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Fiddled with it a bit, is it better?
[Philharmonic] Chatot (M)
Ability: Tangled Feet
Signature Move: Tone-Deaf
Chatot memorise words and phrases quite well, and Philharmonic is no exception. In fact, most of his kind are quite good at using sound to battle. But Philharmonic has developed a way to play with sound that no other of his kind can. He's very familiar with pitch and melody, able to string words he knows together with a soothing melody and appropriate pitch to make a song. But he can make more than just sweet and simple songs.
First, he recalls as many of the sounds he's heard in his life as he can and regurgitates them backwards with a random volume and pitch, fluctuating from soft and sweet to loud and off-key. This screaming deafens all who hear it, and confusing all those in range to hear it by making them fly into a frenzy at the offending sound, and the exertion of blasting so much noise confuses Philharmonic out of fatigue. Those who hear the sound are Deafened for three actions, and cannot hear anything but a ringing in their ears for the duration. Pokemon with more sensitive ears may run and hide from the sound.
A Deafened Pokemon cannot hear very well, so sound-based attacks won't have any effect of the Pokemon. It will be slightly easier to sneak up on them as well, as they wouldn't hear their attacker coming.
Flying Type / Special / 95% Accuracy / 5% Damage / Energy: 8% / Deafens and confuses targets; confuses Phil / Target: All but User / Duration: One Action / Usage Gap: Three Rounds from end of effects
Signature Attribute: Conductor's Baton
Received: Bought
EXP: 0
Approved.The clearing weather effects done multiple times a round was supposed to be written more along the lines of "ceasing to feed energy to the weather effect, thus causing it to subside" (kind of like light screen) but the wording failed + I forgot about the clearing weather ability at that point. Doubled power of attacks available was also failure in deleting the right parts. I figured that there would be a lot of detriments with the weather raging more strongly outside her bubble (beyond a slight stealth rock-ish effect, possibly), including a major accuracy reduction if the attack's going out of the bubble while they can see the light from her orbs, but removed that too. The clear-weather-by-dispersing-energy was already there, though.
[Ouroboros] Dragonair (F) Shed Skin
Links: Obtained
Body Mod: Signature Attribute: Divine Aura
Dragonair can freely control the weather by taking on an aura; this ability is so special that nearly every pokédex entry relates to it. Most league-approved dragonair can't control the weather much more easily than other pokémon, however; they have to use the appropriate move.
Ouroboros practised this ability long before the destruction of ASB Central, meditating to bring out her aura and attempting to use it to influence the weather. She found that dance was the easiest way to bring out her aura, so she had to dance throughout her practice. It was slow going at first - she was able to summon a light breeze, then a stronger wind, but nothing very grand. As she practised, her aura grew stronger, and she was able to sense it even more.
Eventually, when Ouroboros used one of her normal weather-changing moves, she understood how her aura moved the clouds or strengthened the sunlight, so she grew adept at using it. However, to bring out her aura, she still needed to perform the dance, though she no longer needed to dance every moment she wanted to have control over the weather. She'd gained the ability to simply concentrate to bring out the aura, but it was much more difficult. She became satisfied, feeling it was enough, and presented it to her trainer so she could use it in battle.
After this achievement, though, a great fire destroyed ASB Central and she was lost as floating data along with many other pokémon. It seemed like forever that she was in this state, away from the sun and the rain and the breeze, and she missed them dearly. When she was finally recovered, she immediately went outside and felt the weather once more, using her aura to manipulate it and loving the sensation. Eventually, without the interruption of battle, she was able to fully master the ability to manipulate the weather with her aura, now exuding the aura at all times without even consciously thinking about it.
Effects: Ouroboros constantly exudes a gentle aura that, while generally invisible, can be sensed by even the most oblivious pokémon. For most, it's just a subtle feeling, giving them a general idea of where she is, so they receive a +1 bonus to accuracy when she is the target. Psychics and pokémon with the natural ability to sense auras are even better at locating her; when these pokémon target her, her evasion is considered negated (making double team clones useless) and they receive an extra +2 accuracy bonus.
When actively using her Divine Aura to change or sustain a weather effect, her crystal orbs glow, adding another +1 accuracy bonus to anyone trying to target her or her clones, as long as they can see the light.
