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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Purpose of Living?

I live because I want to learn things that interest me, and I can't do that if I'm dead. I want to love and be loved, and I can't do that if I'm dead. I only get one chance to do anything! I am small and insignificant and I really, really like that because it means I have no purpose. I don't have to do anything. I am not obliged to do anything unless I set those obligations myself. I have complete choice of what I want to do!

But if I'm dead, all I can do is not-exist; I don't have free will and I can't choose anything, and I won't even be able to think about the choices I could have had. I won't even be able to lament my non-existence. I won't even be a me anymore.

Even if life is only going to get worse from this point, isn't it still better than death? At least if things are terrible I can observe and think about things and still keep my sanity. If I can still think with free will, that is still better than being dead, because I can't even think if I'm dead. Something terrible is still better than absolutely nothing.
Life really has no given meaning, and is, frankly, quite boring. However, you can, and are usually forced to, use life to create great things. Or, kill others, if that's how you roll.

I am an agnostic atheist who believes in what is essentially positive nihilism. I don't think there is any meaning or purpose to life, but I don't think this is a bad thing. As cheesy as it sounds, life is what you make it. You have to give your life meaning.

So, uh, basically this. (except how are you an agnostic atheist?)
(except how are you an agnostic atheist?)

Otherwise known as 'weak atheism'. A breakdown:

Strong Atheist: "No f*cking way there's any supernatural anything. Its not logically sound, and will never happen. Ever. I mean, what kind of ignorant spaz believes in a big magical dude in robes in the sky? Wtf?"
Weak Atheist/Agnostic Atheist: "There's probably not a god. So. Moving on. Like Douglas Adam said (truncated) isn't it enough to admire the garden without imagining fairies running around it? "
Weak Theist/Agnostic Theist: "There might be a god. I think its socially/mentally beneficial, so why not assume as much?"
Strong Theist: "Of course there's a f*cking Goddess! She comes out and enacts Her divine will in all of us, and whoever says She doesn't exist is an ignorant douche who is not invited to my Full Moon rituals."

I think I got carried away with the comments. XD
For people who are saying death is boring. It's not, case it's not anything. Death is nothing and you feel nothing cause you are nothing. Your mind, what makes you who you are, is gone so how can you interpret anything as boring? Hell, how can you interpret anything at all? You're dead.

Enjoy it while you can, that's what I say.

And SomeGuy I qualify as a "strong atheist" I guess, I mean according to Eloi's little setup.
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good grief, you guys. have you never heard of snark. >:C)
I throw serious at your snark. >:]

Usually I do the inverse of that.

An aside: I think I'm going to continue believing in the soul and immortality/reincarnation of/for all humans for extremely personal reasons. Does anybody else believe in somesort of continuity of consciousness even if not believing in a deity?
My purpose of life is currently to make a bacon enchilada.
I don't really have a longstanding purpose in life. I just live because it's fun. And every once in a while I decide that I really want to do something, and until I do it I become creative and smart and I do stuff instead of lazing around,so that I may get to my goal, and than I complete my current goal in life and become lazy again until I find another one.

Mm, bacon enchilada.
Otherwise known as 'weak atheism'. A breakdown:

Strong Atheist: "No f*cking way there's any supernatural anything. Its not logically sound, and will never happen. Ever. I mean, what kind of ignorant spaz believes in a big magical dude in robes in the sky? Wtf?"
Weak Atheist/Agnostic Atheist: "There's probably not a god. So. Moving on. Like Douglas Adam said (truncated) isn't it enough to admire the garden without imagining fairies running around it? "
Weak Theist/Agnostic Theist: "There might be a god. I think its socially/mentally beneficial, so why not assume as much?"
Strong Theist: "Of course there's a f*cking Goddess! She comes out and enacts Her divine will in all of us, and whoever says She doesn't exist is an ignorant douche who is not invited to my Full Moon rituals."

I think I got carried away with the comments. XD

Ahhhhhh no.

Agnostic atheists have no belief in god, but don't think we can ever truly know. Non-agnostic atheists have no belief in god, but do think we can truly know, at some point. In practice there really isn't much of a difference.
life is pretty boring too not gonna lie. go to school, eat a crappy burger, surf the internet.

here's someone that's clearly not making enough of their life. there's the whole wide world of options before you????

for the record, I agree with Harle
Usually I do the inverse of that.

An aside: I think I'm going to continue believing in the soul and immortality/reincarnation of/for all humans for extremely personal reasons. Does anybody else believe in somesort of continuity of consciousness even if not believing in a deity?
Not really. Because if your soul goes on, there's no point in pursuing what you want with all you have because "there's always the next one".

For me, anyway.
here's someone that's clearly not making enough of their life. there's the whole wide world of options before you????

for the record, I agree with Harle
i didn't mean to imply it was my life? regardless, it seems to be the life of basically everyone.

what such options? go to work, come home, eat a late dinner, go to sleep.
i didn't mean to imply it was my life? regardless, it seems to be the life of basically everyone.

what such options? go to work, come home, eat a late dinner, go to sleep.

Yeah, but you're missing out the crucial middle step that is watch Doctor Who.
what such options? go to work, come home, eat a late dinner, go to sleep.

You could travel. You could enjoy your job. You could go to a club and go dancing. Play music. Write poetry. Anything, you know.

I would kill self if I had a boring 9 to 5 job.
The purpose in life is to have fun, invent awesome shit that helps civilization, and create the next generation.

Also the meaning of life is 42.
Legendaryseeker99 said:
Also the meaning of life is 42.

whhyyyy does everyone misquote this ; ;

42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. without the question, it has no meaning. that's the whole joke ; ;
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