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Open PokéNinjas the Second

Re: PokéNinjas the Second

(Yay, you're here, MxCxE ^^;; so far we have the desert to ourselves... anyone else want a desert character? Oh, and go ahead and post for now... It looks good to me, but if Darksong says you need to change something, you can fix it later.)

Mera flew over the border and toward the great desert city, landing as she reached it. She walked toward the palace and bowed in front of a larger Flygon, who was dressed in a ceremonial cloth.
"Mother, I have news to report. The Sky Village is preparing an assault on the Legendary Trio."
Anila grinned. "This is perfect! Now is the chance for us to be able to take care of two birds with one stone. Find a small group of warriors, Mera. I would like you and your sister to lead a group to join their battle the legendaries. But... On their last one, make sure the Skies don't survive the encounter..."
"As you wish, mother," Mera replied. She then walked out and headed toward the village square.
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Re: PokéNinjas the Second


Cindersis listened as Clawx lectured her on a mistake she just made.
"Really, Cindy, you don't go bumping into someone's cart of apples because you were distracted by young, handsome Gabite. Pay more attention; Ninjas don't trip over their own feet into someone's apple cart," Clawx said, using his private nickname for Cindersis. Both of them were in the village square, and she had bumped into an old Hippowdon while distracted by a Gabite she had seen from time-to-time, knocking his goods across the sandy floor. As Cindersis picked them up, Clawx apologized to the Hippowdon, who replied by snorting and walking off.
"I'm sorry, Clawx Sensei. It will never happen again," The Cubone apologized, looking shamefully at the floor. Suddenly, Clawx's growl made her head snap up and she saw the one of the two Flygon sisters, Mera, walk into the square. "What does she want?" He pouted; Cindersis rolled her eyes, but not before she made sure the Sandslash didn't see. He still thought one of the Flygons was his mate's killer, even though they were loyal to their village. Clawx always pointed out that Anila left the Sky Village and even attacked them, and they used to be her old friends. She could do the same to them, and why not start out on a beautiful Sandslash, he always said.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Mera smiled pleasantly at the citizens in the square, then began an announcement. "As ordered by Queen Anila, I am looking for volunteers to join me on a quest. We are to join the Sky Village in defeating, once and for all, the Legendaries that have plagued this region for so long. Who is interested in coming? Note that if I do not have enough volunteers, I will have to select members myself."
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Clawx smiled, looking back down at his student. "Hear that, Cindersis? How about we go? The Skies could use our help, and I think you could use the training," He offered. The chance was too good to refuse.
"Yes, Clawx Sensei!" Cindersis said, excited.
Clawx's thoughts turned to Lara-Su. "Well, if we do go, I need a babysitter for Larie.." He mumbled, only to be interupted by his student. "Wakei could take care of her. She loves children," Cindersis said, knowing how much her sister adored little kids. Wakei also had a crush on her sister's sensei a bit, so she'd be delighted to care for Lara-Su, no doubt about it.
Clawx nodded, stepping forward. "Mera, Cindersis and I will go with you," He announced. Cindersis blushed as she saw the Gabite look in her direction, surprised and almost as if he admired the Cubone for fighting with the Skies against Legendary Pokemon.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Can I join?

Name: Taslk
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Species: Linoone
Village: Desert
Rank/Occupation: Ninja
Personality: Taslk is a calm and collected, even in times of great stress. A heartless killer, Taslk will do anything for food and money. However, she would rather kill herself than betray her old sensei, Anila the Flygon.
History: Taslk has been trained to be a ninja since birth. Because of that, she is very fast and agile, and she can blend into any surroundings with ease.
Appearance: A regular Linoone, complete with brown stripes and cream fur that helps her blend into the desert.
Other: Former student of Anila.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

(I don't see why you couldn't ;) Welcome aboard!)

Mera walked over to Clawx and Cindersis. "Ah, nice. It'll be good experience for your student, Clawx." She nodded, with a bit of a toothy grin. "One more person would be good. Anyone else?"
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Taslk grinned. Finally, a chance to show the Sky Village what the Desert Ninjas are made of. She walked out of the shadows and stood in front of Mera.

"I will join," the Linoone said, bowing deeply, "Anything for our great Sensei Anila."
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Mera turned to Taslk. "All right then, there's no time to waste. My sister, Kali, is still on a scouting mission, in Sky territory. We have to meet up with her before she's discovered. Let's be on our way." The Flygon began to fly overhead, back on the path toward the sky village, watching to make sure the others kept up.
Avandala nodded. "Please, let us proceed then. What do we know about the first of our targets, Groudon?"
Kali remained quietly perched, watching the Sky ninjas as they entered the office of their leader. She counted how many, and who entered, recognizing a few of them, though not all.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

((Must... Make... Another.... Character....

Name: Ride
Gender: Male
Age: 33
Species: Breloom
Village: Desert
Rank/Occupation: Healer
Personality: Ride is quite an optimist and full of energy, unlike traditional healers. He is usually bouncing around and hyper, but is quite serious and calm when it comes to doing his job -- healing. He really doesn't mind fights and battles that much, and is actually quite willing to fight alongside the ninjas.
History: Ride was born and raised in Desert Village, and had been interested in herbs and plants for as long as he can remember. He grew up to be a healer, and is very good with herbal medicine and all sorts of poisons.
Appearance: Ride is a sort of faded green-blue color instead of the usual Breloom olive green. He blames it on spending too much time with weird herbs and plants.
Other: Ride has a special ability to find plants in every place possible. He calls this skill "the mandatory skill needed for every desert medic".

rawr? ))

Taslk nodded and ran, keeping herself in the Flygon's shadow at all times. Her brown and cream colors blended into the desert easily. If anyone looked, the only thing they will see is a small cloud of dust under the Flygon. It was the first thing Taslk learned: hide at all times. Even when an attack is unlikely, it is better to be safe and sorry.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

(hehe, nah, we still have more skies than deserts... and still only 3 people have chosen to make desert characters, compared to 6 making sky characters)
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

((Actually, Desert is still behind but both are needed for the plot.
EDIT: Gah, Post-Poké-Ninja'd))

Arcta looked at Rose. "You're sure you're ready for this?"

"Of course!" Rose cried. She stood still and tall, trying to look fearsome.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Clawx smiled back at Mera, although it was a fake smile. He stole off after the Flygon as she rose into the air. Cindersis ran off after her sensei and respected ninja, nodding a welcome to Taslk. She looked behind her at the Gabite, almost tripping again. He tipped his head back and laughed a lighthearted laugh that meant no offense, and none was taken. Cindersis regained with footing and sped after Clawx Sensei.
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Mera sighed and continued to look ahead. Everyone knew Clawx was still bitter over what happened to his mate, and normally she just tried to not let it get in the way of business. As she entered back into Sky territory, she landed on the ground and turned back to the rest of the group. "All right, wait here. I'm going to go grab my sister. If we're not back within 10 minutes, go on without us..."
Re: PokéNinjas the Second

Ride was strolling around in the desert looking for some herbs when he saw the group of Pokemon coming from afar. Flygons! Sweet! He grinned to himself. Flygons always meant business. Ride wondered about what they are up to. Well, it never hurts to ask! The Breloom walked towards the group, his hands held high to show that he meant no harm. You never know with ninjas these days.

"So... What's up?" Ride asked cheerfully.

Taslk stayed buried under the sand and eyed the Breloom. No point showing herself; the Flygons would deal with it.
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