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Pokemon X/Y

Well, wasn't the guy talking about "the latest" CoroCoro? That'd be the one that Serebii is posting about right now, wouldn't it? So far nothing like that appears to have been leaked; closest is the movie mewtwo distribution. If someone has their hands on the latest CoroCoro and hasn't posted about omgsylveonisflying or omgtraintorkoal yet, then it probably isn't in there at all. I mean, I suppose it's possible the info might appear in the next issue, but...

...although yes, train torkoal would be really awesome.
I believe what was meant that Dragon and Steel-types should be less ridiculously awesome, though I wouldn't say no to having more of them.
I'd like a girafarig evo, a pinsir evo that is bug/rock, more ghost (type with the lowest amount of pokemon, only 28, which I am thinking that a family=1 pokemon.) and ice pokemon, more unique type combos..

and less Dragon, Steel and Water pokemon. (there are 111 water pokemon oh my goodness.)
I'd like a girafarig evo, a pinsir evo that is bug/rock, more ghost (type with the lowest amount of pokemon, only 28, which I am thinking that a family=1 pokemon.) and ice pokemon, more unique type combos..

and less Dragon, Steel and Water pokemon. (there are 111 water pokemon oh my goodness.)

By your standards, I think Steel only has 24 pokemon ... so we need more Steel pokemon, please. (my favorite type)

Also Dragon has 20. Unless I'm doing this wrong. :(
When Gen 5 was first released in Japan, I thought Golurk was going to be Ghost/Steel. For some reason I really want that type combination!

Also, I'd like for poison-type to not be terrible. A poison-type legendary might also be nice?
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