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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Rate the Signature above you!

(Which one are you talking about? I got lke fifteen ones at random)

[blue spikey thing and pink circle thing, spunky's brain soup comment]


[spunky, which one are you talking about? my MLP gifs, or my blinking pikachu, or my banner?]


I like Kirby. =D
{Spunky, you have to tell me which ones you are talking about}


Magikarps do notjump. They flop
WHat do you mean?

Well, quite frankly, you have the froyo quote I got from Ever through VM.
Moreso, you have the brain soup thingy Mystic asked for from Spunky.
And you have the tree stump one Aura has from someone else.
Can you explain why this is, exactly?

Anywho, score remains 4/10.
/\ because I have a layout with 1 quote, 1 popart gif, my links, and other quotes.
And I especially like those quotes. Is there some rule about quoting?

The flashing spirograph is really distracting and makes me really dizzy.

Pokemania is nice and all, but I mean, this is a Pokemon Forum. I think that just Pokemania alone isn't any particular reason to be friends. *shrug*
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