Using this aura, Ouroboros can change the weather without taking a full action or using the actual move. While the most obvious use for this is summoning any standard weather effect, it's not limited to those - she can manipulate the weather or the air around her however she pleases, as long as it's possible in the arena she's battling in. She can emulate the effects of some moves, like creating a tailwind, if they rely on the effect of the weather itself. However, if the weather-like effect uses mystical properties for its effects, or any other attribute not found in natural weather (e.g. mist and razor wind), she cannot copy those effects. She cannot change the weather more than once per round save for weather-changing moves.
It doesn't take a full action to change the weather, so she can for example cause it to be sunny and use a thunder wave in the same action, but it costs extra energy to do both at once. Thus, while it usually only takes half the usual energy to change the weather, she uses an additional 2% if she uses another move on the same action. She cannot change the weather while using a move that requires great concentration (like detect) or causes direct damage. She can also clear any weather (unless it's inherent to the arena), using a full action and 2% energy per weather effect cleared; she disperses the energy sustaining the weather, so it doesn't take energy to sustain clear weather conditions.
Because she's directly using her aura to manipulate the weather, she can sustain it as long as she likes and it is not interrupted, but it costs 1% energy per action to sustain the weather move. She cannot sustain two weather effects at once, even if it's just a tailwind and a sunny day. She cannot sustain the weather effect if enraged (such as by taunt or swagger), moderately confused or worse, or otherwise totally unable to concentrate at least a little on the weather (most likely by a move directly attacking her mind). Just ceasing to sustain the weather any longer doesn't take energy or effort, and the weather subsides immediately when she stops controlling it.
Weather-changing moves are more powerful, generally, than her type of manipulation, and will override her command. After all, she needs to spend energy to constantly keep the weather going, while weather-changing moves only have an initial cost and are powerful enough to keep going without the weather-summoner's help; with so much power, it's only natural that her control is disrupted. When she's actively using Divine Aura, other weather moves cause 5% typeless damage to Ouroboros (considered self-inflicted, thus ignoring caps, subs, and protect) and disrupting concentration. Naturally, she can just exert control over the weather again, but so can the opponent. This only occurs if it would clear whatever weather effect she's summoned; rain dance while she's making it sunny would hurt, but summoning a sandstorm doesn't make it stop raining, so it won't hurt her then.
Should she use a weather-changing move rather than her Divine Aura to change the weather, there is no upkeep cost and it doesn't harm her if the weather is changed. She can also have a secondary weather-like effect (such as rain dance and fog) after using a weather-changing move.
Shino [Nincada] Male
Coumpound Eyes
Body Mod: Ninja Training
Shino was born in a highly trained and strict society of ninja-like Ninjask and Nincada. From an early age, he was surrounded by older pokémon becoming ninjas, and he soon entered training himself. By the time the ASB League caught him, he had been trained rather well into a good ninja, exhibiting stealth and speed uncanny for an unevolved nincada.
Effects: Whenever Shino uses a move requiring stealth or quietness, the move is done with much less energy. He is also able to hide and camoflauge himself more easily than normal, so any sort of order to do something like that requires less energy to execute. His speed also gains a boost of +1. On the downside, however, Shino's defenses are rather low, lowering his Special Defence and Defence each by -2.
(+1 speed, -2 defense and sp.defense, stealth moves and hiding take less energy)
Shino [Nincada] Male
Coumpound Eyes
Body Mod: Ninja Training
Shino was born in a highly trained and strict society of ninja-like Ninjask and Nincada. From an early age, he was surrounded by older pokémon becoming ninjas, and he soon entered training himself. His training stressed the importance of speed and stealth, almost completely ignoring defenses against attacks. By the time the ASB League caught him, he had been trained rather well into a good ninja, exhibiting stealth and speed uncanny for an unevolved nincada, and yet his resistance to attacks was unusually low...
Effects: Whenever Shino uses a move requiring stealth or quietness, the move is done with 2% less energy. He is also able to hide and camoflauge himself more easily than normal, so any sort of order to do something like that requires less time to execute. His speed also gains a boost of +1. On the downside, however, Shino's defenses are rather low, lowering his Special Defence and Defence each by -2.
(+1 speed, -2 defense and sp.defense, stealth moves and hiding take less energy)
Whee, more headaches!
[Vilya] ralts (f)
Ability: Synchronize
Signature Attribute: Envy of Birds
Vilya has, since her childhood, watched birds, and envied their freedom in the air, their ability to fly to any place that strikes their fancy. When a Xatu on its migration flight came, she asked it how it flied, and how she could fly as well. It could not help her with the flying, but told her it was possible, though that she would have to find her own way.
