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Rate the Signature above you!


I'm not huge on the whole "Let's just put all my various test results in my signature!" thing.

I think your other one is better, but it would get even more points if it had a "==>" at the beginning of it.
7/10 Cool banner is cool, but I like everything centered, personally. And...O crap, I use a Bibarel as mah HM Slave.
8/10 Good friend quote is good. But the post from Spunky is kinda pointless?
3/10 Do we really need to see your quiz results? :/

I never really liked the "fish jump" phrase, and if you're trying to make a meme then it doesn't work like that. See this.
(It took me forever to figure that out, but it's worth it. :3 Now to figure out something for my A: TLA stuff!)


Huuuge scrollbar, but other than that it's very pretty. The one with geysers, I mean.

Anyway, Santa Blaz is blazheirio889. I love the Negrek reindeer quote. It was some kind of conversation - ask Star69.

Gopher (?) is funny, but that's about it.
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