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Pokémon Registration Office

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Re: Pokémon Registration Office


My new revised team:

[N/A] Chimchar (male starter)-$10

Body Mod: If it encounters another Fire type, its attack will raise by 2 for the rest of the battle or until it faints. It can't be Baton Passed, can't be lowered, but it can be raised.

Move Mod: none

[N/A] Lapras (f) Ability: Water Absorb

Body Mod: none
Move Mod: none

[N/A] Gastly (m)

Body and move mod: none for both.

If anyone approves my team, that person has the option to add the previous 2 Pokemon from my last team that was never approved.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office


My new revised team:

[N/A] Chimchar (male starter)-$10

Body Mod: If it encounters another Fire type, its attack will raise by 2 for the rest of the battle or until it faints. It can't be Baton Passed, can't be lowered, but it can be raised.

Move Mod: none

[N/A] Lapras (f) Ability: Water Absorb

Body Mod: none
Move Mod: none

[N/A] Gastly (m)

Body and move mod: none for both.

If anyone approves my team, that person has the option to add the previous 2 Pokemon from my last team that was never approved.

First off, the bank post you linked to doesn't work. And for body mods, you have to give an explanation for how and why the stuff works. For example, is Chimchar fiercely competitive, and can't stand to lose to other Fire-types?

And the previous two Pokemon can't be added unless you have the cash to pay for them, which well, you don't.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Ah, sorry for the double post, but I just got Twiggy's return message...

[Tutu] Pichu (M) -$10
Ability: Static
Body mod: none
Move mod: none
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Yes he is. And I'll try again. And my Lapras and Gastly is part of my team. Just so you know. Here's my link. http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=351217&postcount=217 and this time, it works. I tested it.

Alright, I really hate to drag this on, but you have to repost all the information - Pokemon species, gender, bank post, etc. Also, you need to follow the proper formatting and stuff for Chimchar's signature attribute - take another look at the rules thread. It should be near the bottom of the first post.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Arragh! it's way too complicated! Just to end it, Chimchar won't have any attributes. Here's the link:http://dragonflycave.com/forums/showpost.php?p=351217&postcount=217

[N/A] Chimchar (m) Ability: Blaze-$10 (This is my starter Pokemon)

Body Mod: none
Move mod: none

[N/A] Lapras (f) Nature: Water Absorb-$25

Body Mod: none
Move Mod: none

[N/A] Gastly (m) Ability: Levitate-$10

Body Mod: none
Move Mod: none

Bank link needs to link to the buying post.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Well, I never made a buying post. but I'll do it now.
I'll buy:
Chimchar (starter)-$10

And just so you know, that was the buying post. Or not.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Well, I never made a buying post. but I'll do it now.
I'll buy:
Chimchar (starter)-$10

And just so you know, that was the buying post. Or not.

The one I quoted was a buying post. But now you'll have to repost, with all the information, and include a link.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I would like to purchase a Vulpix, an Evee, and a Chickorita please.

That will use all of my $45.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

I would like to purchase a Vulpix, an Evee, and a Chickorita please.

That will use all of my $45.

You don't seem to have made a post in the Bank. Your purchase needs to link to the transaction you made.

Also, you need to choose genders and, where applicable, abilities for your Pokemon. I'm assuming you don't want nicknames?
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Does this include the buying stuff or should I just post the information only? And does the link has to be the buying post or the ASB account?

Looking at an approved post or the instructions would be immensely helpful.

Fine, let's walk you through the whole process, to clear up any confusion.

First, you make a purchase post in this thread. This will include all of your pokemon's information, following the format at the beginning of this thread. You can include the prices of the individual pokemon to make it easier for the approvers, but it doesn't change anything else if you do. Copy the direct link to the purchase post.

Purchase Post said:
Chimchar (m) Ability: Blaze

Lapras (f) Nature: Water Absorb

Gastly (m) Ability: Levitate

Then you make a transaction post in the Bank of TCoD. Link to the purchase post somewhere and do the 45 minus whatever you spent there. Copy the direct link to the transaction post.

Transaction Post said:
(link to purchase post, creative phrase optional)

45 - 45 - $0

Go back to the purchase post you just made. Edit in the transaction post link.

Purchase Post said:
Chimchar (m) Ability: Blaze

Lapras (f) Nature: Water Absorb

Gastly (m) Ability: Levitate

(link to transaction post, special words or sentences optional)

All of these will be reposts rather than editing any post you've done before now.
Re: Pokémon Registration Office

Buying an Abra for Lars The Turtwigs Birthday.

[Leaf] Abra (M)
Ability: Synchronize
Body Mod: None
Move Mod: None

$7 i think


To those of you struggling with the approval process: yes, please do look at examples. Like this one. Click the links in posts people have made that have been approved, see what they link to and how they were formatted, and then make your own new posts that do the exact same thing. It really isn't that difficult.


[Aqua] Eevee (F) <Run Away> (how could I possibly have forgotten her?)
[Force Majeure] Eevee (M) <Adaptability>
[Die Hand die Verletzt] Shuckle (F) <Gluttony>
[Fisticuffs] Tyrogue (M) <Guts>
[Rhaetulus] Pinsir (M) <Mold Breaker>
[Sanjakubo] Seedot (M) <Chlorophyll>

and a water stone, leaf stone and thunderstone.

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