Knowing that it was possible was possible was half the battle; after many attempts, a workable method was found - using psychic power to lift from the ground. Though she could not ascend very high, concentration would stretch the limits, to a point.
This, practiced many times, became almost effortless for Vilya to maintain, such that she now remain suspended in the air whenever possible. Being out of practice at getting back up, this requires extra energy when this happens, usually because an outside force interferes with the psychic power keeping Vilya afloat.
Effects: Vilya is treated as inherently hovering / consentually flying, with a normal maximum altitude of 6 m (an extra meter for every two levels that both the special stats are increased, and a meter down for each decrease in both) and an extra energy cost of 1% per turn for flight but falls to the ground and stays there for a 3 actions when hit by dark-type moves or about 2 meters from a dark-type. She also falls when subject to a powerful (causing >8% damage or so without applying effectiveness) move to which a psychic/flying-type would have a weakness to. Falling from the sky results in (altitude / 2m)% HP damage, rounded down. She also suffers a -1 to speed for these actions as the body adjusts ('air legs', I guess I could call it). Returning to the hovering state requires 6% energy.
Er yeah, so getting Spoony's sig move reapproved after Negrek changed it... I should have done this initially, shouldn't I.
Original sig attribute and changes
[Spoony] Abra (M) Synchronise
Experience: 0/2 to kadabra, 0/5 to alakazam
Links: Obtained
Signature Attribute: Blinking Reflex
Teleportation is an abra’s natural ability almost from birth, and all abra know how to teleport. It is also an easy way to avoid doing crazy things like walking up stairs, and very efficient when you exclude the energy cost. Because he’d been teleporting all his life, it became easier for Spoony to teleport than other teleport-capable pokémon. It still required conscious thought at that point, and a little bit of energy, but that wasn’t too much to ask for to move his rather frail body around.
Once he’d managed to turn teleportation into an efficient and easy way to get to places, he found stuff like walking had been rendered obsolete. Teleportation meant that he didn’t have to worry about obstacles or time, and it was so much easier to sneak up on others. He didn’t like walking, anyway, so he just… stopped. He started to solely use teleportation to get everywhere, and as he wasn’t really that adventurous anyway, so he rarely needed to get to places he’d never seen before. The few occasions he did have to do it, he’d make short teleportation leaps within the confines of his vision, until he got where he needed to go. This constant practise made it even easier to teleport, and in turn there was even less of a reason to walk any more than a few steps at once, if even that. Lack of physical exercise started to take its toll on his body, weakening it physically, but his mental abilities weren’t affected.
Effects: Whenever Spoony needs to get from point A to B, he teleports instead of running or any other type of movement. For short-range teleports (under two metres), he uses only 1% energy apiece and can teleport up to three times an action. Any longer-ranged teleports use 2%. If he uses a move that can combo with Teleport, he can perform the combo and use up only one action. In battle he behaves as though he has a permanent four-stage reduction to both defense and speed, but these stat modifiers are not treated like normal ones and therefore cannot be acted upon by moves such as haze or guard swap. These stats can still be increased or decreased by up to six levels, but for Spoony these two stats have the equivalent -10-stage minimums and +2-stage maximums. Any physical attacks are executed as if he has half his usual base speed, plus any speed modifiers.
He cannot be forced to forget or otherwise refuse to teleport any more than a usual pokémon would forget their usual method of movement in the middle of a battle; teleportation no longer truly counts as a move for him. If the opponent is otherwise able to prevent him from going intangible, if he requires the type of movement that would usually cause him to teleport, he can at most take several steps when performing another action.
Shino [Nincada] Male
Coumpound Eyes
Body Mod: Ninja Training
Shino was born in a highly trained and strict society of ninja-like Ninjask and Nincada. From an early age, he was surrounded by older pokémon becoming ninjas, and he soon entered training himself. His training stressed the importance of speed and stealth, almost completely ignoring defenses against attacks. By the time the ASB League caught him, he had been trained rather well into a good ninja, exhibiting stealth and speed uncanny for an unevolved nincada, and yet his resistance to attacks was unusually low...
Effects: Whenever Shino uses a move requiring stealth or quietness, the move is done with 2% less energy. He is also able to hide and camoflauge himself more easily than normal, so any sort of order to do something like that requires less time to execute. His speed also gains a boost of +1. On the downside, however, Shino's defenses are rather low, lowering his Special Defence and Defence each by -2.
