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Rate the Signature above you!


It's nice and sweet and short, but ultimately bad grammar kind of kills it.
I like it (a lot) but it's a bit plain and the random capitalization of "will" is bothering me.

It doesn't scroll! Big plus! Thing is that some of those pictures are broken, which detract from the overall quality, y'know...

pretty banner!~
It scrolls, but... Points for Rango. Points for Butterfree quote.

woo hoo

(like I said before - it's randomized so yay for like six gifs and like ten quotes \o/)

why's it all the way on the right? Still, nice and simplistic.
It's still a teensy bit strange, but I felt bad in giving you 90%, so now you get full points! :)

scrollbar is there but it's minimal, so the signature just about fits. That quote is from the single best RP is the whole darned world, and the gif is amusing. The links are arranged all nice and cleanly, too.

sig is organized. i'm not a big fan of gifs in sig (i may have one though), but it isn't that bad. i am going to assume that is starfox. i've never played it, but i have at least heard of it.
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