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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

For the third time,
[Florence] Bulbasaur (f) $10
Ability: overgrow
[Medium] Psyduck (m) $10
Ability: damp
[Grizzle] Teddiursa (m) $15
Ability: quick feet
$35 in total.
Approved, but in the future do not edit your bank post more than an hour after the original was made. Just repost.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Random question... why is Spiritomb only rarity 5?? It's one of the hardest Pokémon to get in the games. Seems like it would fit better as an 8, or at least 7.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Pokémon rarities are determined by their base capture rate. Spiritomb's base capture rate is pretty large, so it is grouped with the rarity fives.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Oh. I didn't realize they were just based on the base capture rates; I figured that it had something to do with the method needed to get one, or actual rarity in-game.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Buying a Pokemon:

[Kumai] Teddiursa (f)
Ability: Quick Feet
Move Mod: None.
Body Mod: None.

Bank link
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

[Forest] Treeko (Male)

Ability: Overgrow

Move Mod: None

Body Mod: Rain Forest

Because Forest was born in a rain forest instead of a normal forest, he has become stronger against fire types than he normally would be. He has also become so used to the amount of rain in the rain forest, he has learned a few water-type moves. Forest is also able to stay underwater longer than usual. To blend in with his surroundings, his skin has turned an blue-green, and it has become wet.

Effects: Since Forest's skin is moist, fire-type attacks do 5% less damage than usual. Grass-type moves do 5% more damage, though. Being a different color than usual, attacks' accuracy is increased by 10%. Forest is able to use surf, rain dance, watergun, and aquatail. Because Forest is not naturally able to use them, these attacks are 10% less damaging than usual.

Money: $10

[Rayne] Totodile (Female)

Ability: Torrent

Move Mod:

Body Mod: None

Money: $25

Bank Link
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

It's probably best if you wait to get your team approved first before trying for signature moves or body mods.

The mod on your treecko has a few problems. First of all, the water attacks that you picked don't make a great deal of sense given the background. Living in a rainforest doesn't necessarily expose you to tons of standing water--it's not like you're going to learn how to hold your breath longer by getting rained on (talking about his heightened ability to stay underwater). Similarly, while rain dance makes sense, surf and water gun don't really because being wet a lot doesn't really link to being able to manipulate waves or produce water from inside your body. Aqua tail is kind of borderline. Either explain how Forest learned these moves, specifically, or pick some that one could expect to develop naturally as a result of living in a wet, rainy environment, such as water sport. Finally, while you do need some sort of drawback for learning these moves, lopping 10% off their damage is a bit too much--these attacks are rarely going to do much more than that under ordinary circumstances, meaning that a fair amount of the time you're going to be doing 2% or less damage with any of them, making them pretty useless. A better alternative might be to have Forest forget some moves to "pay for" his new attacks instead.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Um, OK. Sorry.

[Forest] Treeko (Male)

Ability: Overgrow

Move Mod: None

Body Mod: None

Money: $10

[Rayne] Totodile (Female)

Ability: Torrent

Move Mod:

Body Mod: None

Money: $25

Bank Link

Do I have to make a new bank link?
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Yay, new team time~

[Tock] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia
Price: $5

[Boo] Gastly (M)
Ability: Levitate
Price: $10

[Maestro] Kricketot (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
Price: $5

[Spross] Hoppip (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Price: $5

[Mei] Pachirisu (F)
Ability: Run Away
Price: $7

[Anthy] Bulbasaur (F)
Ability: Overgrow
Price: $10 (that new trainer discount thing on starters?)

Bank Post

That brings the total to... $42?
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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Yay, new team time~

[Tock] Hoothoot (M)
Ability: Insomnia
Price: $5

[Boo] Gastly (M)
Ability: Levitate
Price: $10

[Maestro] Kricketot (M)
Ability: Shed Skin
Price: $5

[Spross] Hoppip (F)
Ability: Chlorophyll
Price: $5

[Mei] Pachirisu (F)
Ability: Run Away
Price: $7

[Anthy] Bulbasaur (F)
Ability: Overgrow
Price: $10 (that new trainer discount thing on starters?)

Bank Post

That brings the total to... $42?
Team approved.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

And so it continues...

Weedle (F)
Item: Muscle Band
Signature Move: Slingshot String
Like any member of her species, Weedle is able to spit incredibly strong, sticky string at high speeds to envelop foes. Unlike most other weedle, however, Weedle is also adept at retracting the string that she spits, allowing her to fire a string at some distant point in the arena and then shoot along it much faster than her little legs could otherwise motor her. With her usual ill-tempered determination, Weedle trained long and hard, honing her ability to not only zoom around the arena by way of ziplines but also adapt to using the attack to bring the terrain to her. By bracing her sticky feet and retracting a string that she has just shot, Weedle can pull other pokémon or objects towards her at high speed, catching foes off-balance or turning a terrain feature into an impromptu blow to the back of the head for an annoying opponent.
Type: Bug / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Single / Energy: 3%
Effects: Weedle spits a strong, quick burst of string shot at a target and then sucks the strength back into her mouth, either pulling herself towards the target or the target towards her. However, because weedle's little bug-feet and small stature don't provide much leverage, she can exert at most 35 lbs of force this way, making her unable to drag targets that weigh more than that. This attack is very quick to perform and counts as a priority one attack, like quick attack or sucker punch.
Usage Gap: 5 actions
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Buyin' some more Pokémon...

[SWARM] Ledyba (♀)
Ability: Swarm

[Mr. Popo] Drifloon (♂)
Ability: Aftermath

Cost: $18

Bank post here
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Re: Pokémon Registration Office

And so it continues...

Weedle (F)
Item: Muscle Band
Signature Move: Slingshot String
Like any member of her species, Weedle is able to spit incredibly strong, sticky string at high speeds to envelop foes. Unlike most other weedle, however, Weedle is also adept at retracting the string that she spits, allowing her to fire a string at some distant point in the arena and then shoot along it much faster than her little legs could otherwise motor her. With her usual ill-tempered determination, Weedle trained long and hard, honing her ability to not only zoom around the arena by way of ziplines but also adapt to using the attack to bring the terrain to her. By bracing her sticky feet and retracting a string that she has just shot, Weedle can pull other pokémon or objects towards her at high speed, catching foes off-balance or turning a terrain feature into an impromptu blow to the back of the head for an annoying opponent.
Type: Bug / Accuracy: 100% / Target: Single / Energy: 3%
Effects: Weedle spits a strong, quick burst of string shot at a target and then sucks the strength back into her mouth, either pulling herself towards the target or the target towards her. However, because weedle's little bug-feet and small stature don't provide much leverage, she can exert at most 35 lbs of force this way, making her unable to drag targets that weigh more than that. This attack is very quick to perform and counts as a priority one attack, like quick attack or sucker punch.
Usage Gap: 5 actions

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