(+1 speed, -2 defense and sp.defense, stealth moves and hiding take less energy)
Eh, let's see how this is objected to.
[Vilya] ralts (f)
Ability: Synchronize
Signature Attribute: Envy of Birds
Vilya has, since her childhood, watched birds, and envied their freedom in the air, their ability to fly to any place that strikes their fancy. When a Xatu on its migration flight came, she asked it how it flied, and how she could fly as well. It could not help her with the flying, but told her it was possible, though that she would have to find her own way.
Knowing that it was possible was possible was half the battle; after many attempts, a workable method was found - using psychic power to lift from the ground. Though she could not ascend very high, concentration would stretch the limits, to a point.
This, practiced many times, became almost effortless for Vilya to maintain, such that she now remain suspended in the air whenever possible. Being out of practice at getting back up, this requires extra energy when this happens, usually because an outside force interferes with the psychic power keeping Vilya afloat.
Effects: Vilya is treated as inherently hovering / consentually flying, with a normal maximum altitude of 6 m (an extra meter for each level that special attack increased, and a meter down for each decrease) and an extra energy cost of 1% per turn for flight but falls to the ground and stays there for a 3 actions when hit by dark-type moves or about 2 meters from a dark-type. She also falls when subject to a powerful (causing >8% damage or so without applying effectiveness) move to which a psychic/flying-type would have a weakness to. Falling from the sky results in (altitude / 2m)% HP damage, rounded down. She also suffers a -1 to speed for these actions as the body adjusts ('air legs', I guess I could call it). Returning to the hovering state requires 6% energy.
Originally Posted by Blastoise428![]()
Shino [Nincada] Male
Coumpound Eyes
Body Mod: Ninja Training
Shino was born in a highly trained and strict society of ninja-like Ninjask and Nincada. From an early age, he was surrounded by older pokémon becoming ninjas, and he soon entered training himself. His training stressed the importance of speed and stealth, almost completely ignoring defenses against attacks. By the time the ASB League caught him, he had been trained rather well into a good ninja, exhibiting stealth and speed uncanny for an unevolved nincada, and yet his resistance to attacks was unusually low...
Effects: Whenever Shino uses a move requiring stealth or quietness, the move is done with 2% less energy. He is also able to hide and camoflauge himself more easily than normal, so any sort of order to do something like that requires less time to execute. His speed also gains a boost of +1. On the downside, however, Shino's defenses are rather low, lowering his Special Defence and Defence each by -2.
(+1 speed, -2 defense and sp.defense, stealth moves and hiding take less energy)
Mentioning it in passing in the description is not the same as an explanation. Why does it lower Shino's defenses? You need a reason. It is approvable aside from that, but yeah.
His training stressed the importance of speed and stealth, almost completely ignoring defenses against attacks.
As for me:
[Reshef] Shinx (M) <Intimidate> +Old TM Counter to [Reshef] Luxio (M) <Intimidate> +Old TM Counter 2 exp
[Ghost in the Machine] Porygon (X) <Download> to [Ghost in the Machine] Porygon2 (X) <Download> 2 exp + Up-Grade
[Adonis] Ekans (M) <Shed Skin> to [Adonis] Arbok (M) <Shed Skin> 2 exp, 2 exp
Shino [Nincada] Male
Coumpound Eyes
Body Mod: Ninja Training
Shino was born in a highly trained and strict society of ninja-like Ninjask and Nincada. From an early age, he was surrounded by older pokémon becoming ninjas, and he soon entered training himself. His training stressed the importance of speed and stealth, almost completely ignoring defenses against attacks. By the time the ASB League caught him, he had been trained rather well into a good ninja, exhibiting stealth and speed uncanny for an unevolved nincada, and yet his resistance to attacks was unusually low...
Effects: Whenever Shino uses a move requiring stealth or quietness, the move is done with 2% less energy. He is also able to hide and camoflauge himself more easily than normal, so any sort of order to do something like that requires less time to execute. His speed also gains a boost of +1. On the downside, however, Shino's defenses are rather low, lowering his Special Defence and Defence each by -2.
(+1 speed, -2 defense and sp.defense, stealth moves and hiding take less energy)
[Khao] Cyndaquil (Male) $10
[Ventus] Taillow (Female) $7
[Retsurai] Shinx (Male) $7
Ability: Intimidate
[Garnet] Staryu (N/A) $7
Ability: Illuminate
[Aqua] Buizel (Female) $10
Ability: Swift Swim
Total is $41.
Spiritomb isn't genderless.