mumei tensai

Aura Manipulation lets Terra sense the emotions of a Pokemon and intensify them to be used against the Pokemon. Rage becomes 'blind fury', they are so mad that they simply lose their grip on reality for a time. Sadness becomes depression, effectively rendering a Pokemon immobile due to instilling a 'why bother' feeling. Confidence intensified can cause Pokemon to put themselves in more danger than is necessary. Nervousness, obviously, makes the Pokemon very afraid and not wanting to have anything to do with the battle. Attraction intensified causes a Pokemon to be totally enamored, unable to hurt the Pokemon to which it's attracted AT ALL. Confusion intensified causes severe dizziness, inability to move in a straight line or see straight, etc. (kinda like being veeeery drunk)
However, there are some emotions that simple can't be turned against someone. Determination, for example. This will only cause the Pokemon to become more determined Or happiness, most of the time. This will simply mean that a Pokemon is even more content. However, happiness in a 'everything is so wonderful etc. etc.' way can make the Pokemon not want to hurt anyone. Calm, if intensified at low strength, simply makes the Pokemon more calm and level headed, though at high strength can make them uncaring about what happens, so they don't bother to defend themselves.
You should list, under the effects section, how this translates to changes in battle. Rage, for example - if it's blind fury, how does that affect the pokemon? What do you mean by they "lose their grip on reality"? Do they act as if Taunted and Swagger'd combined, or maybe forced to stick with physical contact attacks, or what?

Depression's effect (immobilising the opponent completely) is too powerful, as is attraction's (maybe reduce it to 75% chance of not attacking instead of 100%).

Confusion's effect is basically the confusion status, it seems; how does this translate to the pokemon? Perhaps their confusion status increases one level (normal to mildly confused to moderately confused to severely confused), then?

And determination, happiness, and calmness sound like they'd change stats, so if you go with that, that's what you'd want to list under the effects section.

The paragraphs explaining the backstory and how the move is executed should come first.

When explaining the energy usage, that should go under the "energy" category, not "effects". And because it's not a damaging move, it doesn't get a stat. You'll also have to explain, if they come at different strength levels, how much each level affects the target.

If you can control the exact duration you could have it be something like "two rounds, until commanded to cease the attack, or when x happens" (x being something the opponent can do to stop your attack early, e.g. making your pokemon fall asleep).

(Also, note that any emotion you haven't listed may not have in-battle effects so that it affects that much beyond the reffing text. You've got most of the ones you'll encounter, sure, but you might find some others.)

... okay so I was ninja'd twice but this should apply if you haven't changed anything
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I have a lot of work to do, don't I?
I'll just wait and submit it later when I've fleshed it out as much as I possibly can.
And I'll probably wait till she evolves, so I can get away with more.
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